Evaluation of Network Security State of Industrial Control System Based on BP Neural Network

Network Control Systems Security - With the development of computer and network technology, industrial control systems are connecting with the Internet and other public networks in various ways, viruses, trojans and other threats are spreading to industrial control systems, industrial control system information security issues are becoming increasingly prominent. Under this background, it is necessary to construct the network security evaluation model of industrial control system based on the safety evaluation criteria and methods, and complete the safety evaluation of the industrial control system network according to the design scheme. Based on back propagation (BP) neural network’s evaluation of the network security status of industrial control system, this paper determines the number of neurons in BP neural network input layer, hidden layer and output layer by analyzing the actual demand, empirical equation calculation and experimental comparison, and designs the network security evaluation index system of industrial control system according to factors affecting industrial control safety, and constructs a safety rating table. Finally, by comparing the performance of BP neural network and multilinear regression to the evaluation of the network security status of industrial control system through experimental simulation, it can be found that BP neural network has higher accuracy for the evaluation of network security status of industrial control system.

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Jilin, China
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