Binary Voting Protocol Using Quantum Secret Sharing

In a traditional voting system, voters have to reach the voting system to cast their votes. It is difficult for the elderly and for those living in remote localities to cast a vote. In the era of digital advancements, remote electronic voting has emerged as an efficient means of engaging citizens in decision-making processes. However, ensuring fairness and mitigating fraud in elections remain significant challenges. This research paper proposes a novel approach called Quantum Secret Sharing (QSS) combined with the quantum binary voting protocol, leveraging the capabilities of the IBM Quantum Experience platform. By incorporating established security features and introducing new criteria, this protocol aims to surpass the limitations of classical voting systems. The research involves the creation of communication circuits using IBM Quantum Experience and subsequent analysis through quantum state tomography. By integrating the principles of QSS and the quantum binary voting protocol, the proposed approach addresses the limitations of classical voting systems. The protocol satisfies the standards of traditional voting systems while introducing new criteria to overcome their shortcomings. Through the utilization of IBM Quantum Experience, secure communication circuits are established, and the outcomes are analyzed using quantum state tomography, ensuring the fairness and accuracy of the voting process. It integrates quantum cryptography, quantum communication, and classical cryptography techniques to create a robust and tamper-resistant voting protocol. By employing quantum superposition, the protocol enables voters to cast their votes in multiple states simultaneously, making it extremely difficult for a malicious person to intercept or alter individual votes. Furthermore, quantum entanglement ensures that any unauthorized attempt to measure or manipulate the quantum states would result in detectable changes, enhancing the overall security of the voting process.

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