A Framework for Global Optimization of Linear Layers in SPN Block Ciphers

In this paper, we design a new framework that can utilize the current global optimization heuristics for solving the straight-line program (SLP) problem. We combine Paar1, Paar2, BP (Boyar-Peralta), BFI, RNBP (Random-Boyar Peralta), A1, A2, XZLBZ, and LWFWSW (backward search) state-of-the-art heuristics by taking the XOR (exclusive OR) count metrics into consideration. Thus, by using the proposed framework, optimal circuit implementations of a given diffusion (or linear) layer can be found with fewer XOR gate counts.

Year of Publication
Conference Name
2022 15th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptography (ISCTURKEY)
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