An Efficient and Accurate Encrypted Image Retrieval Scheme via Ball Tree

Nearest Neighbor Search - With the rise and development of cloud computing, more and more companies try to outsource computing and storage to cloud in order to save storage and computing cost. Due to the rich information contained in images, the explosion of images is booming the image outsourcing. However, images may contain a lot of sensitive information and cloud servers are always not trusted. Directly outsourcing may lead to data breaches and incur privacy and security concerns. This has partly led to renewed interest in privacy-preserving encrypted image retrieval. However, there are still many challenges, such as low search accuracy and inefficiency due to the hundreds of high dimensional features extracted from a single image and the large scale of images. To address these challenges, in this paper, we propose an efficient, scalable and privacy-preserving image retrieval scheme via ball tree. First, the pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model is employed to extract image feature vectors to improve search accuracy. Next, an encrypted ball tree is constructed by using Learning With Errors(LWE)based secure k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN) algorithm. Finally, we conduct comprehensive experiments on real-world datasets and give a brief security analysis. The results show that our scheme is practical in terms of security, accuracy, and efficiency.

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Xiamen, China
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