Detection of Selfish Nodes based on Node Energy in Mobile Adhoc Networks – MANETs

MANET Attack Detection - One of the most essential self-configuring and independent wireless networks is the MANET. MANET employs a large number of intermediate nodes to exchange information without the need for any centralized infrastructure. However, some nodes act in a selfish manner, utilizing the network's resources solely for their own benefit and refusing to share with the surrounding nodes. Mobile ad hoc network security is a critical factor that is widely accepted. Selfish nodes are the primary problem of MANET. In a MANET, nodes that are only interested in themselves do not involve in the process of packet forwarding. A node can be identified as selfish or malicious due to some misbehavior reasons. Selfishness on the part of network nodes may be a factor in the low delivery ratio of packets and data loss. A high end-to-end delay is caused by node failure in a MANET network. To study the selfish node attack, a malicious selfish node is put into the network, and a trust-based algorithm for the selfish node attack is also suggested. In order to discover a solution to this issue, we have developed an algorithm called SNRM for the detection of selfish nodes. The routing protocol used in this paper for analysis is AODV. Using a simulation tool, PDR and end-to-end delay are evaluated and compared.

Year of Publication
Conference Name
2022 International Conference on Automation, Computing and Renewable Systems (ICACRS)
Date Published
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