Focus on New Test Cases in Continuous Integration Testing based on Reinforcement Learning

Measurement and Metrics Testing - In software regression testing, newly added test cases are more likely to fail, and therefore, should be prioritized for execution. In software regression testing for continuous integration, reinforcement learning-based approaches are promising and the RETECS (Reinforced Test Case Prioritization and Selection) framework is a successful application case. RETECS uses an agent composed of a neural network to predict the priority of test cases, and the agent needs to learn from historical information to make improvements. However, the newly added test cases have no historical execution information, thus using RETECS to predict their priority is more like ‘random’. In this paper, we focus on new test cases for continuous integration testing, and on the basis of the RETECS framework, we first propose a priority assignment method for new test cases to ensure that they can be executed first. Secondly, continuous integration is a fast iterative integration method where new test cases have strong fault detection capability within the latest periods. Therefore, we further propose an additional reward method for new test cases. Finally, based on the full lifecycle management, the ‘new’ additional rewards need to be terminated within a certain period, and this paper implements an empirical study. We conducted 30 iterations of the experiment on 12 datasets and our best results were 19.24\%, 10.67\%, and 34.05 positions better compared to the best parameter combination in RETECS for the NAPFD (Normalized Average Percentage of Faults Detected), RECALL and TTF (Test to Fail) metrics, respectively.

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Guangzhou, China
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