Malware Classification based on a Light-weight Architecture of CNN: MalShuffleNet

Malware Classification - Traditional methods of malware detection have difficulty in detecting massive malware variants. Malware detection based on malware visualization has been proved an effective method for identifying unknown malware variants. In order to improve the accuracy and reduce the detection time of above methods, a novel method for malware classification in a light-weight CNN architecture named MalshuffleNet is proposed. The model is customized based on ShuffleNet V2 by adjusting the numbers of the fully connected layer for adopting to malware classification. Empirical results on Malimg dataset indicate that our model achieves 99.03% in accuracy, and identify an unknown malware only taking 5.3 milliseconds on average.

Year of Publication
Conference Name
2022 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision, Image and Deep Learning & International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications (CVIDL & ICCEA)
Date Published
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