Right to education is a basic need of every child and every society across the globe. Ever since the internet revolution and technological upgradation takes place, education system starts evolving from traditional way to smarter way. Covid-19 and industrial revolution has made smart education a global business that is now even penetrating to rural footprints of remote locations. Use of smart devices, IoT based communications and AI techniques have increased the cyberattack surface over the smart education system. Moreover, lack of cyber awareness and absence of essential cyber sanity checks has exposed the vulnerability in smart education system. A study of technology evolution of education to smart education and its penetration across the globe, details of smart education ecosystem, role of various stakeholders are discussed in this paper. It also covers most trending cyber-attacks, history of reported cyber-attacks in smart education sector. Further, in order to make smart educational cyber space more secure, proactive preventive measures and cyber sanity actions to mitigate such attacks are also discussed.
Authored by Sandeep Sarowa, Munish Kumar, Vijay Kumar, Bhisham Bhanot
The Internet of Things (IoT) has changed the way we gather medical data in real time. But, it also brings worries about keeping this data safe and private. Ensuring a secure system for IoT is crucial. At the same time, a new technology is emerging that can help the IoT industry a lot. It s called Blockchain technology. It keeps data secure, transparent, and unchangeable. It s like a ledger for tracking lots of connected devices and making them work together. To make IoT even safer, we can use facial recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). This paper introduces a healthcare system that combines Blockchain and artificial intelligence in IoT. An implementation of Raspberry Pi E-Health system is presented and evaluated in terms of function s cost. Our system present low cost functions.
Authored by Amina Kessentini, Ibtissem Wali, Mayssa Jarray, Nouri Masmoudi
The rapid advancement of cloud technology has resulted in the emergence of many cloud service providers. Microsoft Azure is one among them to provide a flexible cloud computing platform that can scale business to exceptional heights. It offers extensive cloud services and is compatible with a wide range of developer tools, databases, and operating systems. In this paper, a detailed analysis of Microsoft Azure in the cloud computing era is performed. For this reason, the three significant Azure services, namely, the Azure AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning (ML) Service, Azure Analytics Service and Internet of Things (IoT) are investigated. The paper briefs on the Azure Cognitive Search and Face Service under AI and ML service and explores this service s architecture and security measures. The proposed study also surveys the Data Lake and Data factory Services under Azure Analytics Service. Subsequently, an overview of Azure IoT service, mainly IoT Hub and IoT Central, is discussed. Along with Microsoft Azure, other providers in the market are Google Compute Engine and Amazon Web Service. The paper compares and contrasts each cloud service provider based on their computing capability.
Authored by Sreyes K, Anushka K, Dona Davis, N. Jayapandian
This work introduces an innovative security system prototype tailored explicitly for paying guest accommodations or hostels, blending Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning algorithms, and web crawling technologies. The core emphasis revolves around facial recognition, precisely distinguishing between known and unknown individuals to manage entry effectively. The system, integrating camera technology, captures visitor images and employs advanced face recognition algorithms for precise face classification. In instances where faces remain unrecognized, the system leverages web crawling to retrieve potential intruder details. Immediate notifications, featuring captured images, are swiftly dispatched to users through email and smartphone alerts, enabling prompt responses. Operated within a wireless infrastructure governed by a Raspberry Pi, this system prioritizes cost-effectiveness and user-friendliness. Rigorously tested across diverse environments encompassing homes, paying guest accommodations, and office spaces, this research establishes a remarkable balance between cutting-edge technology and pragmatic security applications. This solution offers an affordable and efficient security option tailored explicitly for the unique needs of contemporary hostels and paying guest accommodations, ensuring heightened security without exorbitant expenses.
