Information Centric Networks - Tactical Data Link (TDL) is one of the important elements in Network Centric Warfare (NCW). TDL provides the means for rapid exchange of tactical information between air, ground, sea units and command centers. In military operations, TDL has high demands for resilience, responsiveness, reliability, availability and security. MANET has characteristics that are suitable for the combat environment, namely the ability to self-form and self-healing so that this network may be applied to the TDL system. To produce high performance in MANET adapted for TDL system, an efficient MAC Protocol method is needed. This paper provides a survey of several MAC Protocol methods on a tactical MANET. In this paper also suggests some improvements to the MANET MAC protocol to improve TDL system performance.
Authored by Riyanto, Suhono Supangkat, Iskandar
Wireless mesh networks are increasingly deployed as a flexible and low-cost alternative for providing wireless services for a variety of applications including community mesh networking, medical applications, and disaster ad hoc communications, sensor and IoT applications. However, challenges remain such as interference, contention, load imbalance, and congestion. To address these issues, previous work employ load adaptive routing based on load sensitive routing metrics. On the other hand, such approach does not immediately improve network performance because the load estimates used to choose routes are themselves affected by the resulting routing changes in a cyclical manner resulting to oscillation. Although this is not a new phenomenon and has been studied in wired networks, it has not been investigated extensively in wireless mesh and/or sensor networks. We present these instabilities and how they pose performance, security, and energy issues to these networks. Accordingly, we present a feedback-aware mapping system called FARM that handles these instabilities in a manner analogous to a control system with feedback control. Results show that FARM stabilizes routes that improves network performance in throughput, delay, energy efficiency, and security.
Authored by Nemesio Macabale
Security and privacy are one of crucial factor in the area of information technology and iys applications. Ad-hoc network is a type of non-infrastructure wireless network that is more prone to be attacked and abused due to its properties. Deploying the ad-hoc network in vehicular environment needs the additional security consideration to prevent the attacks that can cause the serious harms like accidents, crashes and fatality of living being lives. In this paper we have explored analysis and requirements of the security solution for the ad hoc network under the vehicular environment. Different categories of threats, their risks are evaluated and then various issues related to deploying the security solutions are addressed by mentioning the proper security technologies and tools.
Authored by Shailaja Salagrama, Yuva Boyapati, Vimal Bibhu
Key management for self-organized wireless ad-hoc networks using peer-to-peer (P2P) keys is the primary goal of this article (SOWANs). Currently, wireless networks have centralized security architectures, making them difficult to secure. In most cases, ad-hoc wireless networks are not connected to trusted authorities or central servers. They are more prone to fragmentation and disintegration as a result of node and link failures. Traditional security solutions that rely on online trusted authorities do not work together to protect networks that are not planned. With open wireless networks, anyone can join or leave at any time with the right equipment, and no third party is required to verify their identity. These networks are best suited for this proposed method. Each node can make, distribute, and revoke its keying material in this paper. A minimal amount of communication and computation is required to accomplish this task. So that they can authenticate one another and create shared keys, nodes in the self-organized version of the system must communicate via a secure side channel between the users' devices.
Authored by Abin Joseph, Nidhin Sani, Vineeth V, Suresh Kumar, Ananth Kumar, R. Nishanth
Wireless ad hoc networks are characterized by dynamic topology and high node mobility. Network attacks on wireless ad hoc networks can significantly reduce performance metrics, such as the packet delivery ratio from the source to the destination node, overhead, throughput, etc. The article presents an experimental study of an intrusion detection system prototype in mobile ad hoc networks based on machine learning. The experiment is carried out in a MANET segment of 50 nodes, the detection and prevention of DDoS and cooperative blackhole attacks are investigated. The dependencies of features on the type of network traffic and the dependence of performance metrics on the speed of mobile nodes in the network are investigated. The conducted experimental studies show the effectiveness of an intrusion detection system prototype on simulated data.
Authored by Leonid Legashev, Luybov Grishina
Vehicle Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) are a special type of Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANETs). In VANETs, a group of vehicles communicates with each other to transfer data without a need for a fixed infrastructure. In this paper, we compare the performance of two routing protocols: Ad-hoc on Demand Distance Vector protocol (AODV) and Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector protocol (DSDV) in VANETs. We measure the reliability of each protocol in the packet delivery.
