Mobility and Trust Aware Adaptive Location Aided Routing for MANETs

Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) are more susceptible to security threats due to the nature of openness and decentralized administration. Even though there exist several standard cryptography and encryption methods, they induce an additional computational and storage burden on the resource constrained mobile nodes in MANETs. To sort out this issue, this paper proposes a simple trust management mechanism called as Mobility and Trust Aware Adaptive Location Aided Routing (MTALAR). Initially, MTALAR founds the request zone whose sides are parallel to the line connecting the source and destination nodes. Next, the source node finds a trustworthy route through multi-hop nodes based on a new factor called as Mobile-Trust Factor (MTF). MTF is the combination of communication trust and mobility. Communication trust ensures a correct detection of malicious nodes and mobility ensures a proper protection for innocent nodes. After route discovery, the source node periodically measures the MTF of the multi-hop nodes through HELLO packets. Based on the obtained MTF values, the source node declares the corresponding node as malicious or not. Extensive simulations performed on the proposed method prove the superiority in the identification of malicious nodes.

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Hyderabad, India
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