Authored by Pallavi Kumar, Janani. K, Sri N, Sai K, D. Reddy
With the rapid growth in information technology and being called the Digital Era, it is very evident that no one can survive without internet or ICT advancements. The day-to-day life operations and activities are dependent on these technologies. The latest technology trends in the market and industry are computing power, Smart devices, artificial intelligence, Robotic process automation, metaverse, IOT (Internet of things), cloud computing, Edge computing, Block chain and much more in the coming years. When looking at all these aspect and advancements, one common thing is cloud computing and data which must be protected and safeguarded which brings in the need for cyber/cloud security. Hence cloud security challenges have become an omnipresent concern for organizations or industries of any size where it has gone from a small incident to threat landscape. When it comes to data and cyber/ cloud security there are lots of challenges seen to safeguard these data. Towards that it is necessary that everyone must be aware of the latest technological advancements, evolving cyber threats, data as a valuable asset, Human Factor, Regulatory compliance, Cyber resilience. To handle all these challenges, security and risk prediction framework is proposed in this paper. This framework PRCSAM (Predictive Risk and Complexity Score Assessment Model) will consider factors like impact and likelihood of the main risks, threats and attacks that is foreseen in cloud security and the recommendation of the Risk management framework with automatic risk assessment and scoring option catering to Information security and privacy risks. This framework will help management and organizations in making informed decisions on the cyber security strategy as this is a data driven, dynamic \& proactive approach to cyber security and its complexity calculation. This paper also discusses on the prediction techniques using Generative AI techniques.
Authored by Kavitha Ayappan, J.M Mathana, J Thangakumar
The integration of IoT with cellular wireless networks is expected to deepen as cellular technology progresses from 5G to 6G, enabling enhanced connectivity and data exchange capabilities. However, this evolution raises security concerns, including data breaches, unauthorized access, and increased exposure to cyber threats. The complexity of 6G networks may introduce new vulnerabilities, highlighting the need for robust security measures to safeguard sensitive information and user privacy. Addressing these challenges is critical for 5G networks massively IoT-connected systems as well as any new ones that that will potentially work in the 6G environment. Artificial Intelligence is expected to play a vital role in the operation and management of 6G networks. Because of the complex interaction of IoT and 6G networks, Explainable Artificial Intelligence (AI) is expected to emerge as an important tool for enhancing security. This study presents an AI-powered security system for the Internet of Things (IoT), utilizing XGBoost, Shapley Additive, and Local Interpretable Model-agnostic explanation methods, applied to the CICIoT 2023 dataset. These explanations empowers administrators to deploy more resilient security measures tailored to address specific threats and vulnerabilities, improving overall system security against cyber threats and attacks.
Authored by Navneet Kaur, Lav Gupta
The growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) is leading to some restructuring and transformation of everyday lives. The number and diversity of IoT devices have increased rapidly, enabling the vision of a smarter environment and opening the door to further automation, accompanied by the generation and collection of enormous amounts of data. The automation and ongoing proliferation of personal and professional data in the IoT have resulted in countless cyber-attacks enabled by the growing security vulnerabilities of IoT devices. Therefore, it is crucial to detect and patch vulnerabilities before attacks happen in order to secure IoT environments. One of the most promising approaches for combating cybersecurity vulnerabilities and ensuring security is through the use of artificial intelligence (AI). In this paper, we provide a review in which we classify, map, and summarize the available literature on AI techniques used to recognize and reduce cybersecurity software vulnerabilities in the IoT. We present a thorough analysis of the majority of AI trends in cybersecurity, as well as cutting-edge solutions.
Authored by Heba Khater, Mohamad Khayat, Saed Alrabaee, Mohamed Serhani, Ezedin Barka, Farag Sallabi
Bigdata and IoT technologies are developing rapidly. Accordingly, consideration of network security is also emphasized, and efficient intrusion detection technology is required for detecting increasingly sophisticated network attacks. In this study, we propose an efficient network anomaly detection method based on ensemble and unsupervised learning. The proposed model is built by training an autoencoder, a representative unsupervised deep learning model, using only normal network traffic data. The anomaly score of the detection target data is derived by ensemble the reconstruction loss and the Mahalanobis distances for each layer output of the trained autoencoder. By applying a threshold to this score, network anomaly traffic can be efficiently detected. To evaluate the proposed model, we applied our method to UNSW-NB15 dataset. The results show that the overall performance of the proposed method is superior to those of the model using only the reconstruction loss of the autoencoder and the model applying the Mahalanobis distance to the raw data.