Authored by Ahmed Yassin, Marianne Azer
This paper addresses the issues in managing group key among clusters in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). With the dynamic movement of the nodes, providing secure communication and managing secret keys in MANET is difficult to achieve. In this paper, we propose a distributed secure broadcast stateless groupkey management framework (DSBS-GKM) for efficient group key management. This scheme combines the benefits of hash function and Lagrange interpolation polynomial in managing MANET nodes. To provide a strong security mechanism, a revocation system that detects and revokes misbehaviour nodes is presented. The simulation results show that the proposed DSBS-GKM scheme attains betterments in terms of rekeying and revocation performance while comparing with other existing key management schemes.
Authored by V.S. Janani, M. Devaraju
Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) are capable of offering inter and intra-vehicle wireless communication among mobility aware computing systems. Nodes are linked by applying concepts of mobile ad hoc networks. VANET uses cases empower vehicles to link to the network to aggregate and process messages in real-time. The proposed paper addresses a security vulnerability known as Sybil attack, in which numerous fake nodes broadcast false data to the neighboring nodes. In VANET, mobile nodes continuously change their network topology and exchange location sensor-generated data in real time. The basis of the presented technique is source testing that permits the scalable identification of Sybil nodes, without necessitating any pre-configuration, which was conceptualized from a comparative analysis of preceding research in the literature.
Authored by Usman Tariq
Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) have attracted lots of concerns with its widespread use. In MANETs, wireless nodes usually self-organize into groups to complete collaborative tasks and communicate with one another via public channels which are vulnerable to attacks. Group key management is generally employed to guarantee secure group communication in MANETs. However, most existing group key management schemes for MANETs still suffer from some issues, e.g., receiver restriction, relying on a trusted dealer and heavy certificates overheads. To address these issues, we propose a group key management scheme for MANETs based on an identity-based authenticated dynamic contributory broadcast encryption (IBADConBE) protocol which builds on an earlier work. Our scheme abandons the certificate management and does not need a trusted dealer to distribute a secret key to each node. A set of wireless nodes are allowed to negotiate the secret keys in one round while forming a group. Besides, our scheme is receiver-unrestricted which means any sender can flexibly opt for any favorable nodes of a group as the receivers. Further, our scheme satisfies the authentication, confidentiality of messages, known-security, forward security and backward security concurrently. Performance evaluation shows our scheme is efficient.
Authored by Wendie Han, Rui Zhang, Lei Zhang, Lulu Wang
Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) is an emerging technology that is used to provide communication between vehicle users. VANET provides communication between one vehicle node to another vehicle node, vehicle to the roadside unit, vehicle to pedestrian, and even vehicle to rail users. Communication between nodes should be very secure and confidential, Since VANET communicates through wireless mode, a malicious node may enter inside the communication zone to hack, inject false messages, and interrupt the communication. A strong protocol is necessary to detect malicious nodes and authenticate the VANET user to protect them from malicious attacks. In this paper, a fuzzy-based trust authentication scheme is used to detect malicious nodes with the Mamdani fuzzy Inference system. The parameter estimation, rules have been framed using MATLAB Mamdani Fuzzy Inference system to select a genuine node for data transmission.
Authored by Gayathri M, C. Gomathy
With the rapid growth of wireless communication, sensor technology, and mobile computing, the ad hoc network has gained increasing attention from governments, corporations, and scientific research organisations. Ad hoc and sensor network security has become crucial. Malicious node identification, network resilience and survival, and trust models are among the security challenges discussed. The security of ad hoc networks is a key problem. In this paper, we'll look at a few security procedures and approaches that can be useful in keeping this network secure. We've compiled a list of all the ad networks' descriptions with explanations. Before presenting our conclusions from the examination of the literature, we went through various papers on the issue. The taxonomy diagram for the Ad-hoc Decentralized Network is the next item on the agenda. Security is one of the most significant challenges with an ad hoc network. In most cases, cyber-attackers will be able to connect to a wireless ad hoc network and, as a result, to the device if they reach within signal range. So, we moved on to a discussion of VANET, UAVs security issues discovered in the field. The outcomes of various ad hoc network methods were then summarised in the form tables. Furthermore, the Diffie Hellman Key Exchange is used to investigate strategies for improving ad-hoc network security and privacy in the next section, and a comparison of RSA with Diffie Hellman is also illustrated. This paper can be used as a guide and reference to provide readers with a broad knowledge of wireless ad hoc networks and how to deal with their security issues.
