Research on iOS Remote Security Access Technology Based on Zero Trust

Under the situation of regular epidemic prevention and control, teleworking has gradually become a normal working mode. With the development of modern information technologies such as big data, cloud computing and mobile Internet, it's become a problem that how to build an effective security defense system to ensure the information security of teleworking in complex network environment while ensuring the availability, collaboration and efficiency of teleworking. One of the solutions is Zero Trust Network(ZTN), most enterprise infrastructures will operate in a hybrid zero trust/perimeter-based mode while continuing to invest in IT modernization initiatives and improve organization business processes. In this paper, we have systematically studied the zero trust principles, the logical components of zero trust architecture and the key technology of zero trust network. Based on the abstract model of zero trust architecture and information security technologies, a prototype has been realized which suitable for iOS terminals to access enterprise resources safely in teleworking mode.

Year of Publication
Conference Name
2022 IEEE 6th Information Technology and Mechatronics Engineering Conference (ITOEC)
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