A Human-Machine Trust Model Integrating Machine Estimated Performance

The prediction of human trust in machines within decision-aid systems is crucial for improving system performance. However, previous studies have only measured machine performance based on its decision history, failing to account for the machine’s current decision state. This delay in evaluating machine performance can result in biased trust predictions, making it challenging to enhance the overall performance of the human-machine system. To address this issue, this paper proposes incorporating machine estimated performance scores into a human-machine trust prediction model to improve trust prediction accuracy and system performance. We also provide an explanation for how this model can enhance system performance.To estimate the accuracy of the machine’s current decision, we employ the KNN(K-Nearest Neighbors) method and obtain a corresponding performance score. Next, we report the estimated score to humans through the human-machine interaction interface and obtain human trust via trust self-reporting. Finally, we fit the trust prediction model parameters using data and evaluate the model’s efficacy through simulation on a public dataset. Our ablation experiments show that the model reduces trust prediction bias by 3.6\% and significantly enhances the overall accuracy of human-machine decision-making.

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