Research on Web Components and Fingerprint Intelligent Mining Methods

Nearest Neighbor Search - Web component fingerprint library is the basis to solve the problem of Web component identification. A complete and accurate Web component fingerprint library can effectively improve the Web component identification capability. At present, the expansion mode of Web component fingerprint database is still mainly based on expert experience for manual mining, which is difficult to expand and update. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a method to efficiently extend the Web component fingerprint library. To solve this problem, an intelligent method for mining Web components and fingerprints is proposed. This method uses the idea of manual mining new components for reference, and uses the search result characteristics of Web components in search engines to intelligently mine new Web components. At the same time, the fingerprint of Web components can be obtained automatically through data mining on the websites where new components are applied. The experimental results show that 22 new components and 102 component fingerprints have been found in a short time by using intelligent mining methods, which can efficiently mine Web components and fingerprints. Compared with the current mainstream manual mining methods, the efficiency of this method is greatly improved, which proves the feasibility of this method.

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Shanghai, China
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