Pending Interest Table (PIT) Performance Analysis in Named Data Networking on Palapa Ring Topology

Named Data Network Security - The concept of the internet in the future will prioritize content, by reducing delays in data transmission. Named Data Networking (NDN) is a content-based future internet concept that changes the paradigm of using IP. Inside the NDN router, there are three data structures, namely Content Store (CS), Pending Interest Table (PIT), and Forwarding Information Base (FIB). Pending Interest Table (PIT) contains a list of unfulfilled interests. This condition occurs when the node has not received a response after the interest forwarding process. Measurable and fast PIT performance is a challenge in Named Data Networks. In this study, we will try to do a simulation to measure and analyze the performance of PIT in NDN in the Palapa Ring topology. The research was conducted using the NDNSim simulator, to see the performance in the PIT. The simulation and analysis of the results show that the granularity of a prefix has an effect on In Satisfied Interest in an NDN network. At the number of interests of 100, the result obtained from the simulation is that there is a decrease in the percentage of interest data served, amounting to more than 20\%. At the amount of interest in 1000 about more than 30\%. The length of the prefix and the number of interest sent by the consumer affect the performance of the PIT, seen from the number of In Satisfied Interests.

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Lombok, Indonesia
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