Towards an Optimal Security Using Multifactor Scalable Lightweight Cryptography for IoT

Multifactor Authentication - With the growth of the number in smart devices based on IoT, keeping a secure data processing among them has become even more significant in cloud computing. However, a high security is needed to protect the huge amount of data privacy. In this regard, many authentication approaches are presented in IoT-Cloud-based Architecture. However, computation, latency, and security strength are major issues to provide authentication for users. We propose the Multifactor Scalable Lightweight Cryptography for IoTCloud to enhance security to protect the user or organization s information. The non-sensitive and sensitive data are generated from IoT devices and stored in our proposed hybrid public and private cloud after the encryptions. Hence, encryptions for public cloud and private cloud data are done by Digital Signature Algorithm and Policy based Attribute encryption algorithm with Moth fly optimization. This optimization is chosen as the key parameter efficiently. The three multifactors are then used to perform the three levels of authentication by Trust based Authentication Scheme. Following this, the proposed multifactor authentication is simulated and compared with existing approaches to analyze the performance in terms of computational and execution time and security strength. As a result, the proposed method is shown 97\% of security strength and minimum computation and execution time than other conventional approaches.

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Bangalore, India
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