Application of Natural Language Processing Using Cosine-Similarity Algorithm in Making Chatbot Information on the New Capital City of the Republic of Indonesia

Natural Language Processing - The new capital city (IKN) of the Republic of Indonesia has been ratified and inaugurated by President Joko Widodo since January 2022. Unfortunately, there are still many Indonesian citizens who do not understand all the information regarding the determination of the new capital city. Even though the Indonesian Government has created an official website regarding the new capital city ( the information is still not optimal because web page visitors are still unable to interact actively with the required information. Therefore, the development of the Chatting Robot (Chatbot) application is deemed necessary to become an interactive component in obtaining information needed by users related to new capital city. In this study, a chatbot application was developed by applying Natural Language Processing (NLP) using the Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF) method for term weighting and the Cosine-Similarity algorithm to calculate the similarity of the questions asked by the user. The research successfully designed and developed a chatbot application using the Cosine-Similarity algorithm. The testing phase of the chatbot model uses several scenarios related to the points of NLP implementation. The test results show that all scenarios of questions asked can be responded well by the chatbot.

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Depok, Indonesia
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