Analysis and Optimization of the Branch Prediction Unit of SweRV EH1

Multicore Computing Security - With the continuous improvement of processor performance requirements, technologies such as superscalar, deep pipeline, and multi-core which can improve instruction parallelism are frequently used. Under this technical background, branch prediction errors will increase the delay used to flush the pipeline and greatly reduce the performance of the processor. Therefore, for high-performance processors, branch predictors with high prediction accuracy are particularly important. Based on the open source RISC-V processor core SweRV EH1, this paper adopts two prediction predictors, the hybrid predictor, and the TAGE predictor to improve the prediction performance of the original processor. This paper uses the riscv-tests selfchecking test scheme to verify the instruction set of the optimized processor and completes the prototype verification on the Kintex7 KC705 FPGA. Based on PowerStone and CoreMark test programs, this paper separately evaluates the branch prediction performance and processor performance of the processor core with two kinds of branch predictors. Experiments show that the implementation of the hybrid predictor and the TAGE predictor respectively improves the branch prediction accuracy of PowerStone programs by 3.65\% and 3.39\%; the average branch prediction rate respectively reaches 85.98\% and 90.06\%. The performance of SweRV EH1 is respectively improved by 2.56\% and 5.43\%.

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Xiamen, China
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