Authored by Usman Rana, O. Elahi, M. Mushtaq, Ali Shah
Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) is a very fast emerging research area these days due to their contribution in designing Intelligent transportation systems (ITS). ITS is a well-organized group of wireless networks. It is a derived class of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs). VANET is an instant-formed ad-hoc network, due to the mobility of vehicles on the road. The goal of using ITS is to enhance road safety, driving comfort, and traffic effectiveness by alerting the drivers at right time about upcoming dangerous situations, traffic jams, road diverted, weather conditions, real-time news, and entertainment. We can consider Vehicular communication as an enabler for future driverless cars. For these all above applications, it is necessary to make a threat-free environment to establish secure, fast, and efficient communication in VANETs. In this paper, we had discussed the overviews, characteristics, securities, applications, and various data dissemination techniques in VANET.
Authored by Bhagwati Sharan, Megha Chhabra, Anil Sagar
Vehicular Fog Computing (VFC) has been proposed to address the security and response time issues of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) in latency-sensitive vehicular network environments, due to the frequent interactions that VANETs need to have with cloud servers. However, the anonymity protection mechanism in VFC may cause the attacker to launch Sybil attacks by fabricating or creating multiple pseudonyms to spread false information in the network, which poses a severe security threat to the vehicle driving. Therefore, in this paper, we summarize different types of Sybil attack detection mechanisms in VFC for the first time, and provide a comprehensive comparison of these schemes. In addition, we also summarize the possible impacts of different types of Sybil attacks on VFC. Finally, we summarize challenges and prospects of future research on Sybil attack detection mechanisms in VFC.
Authored by Haonan Yang, Yongchao Zhong, Bo Yang, Yiyu Yang, Zifeng Xu, Longjuan Wang, Yuqing Zhang
Smart cities are a wide range of projects made to facilitate the problems of everyday life and ensure security. Our interest focuses only on the Intelligent Transport System (ITS) that takes care of the transportation issues using the Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET) paradigm as its base. VANETs are a promising technology for autonomous driving that provides many benefits to the user conveniences to improve road safety and driving comfort. VANET is a promising technology for autonomous driving that provides many benefits to the user's conveniences by improving road safety and driving comfort. The problem with such rapid development is the continuously increasing digital threats. Among all these threats, we will target the Sybil attack since it has been proved to be one of the most dangerous attacks in VANETs. It allows the attacker to generate multiple forged identities to disseminate numerous false messages, disrupt safety-related services, or misuse the systems. In addition, Machine Learning (ML) is showing a significant influence on classification problems, thus we propose a behavior-based classification algorithm that is tested on the provided VeReMi dataset coupled with various machine learning techniques for comparison. The simulation results prove the ability of our proposed mechanism to detect the Sybil attack in VANETs.