Authored by Donghun Yang, Myunggwon Hwang
It is suggested in this paper that an LSIM model be used to find DDoS attacks, which usually involve patterns of bad traffic that happen over time. The idea for the model comes from the fact that bad IoTdevices often leave traces in network traffic data that can be used to find them. This is what the LSIM model needs to be done before it can spot attacks in real-time. An IoTattack dataset was used to test how well the suggested method works. What the test showed was that the suggested method worked well to find attacks. The suggested method can likely be used to find attacks on the Internet of Things. It s simple to set up and can stop many types of break-ins. This method will only work, though, if the training data are correct.LSIMmodel could be used to find attack detection who are breaking into the Internet of Things. Long short-term memory (LSIM) models are a type of AI that can find trends in data that have been collected over time. The LSIM model learns the difference patterns in network traffic data that are normal and patterns that show an attack. The proposed method to see how well it worked and found that it could achieve a precision of 99.4\%.
Authored by Animesh Srivastava, Vikash Sawan, Kumari Jugnu, Shiv Dhondiyal
The Internet of Things (IoT) heralds a innovative generation in communication via enabling regular gadgets to supply, receive, and percentage records easily. IoT applications, which prioritise venture automation, aim to present inanimate items autonomy; they promise increased consolation, productivity, and automation. However, strong safety, privateness, authentication, and recuperation methods are required to understand this goal. In order to assemble give up-to-quit secure IoT environments, this newsletter meticulously evaluations the security troubles and risks inherent to IoT applications. It emphasises the vital necessity for architectural changes.The paper starts by conducting an examination of security worries before exploring emerging and advanced technologies aimed at nurturing a sense of trust, in Internet of Things (IoT) applications. The primary focus of the discussion revolves around how these technologies aid in overcoming security challenges and fostering an ecosystem for IoT.
Authored by Pranav A, Sathya S, HariHaran B
Healthcare systems have recently utilized the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) to assist intelligent data collection and decision-making. However, the volume of malicious threats, particularly new variants of malware attacks to the connected medical devices and their connected system, has risen significantly in recent years, which poses a critical threat to patients’ confidential data and the safety of the healthcare systems. To address the high complexity of conventional software-based detection techniques, Hardware-supported Malware Detection (HMD) has proved to be efficient for detecting malware at the processors’ micro-architecture level with the aid of Machine Learning (ML) techniques applied to Hardware Performance Counter (HPC) data. In this work, we examine the suitability of various standard ML classifiers for zero-day malware detection on new data streams in the real-world operation of IoMT devices and demonstrate that such methods are not capable of detecting unknown malware signatures with a high detection rate. In response, we propose a hybrid and adaptive image-based framework based on Deep Learning and Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) for online hardware-assisted zero-day malware detection in IoMT devices. Our proposed method dynamically selects the best DNN-based malware detector at run-time customized for each device from a pool of highly efficient models continuously trained on all stream data. It first converts tabular hardware-based data (HPC events) into small-size images and then leverages a transfer learning technique to retrain and enhance the Deep Neural Network (DNN) based model’s performance for unknown malware detection. Multiple DNN models are trained on various stream data continuously to form an inclusive model pool. Next, a DRL-based agent constructed with two Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) is trained (one acts as an Actor and another acts as a Critic) to align the decision of selecting the most optimal DNN model for highly accurate zero-day malware detection at run-time using a limited number of hardware events. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed AI-enabled method achieves 99\% detection rate in both F1-score and AUC, with only 0.01\% false positive rate and 1\% false negative rate.
Authored by Zhangying He, Hossein Sayadi
In the evolving landscape of Internet of Things (IoT) security, the need for continuous adaptation of defenses is critical. Class Incremental Learning (CIL) can provide a viable solution by enabling Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) models to ( i) learn and adapt to new attack types (0-day attacks), ( ii) retain their ability to detect known threats, (iii) safeguard computational efficiency (i.e. no full re-training). In IoT security, where novel attacks frequently emerge, CIL offers an effective tool to enhance Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and secure network environments. In this study, we explore how CIL approaches empower DL-based IDS in IoT networks, using the publicly-available IoT-23 dataset. Our evaluation focuses on two essential aspects of an IDS: ( a) attack classification and ( b) misuse detection. A thorough comparison against a fully-retrained IDS, namely starting from scratch, is carried out. Finally, we place emphasis on interpreting the predictions made by incremental IDS models through eXplainable AI (XAI) tools, offering insights into potential avenues for improvement.
