A Survey Study of Social Media User Awareness Towards Personal Identifiable Information s Data Security in Indonesian Millennial Generation

Online Social Network is a network communication platform where users have profiles that can be uniquely identified by the content sent. This content can be produced, consumed, and interacted with by other users. To connect with other users on social media, users must register by providing Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to social media platforms. PII is specific information that can identify or track individuals directly. This specific information may include your name, address, social security number, or other identifying code numbers such as telephone numbers, email addresses, and others. Personal identifiable information leakage is a problem in data security. Basically, every individual does not want their personal data to be known by anyone. Utilizing a sample size of 50 respondents, this study aims to ascertain the percentage of individuals who are aware of PII security on social media. This research will use quantitative methods by distributing questionnaires. The questionnaire in this study uses a social media attribute design. The results of the survey indicate that many respondents are unaware of the security of their data and have a limited understanding of how their personal data is managed by technology companies, particularly the 80\% of non-IT respondents.

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