  • Contributions to Developing a Science of Security - We will design and implement an evaluation process for assessing the effectiveness and impact of the Lablet's research and community development activities (McGowen, Stallings, & Wright).
  • Contributions to Security Science Research Methodology - We will examine both the impact of Lablet work on the maturity of the SoS field and the methodological rigor of the Lablet research projects themselves (McGowen, Carver).
  • Development of a Community of Practice for the Science of Security - We will develop methods to assess whether Lablet activities are contributing to the development of a sustainable community of practice for the SoS field (McGowen, Stallings, Carver, & Wright).
Lindsey McGowen
Performance Period: 03/17/2016 - 03/17/2017
Institution: NC State UniversityUniversity of Alabama