Quantum Cryptography with Photon Polarization and Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

In this modern era, most cryptographic algorithms work on a basic principle to split integers into their primes. But the problem is that mathematics is also evolving at a very fast pace along with computing power so it is now more vulnerable to decryption, for example, one-way functions can be easily reversed along with factoring big integers. So, to solve this issue Quantum Physics gets involved with cryptography which further led to the concept of Quantum Cryptography. Quantum Cryptography is one of the fastest-growing technology in computer science. So, this paper is more focused on Quantum Cryptography technology and how it can be used to make our modern cryptographic era safeguard from top to bottom procedure related to getting more secure Key-transfer. This paper s scope is to cover all the vulnerabilities of the current cryptosystem, the uses of this technology in the real-world scenario, the limitations when used in real-world situations, and also what will be the future of Quantum Cryptography and the path it should head towards. We have tried to use tools and protocols which is modified to use the quantum key transfer by which the user s using it will not have access to each other s personal information, instead of sharing any private or public key in advance, we transfer an unordered quantum transmission which consists of a very little flash of polarized light.

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