SWARM: Sanitizer With Attendance through Remote Monitoring

With Covid19 being endemic, it is very essential to continue proper physical hygiene protocols even today to avoid escalation. To ensure hygiene inside educational institutions, many governing bodies-imposed protocols to insist students wear hand gloves and facemasks. Such an implementation, however, has increased surgical waste in and around educational institutions, and also there is a rise in allergies due to the constant use of hand gloves by the students. Hence, a prototype of a hand sanitization-based attendance monitoring system has been proposed in the current research paper. This proposed sanitizer with attendance through remote monitoring (SWARM) uses Raspberry Pi devices to capture the image of a student’s identity card holding the registration number and through a bar code analysis module of computer vision, the ID number is extracted. This ID number is compared with a master attendance file to mark the students’ presence and then the updated file is shared with the concerned teacher via email. Such a setup is installed in the laboratory premise, thereby reducing the unnecessary use and disposal of surgical waste within the educational premise.

Year of Publication
Conference Name
2022 International Conference on Distributed Computing, VLSI, Electrical Circuits and Robotics ( DISCOVER)
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