Authored by Dhia Laouiti, Marwane Ayaida, Nadhir Messai, Sameh Najeh, Leila Najjar, Ferdaous Chaabane
As a result of the inherent weaknesses of the wireless medium, ad hoc networks are susceptible to a broad variety of threats and assaults. As a direct consequence of this, intrusion detection, as well as security, privacy, and authentication in ad-hoc networks, have developed into a primary focus of current study. This body of research aims to identify the dangers posed by a variety of assaults that are often seen in wireless ad-hoc networks and provide strategies to counteract those dangers. The Black hole assault, Wormhole attack, Selective Forwarding attack, Sybil attack, and Denial-of-Service attack are the specific topics covered in this thesis. In this paper, we describe a trust-based safe routing protocol with the goal of mitigating the interference of black hole nodes in the course of routing in mobile ad-hoc networks. The overall performance of the network is negatively impacted when there are black hole nodes in the route that routing takes. As a result, we have developed a routing protocol that reduces the likelihood that packets would be lost as a result of black hole nodes. This routing system has been subjected to experimental testing in order to guarantee that the most secure path will be selected for the delivery of packets between a source and a destination. The invasion of wormholes into a wireless network results in the segmentation of the network as well as a disorder in the routing. As a result, we provide an effective approach for locating wormholes by using ordinal multi-dimensional scaling and round trip duration in wireless ad hoc networks with either sparse or dense topologies. Wormholes that are linked by both short route and long path wormhole linkages may be found using the approach that was given. In order to guarantee that this ad hoc network does not include any wormholes that go unnoticed, this method is subjected to experimental testing. In order to fight against selective forwarding attacks in wireless ad-hoc networks, we have developed three different techniques. The first method is an incentive-based algorithm that makes use of a reward-punishment system to drive cooperation among three nodes for the purpose of vi forwarding messages in crowded ad-hoc networks. A unique adversarial model has been developed by our team, and inside it, three distinct types of nodes and the activities they participate in are specified. We have shown that the suggested strategy that is based on incentives prohibits nodes from adopting an individualistic behaviour, which ensures collaboration in the process of packet forwarding. To guarantee that intermediate nodes in resource-constrained ad-hoc networks accurately convey packets, the second approach proposes a game theoretic model that uses non-cooperative game theory. This model is based on the idea that game theory may be used. This game reaches a condition of desired equilibrium, which assures that cooperation in multi-hop communication is physically possible, and it is this state that is discovered. In the third algorithm, we present a detection approach that locates malicious nodes in multihop hierarchical ad-hoc networks by employing binary search and control packets. We have shown that the cluster head is capable of accurately identifying the malicious node by analysing the sequences of packets that are dropped along the path leading from a source node to the cluster head. A lightweight symmetric encryption technique that uses Binary Playfair is presented here as a means of safeguarding the transport of data. We demonstrate via experimentation that the suggested encryption method is efficient with regard to the amount of energy used, the amount of time required for encryption, and the memory overhead. This lightweight encryption technique is used in clustered wireless ad-hoc networks to reduce the likelihood of a sybil attack occurring in such networks
Authored by Chethana C, Piyush Pareek, Victor de Albuquerque, Ashish Khanna, Deepak Gupta
In many scenarios, Internet connectivity may not be available. In such situations, device-to-device (D2D) communication may be utilized to establish a peer-to-peer (P2P) network among mobile users in the vicinity. However, this raises a fundamental question as is how to ensure secure communication in such an infrastructure-less network. In this paper, we present an approach that enables connectivity between mobile devices in the vicinity and supports secure communication between users in Internet-isolated locations. Specifically, the proposed solution uses Wi-Fi Aware for establishing a P2P network and the mTLS (mutual Transport Layer Security) protocol to provide mutually authenticated and encrypted message transfer. Besides, a novel decentralized peer authentication (DPA) scheme compatible with Wi-Fi Aware and TLS is proposed, which enables peers to verify other peers to join the network. A proof-of-concept instant messaging application has been developed to test the proposed DPA scheme and to evaluate the performance of the proposed overall approach. Experimental results, which validate the proposed solution, are presented with findings and limitations discussed.
Authored by Kirsten Skaug, Elise Smebye, Besmir Tola, Yuming Jiang
The dynamic state of networks presents a challenge for the deployment of distributed applications and protocols. Ad-hoc schedules in the updating phase might lead to a lot of ambiguity and issues. By separating the control and data planes and centralizing control, Software Defined Networking (SDN) offers novel opportunities and remedies for these issues. However, software-based centralized architecture for distributed environments introduces significant challenges. Security is a main and crucial issue in SDN. This paper presents a deep study of the state-of-the-art of security challenges and solutions for the SDN paradigm. The conducted study helped us to propose a dynamic approach to efficiently detect different security violations and incidents caused by network updates including forwarding loop, forwarding black hole, link congestion, network policy violation, etc. Our solution relies on an intelligent approach based on the use of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Algorithms.
Authored by Amina SAHBI, Faouzi JAIDI, Adel BOUHOULA