Revisiting Centrifugal Confinement for high Temperature Plasmas

Traditional magnetic mirrors are appealing because of their comparably simple geometry which lends itself to cost-effective construction. However, magnetic mirrors suffer from several inherent problems that make them poor choices for confining and heating plasmas. The chief concerns are the loss-cone instability which continuously saps hot particles from the trap and the interchange instability which effectively transports hot plasma from the core of the trap to the edges where it is lost to the walls. Centrifugal confinement schemes address these concerns with the addition of supersonic poloidal rotation which can effectively shut off the loss-cone. In addition, velocity shear in the flow may mitigate or even turn off the interchange instability if high enough rotation speeds can be achieved. Previous experiments have verified the efficacy of centrifugal confinement but have been unable to achieve sufficient rotation velocities to entirely shut down the interchange modes. [1] The rotation velocity in these experiments was limited by the Critical-Ionization-Velocity (CIV) instability. [3] We plan an experiment to verify that the CIV is the limiting factor in supersonic plasma centrifuges and to explore strategies for avoiding the CIV limit and achieving sufficient rotation speeds to enable stable plasma confinement.

Year of Publication
Conference Name
2022 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS)
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