A Brief Analysis on Security Threats for Intrusion Detection in Network Coding Enabled Small Cells

Network Coding - Network Coding (NC) enabled cellular networks can be penetrated by faulty packets that deviates the target nodes from decoding packets received. Even a little amount of pollution can be very quickly spread to remaining packets because of the resource exploitation at intermediary nodes. Numerous methods for protecting against data pollution attacks have been developed in the last few years. Another popular alternative is the Homomorphic Message Authentication Code (HMAC). Hackers can target HMAC by tampering with the end-of-packet tags, known as tag pollution assaults, in order to evade detection. To prevent data pollution and tag pollution assaults, a HMAC-based method can be used using two separate MAC tags. In the 5G wireless communication, small cells and collaborative networks have been extensively investigated. The use of network coding in wireless networks can increase throughput while consuming less power. Strong integrity procedures are essential for a coding environment to combat threats like pollution assaults and take full advantage of network coding. Latency and computation overhead can be reduced while maintaining security by modifying and optimising the existing integrity algorithms. This research focuses on analysing security threats in NC enabled small cells.

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Coimbatore, India
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