Multiple Device Open Circuit Fault Diagnosis for Modified Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverters

Multiple Fault Diagnosis - In this article, fault detection (FD) method for multiple device open-circuit faults (OCFs) in modified neutral-point- clamped (NPC) inverters has been introduced using Average Current Park Vector (ACPV) algorithm. The proposed FD design circuit is loadindependent and requires only the converter 3- phase output current. The validity of the results has been demonstrated for OCF diagnostics using a 3-level inverter with one faulty switch. This article examines ACPV techniques for diagnosing multiple fault switches on the single-phase leg of 3-step NPC inverter. This article discusses fault tolerance for a single battery or inverter switch during a standard, active level 3 NPC inverter with connected neutral points. The primary goal here is to detect and locate open circuits in inverter switches. As a result, simulations and experiments are used to investigate and validate a FD algorithm based on a current estimator and two fault localization algorithms based on online adaptation of the space vector modulation (S VM) and the pulse pattern injection principle. This technique was efficiently investigated and provides three-stage modified NPC signature table that accounts for all possible instances of fault. The Matlab / S imulink software is used to validate the introduced signature table for the convergence of permanent magnet motors.

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Tirunelveli, India
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