Toward Enabling Self-Protection in the Service Mesh of the Microservice Architecture

The service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer in a microservice architecture. It manages service-to-service communication within an application between decoupled or loosely coupled microservices (called services) without modifying their implementations. The service mesh includes APIs for security, traffic and policy management, and observability features. These features are enabled using a pre-defined configuration, which can be changed at runtime with human intervention. However, it has no autonomy to self-manage changes to the microservice application’s operational environment. A better configuration is one that can be customized according to environmental conditions during execution to protect the application from potential threats. This customization requires enabling self-protection mechanisms within the service mesh that evaluate the risk of environmental condition changes and enable appropriate configurations to defend the application from impending threats. In this paper, we design an assessment component into a service mesh that includes a security assurance case to define the threat model and dynamically assess the application given environment changes. We experiment with a demo application, Bookinfo, using an open-source service mesh platform, Istio, to enable self-protection. We consider certain parameters extracted from the service request as environmental conditions. We evaluate those parameters against the threat model and determine the risk of violating a security requirement for controlled and authorized information flow.

Year of Publication
Conference Name
2022 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems Companion (ACSOS-C)
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