Authored by Francesco Cerasuolo, Giampaolo Bovenzi, Christian Marescalco, Francesco Cirillo, Domenico Ciuonzo, Antonio Pescapè
Automated Internet of Things (IoT) devices generate a considerable amount of data continuously. However, an IoT network can be vulnerable to botnet attacks, where a group of IoT devices can be infected by malware and form a botnet. Recently, Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms have been introduced to detect and resist such botnet attacks in IoT networks. However, most of the existing Deep Learning-based algorithms are designed and implemented in a centralized manner. Therefore, these approaches can be sub-optimal in detecting zero-day botnet attacks against a group of IoT devices. Besides, a centralized AI approach requires sharing of data traces from the IoT devices for training purposes, which jeopardizes user privacy. To tackle these issues in this paper, we propose a federated learning based framework for a zero-day botnet attack detection model, where a new aggregation algorithm for the IoT devices is developed so that a better model aggregation can be achieved without compromising user privacy. Evaluations are conducted on an open dataset, i.e., the N-BaIoT. The evaluation results demonstrate that the proposed learning framework with the new aggregation algorithm outperforms the existing baseline aggregation algorithms in federated learning for zero-day botnet attack detection in IoT networks.
Authored by Jielun Zhang, Shicong Liang, Feng Ye, Rose Hu, Yi Qian
The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) has ushered in the concept of smart cities – urban environments where everything from traffic lights to waste management is interconnected and digitally managed. While this transformation offers unparalleled efficiency and innovation, it opens the door to myriad cyber-attacks. Threats range from data breaches to infrastructure disruptions, with one subtle yet potent risk emerging: fake clients. These seemingly benign entities have the potential to carry out a multitude of cyber attacks, leveraging their deceptive appearance to infiltrate and compromise systems. This research presents a novel simulation model for a smart city based on the Internet of Things using the Netsim program. This city consists of several sectors, each of which consists of several clients that connect to produce the best performance, comfort and energy savings for this city. Fake clients are added to this simulation, who are they disguise themselves as benign clients while, in reality, they are exploiting this trust to carry out cyber attacks on these cities, then after preparing the simulation perfectly, the data flow of this system is captured and stored in a CSV file and classified into fake and normal, then this data set is subjected to several experiments using the Machine Learning using the MATLAB program. Each of them shows good results, based on the detection results shown by Model Machine Learning. The highest detection accuracy was in the third experiment using the k-nearest neighbors classifier and was 98.77\%. Concluding, the research unveils a robust prevention model.
Authored by Mahmoud Aljamal, Ala Mughaid, Rabee Alquran, Muder Almiani, Shadi bi
Recent advancements in technology have transformed conventional mechanical vehicles into sophisticated computer systems on wheels. This transition has elevated their intelligence and facilitated seamless connectivity. However, such development has also escalated the possibility of compromising the vehicle’s cyber security expanding the overall cyber threat landscape. This necessitates an increased demand for security measures that manifest flexibility and adaptability instead of static threshold-based measures. Context-awareness techniques can provide a promising direction for such security solutions. Integration of context-awareness in security analysis helps in analysing the behaviour of the environment where IoT devices are deployed, enabling adaptive decision-making that aligns with the current situation. While the incorporation of context-awareness into adaptive systems has been explored extensively, its application to support the cyber security of vehicular ecosystem is relatively new. In this paper, we proposed a context-aware conceptual framework for automotive vehicle security that allows us to analyse real-time situations thereby identifying security threats. The usability of the framework is demonstrated considering an Electric Vehicle(EV) Charging case study.
Authored by Teena Kumari, Abdur Rakib, Arkady Zaslavsky, Hesamaldin Jadidbonab, Valeh Moghaddam
The surveillance factor impacting the Internet-of-Things (IoT) conceptual framework has recently received significant attention from the research community. To do this, a number of surveys covering a variety of IoT-centric topics, such as intrusion detection systems, threat modeling, as well as emerging technologies, were suggested. Stability is not a problem that can be handled separately. Each layer of the IoT solutions must be designed and built with security in mind. IoT security goes beyond safeguarding the network as well as data to include attacks that could be directed at human health or even life. We discuss the IoT s security challenges in this study. We start by going over some fundamental security ideas and IoT security requirements. Following that, we look at IoT market statistics and IoT security statistics to see where it is all headed and how to make your situation better by implementing appropriate security measures.
Authored by Swati Rajput, R. Umamageswari, Rajesh Singh, Lalit Thakur, C.P Sanjay, Kalyan Chakravarthi
IoT shares data with other things, such as applications, networked devices, or industrial equipment. With a large-scale complex architecture de-sign composed of numerous ‘things’, the scalability and reliability of various models stand out. When these advantages are vulnerable to security, constant problems occur continuously. Since IoT devices are provided with services closely to users, it can be seen that there are many users with various hacking methods and environments vulnerable to hacking.
Authored by Daesoo Choi
Internet of Things (IoT) is encroaching in every aspect of our lives. The exponential increase in connected devices has massively increased the attack surface in IoT. The unprotected IoT devices are not only the target for attackers but also used as attack generating elements. The Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks generated using the geographically distributed unprotected IoT devices as botnet pose a serious threat to IoT. The large-scale DDoS attacks may arise through multiple low-rate DDoS attacks from geographically distributed, compromised IoT devices. This kind of DDoS attacks are difficult to detect with the existing security mechanisms because of the large-scale distributed nature of IoT. The proposed method provides solution to this problem using Fog computing containing fog nodes which are closer to edge IoT devices. The distributed fog nodes detects the low-rate DDoS attacks from IoT devices before it leads to largescale DDoS attack. The effectiveness analysis of the proposed method proves that the real time detection is practical. The experimental results depicts that the lowrate DDoS attacks are detected at faster rate in fog nodes, hence the large-scale DDoS attacks are detected at early stage to protect from massive attack.
Authored by S Prabavathy, I.Ravi Reddy
With billions of devices already connected to the network s edge, the Internet of Things (IoT) is shaping the future of pervasive computing. Nonetheless, IoT applications still cannot escape the need for the computing resources available at the fog layer. This becomes challenging since the fog nodes are not necessarily secure nor reliable, which widens even further the IoT threat surface. Moreover, the security risk appetite of heterogeneous IoT applications in different domains or deploy-ment contexts should not be assessed similarly. To respond to this challenge, this paper proposes a new approach to optimize the allocation of secure and reliable fog computing resources among IoT applications with varying security risk level. First, the security and reliability levels of fog nodes are quantitatively evaluated, and a security risk assessment methodology is defined for IoT services. Then, an online, incentive-compatible mechanism is designed to allocate secure fog resources to high-risk IoT offloading requests. Compared to the offline Vickrey auction, the proposed mechanism is computationally efficient and yields an acceptable approximation of the social welfare of IoT devices, allowing to attenuate security risk within the edge network.
Authored by Talal Halabi, Adel Abusitta, Glaucio Carvalho, Benjamin Fung
As a result of this new computer design, edge computing can process data rapidly and effectively near to the source, avoiding network resource and latency constraints. By shifting computing power to the network edge, edge computing decreases the load on cloud services centers while also reducing the time required for users to input data. Edge computing advantages for data-intensive services, in particular, could be obscured if access latency becomes a bottleneck. Edge computing raises a number of challenges, such as security concerns, data incompleteness, and a hefty up-front and ongoing expense. There is now a shift in the worldwide mobile communications sector toward 5G technology. This unprecedented attention to edge computing has come about because 5G is one of the primary entry technologies for large-scale deployment. Edge computing privacy has been a major concern since the technology’s inception, limiting its adoption and advancement. As the capabilities of edge computing have evolved, so have the security issues that have arisen as a result of these developments, as well as the increasing public demand for privacy protection. The lack of trust amongst IoT devices is exacerbated by the inherent security concerns and assaults that plague IoT edge devices. A cognitive trust management system is proposed to reduce this malicious activity by maintaining the confidence of an appliance \& managing the service level belief \& Quality of Service (QoS). Improved packet delivery ratio and jitter in cognitive trust management systems based on QoS parameters show promise for spotting potentially harmful edge nodes in computing networks at the edge.
Authored by D. Ganesh, K. Suresh, Sunil Kumar, K. Balaji, Sreedhar Burada
With the proliferation of data in Internet-related applications, incidences of cyber security have increased manyfold. Energy management, which is one of the smart city layers, has also been experiencing cyberattacks. Furthermore, the Distributed Energy Resources (DER), which depend on different controllers to provide energy to the main physical smart grid of a smart city, is prone to cyberattacks. The increased cyber-attacks on DER systems are mainly because of its dependency on digital communication and controls as there is an increase in the number of devices owned and controlled by consumers and third parties. This paper analyzes the major cyber security and privacy challenges that might inflict, damage or compromise the DER and related controllers in smart cities. These challenges highlight that the security and privacy on the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, artificial intelligence, and smart grid, which are the building blocks of a smart city, must be addressed in the DER sector. It is observed that the security and privacy challenges in smart cities can be solved through the distributed framework, by identifying and classifying stakeholders, using appropriate model, and by incorporating fault-tolerance techniques.
Authored by Tarik Himdi, Mohammed Ishaque, Muhammed Ikram
This paper offers a thorough investigation into quantum cryptography, a security paradigm based on the principles of quantum mechanics that provides exceptional guarantees for communication and information protection. The study covers the fundamental principles of quantum cryptography, mathematical modelling, practical applications, and future prospects. It discusses the representation of quantum states, quantum operations, and quantum measurements, emphasising their significance in mathematical modelling. The paper showcases the real-world applications of quantum cryptography in secure communication networks, financial systems, government and defence sectors, and data centres. Furthermore, it identifies emerging domains such as IoT, 5G networks, blockchain technology, and cloud computing as promising areas for implementing quantum cryptographic solutions. The paper also presents avenues for further research, including post-quantum cryptography, quantum cryptanalysis, multi-party quantum communication, and device-independent quantum cryptography. Lastly, it underscores the importance of developing robust infrastructure, establishing standards, and ensuring interoperability to facilitate widespread adoption of quantum cryptography. This comprehensive exploration of quantum cryptography contributes to the advancement of secure communication, information protection, and the future of information security in the era of quantum technology.
Authored by Atharva Takalkar, Bahubali Shiragapur
The globe is observing the emergence of the Internet of Things more prominently recognized as IoT. In this day and age, there exist numerous technological apparatuses that possess the capability to be interconnected with the internet and can amass, convey, and receive information concerning the users. This technology endeavors to simplify existence, however, when the users information is the central concern for IoT operation, it is necessary to adhere to security measures to guarantee privacy and prevent the exploitation of said information. The customary cryptographic algorithms, such as RSA, AES, and DES, may perform adequately with older technologies such as conventional computers or laptops. Nevertheless, contemporary technologies are heading towards quantum computing, and this latter form possesses a processing capability that can effortlessly jeopardize the aforementioned cryptographic algorithms. Therefore, there arises an imperative necessity for a novel and resilient cryptographic algorithm. To put it differently, there is a requirement to devise a fresh algorithm, impervious to quantum computing, that can shield the information from assaults perpetrated utilizing quantum computing. IoT is one of the domains that must ensure the security of the information against malevolent activities. Besides the conventional cryptography that enciphers information into bits, quantum encryption utilizes qubits, specifically photons and photon polarization, to encode data.
Authored by Modafar Ati
The security of our data is the prime priority as it is said “Data is the new Oil”. Nowadays, most of our communications are either recorded or forged. There are algorithms used under classical encryption, such as Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA), digital signature, elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC), and more, to protect our communication and data. However, these algorithms are breakable with the help of Quantum Cryptography. In addition, this technology provides the most secure form of communication between entities under the fundamental law of Physics. Here, we are abiding to discuss the term “Quantum Cryptography.” The aim of this paper is to explore the knowledge related to the Quantum Cryptography, Quantum Key Distribution; and their elements, implementation, and the latest research. Moreover, exploration of the loopholes and the security of Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure and current used classical cryptographic algorithms are described in the paper.
Authored by Harshita Jasoliya, Kaushal Shah
A hybrid cryptosystem is developed in the paper “Hybrid Data Encryption and Decryption Using Hybrid RSA and DNA” by combining the advantages of asymmetric-key (public-key) and symmetric-key (private-key) cryptosystems. These two types of cryptosystems use a variety of key types. The approach addresses worries about the users right to privacy, authentication, and accuracy by using a data encryption procedure that is secure both ways. Data encoding and data decryption are two separate security techniques used by the system. It has been suggested that a hybrid encryption algorithm be used for file encryption to handle the issues with efficiency and security. RSA and DNA are combined in this method. The outcome so the tests show that the RSA and DNA hybrid encryption algorithms are suitable for use. In this particular study effort, the hybrid encryption and decoding for cloud processing with IOT devices used the DNA and RSA algorithms.
Authored by Prashant Bhati, Saurabh Tripathi, Shristi Kumari, Suryansh Sachan, Reena Sharma