Internet of Vehicles Security - As a new industry integrated by computing, communication, networking, electronics, and automation technology, the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) has been widely concerned and highly valued at home and abroad. With the rapid growth of the number of intelligent connected vehicles, the data security risks of the IoV have become increasingly prominent, and various attacks on data security emerge in an endless stream. This paper firstly introduces the latest progress on the data security policies, regulations, standards, technical routes in major countries and regions, and international standardization organizations. Secondly, the characteristics of the IoV data are comprehensively analyzed in terms of quantity, standard, timeliness, type, and cross-border transmission. Based on the characteristics, this paper elaborates the security risks such as privacy data disclosure, inadequate access control, lack of identity authentication, transmission design defects, cross-border flow security risks, excessive collection and abuse, source identification, and blame determination. And finally, we put forward the measures and suggestions for the security development of IoV data in China.
Authored by Jun Sun, Dong Liu, Yang Liu, Chuang Li, Yumeng Ma
Intelligent Data and Security - As a new industry integrated by computing, communication, networking, electronics, and automation technology, the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) has been widely concerned and highly valued at home and abroad. With the rapid growth of the number of intelligent connected vehicles, the data security risks of the IoV have become increasingly prominent, and various attacks on data security emerge in an endless stream. This paper firstly introduces the latest progress on the data security policies, regulations, standards, technical routes in major countries and regions, and international standardization organizations. Secondly, the characteristics of the IoV data are comprehensively analyzed in terms of quantity, standard, timeliness, type, and cross-border transmission. Based on the characteristics, this paper elaborates the security risks such as privacy data disclosure, inadequate access control, lack of identity authentication, transmission design defects, cross-border flow security risks, excessive collection and abuse, source identification, and blame determination. And finally, we put forward the measures and suggestions for the security development of IoV data in China.
Authored by Jun Sun, Dong Liu, Yang Liu, Chuang Li, Yumeng Ma
Web browsers are among the most important but also complex software solutions to access the web. It is therefore not surprising that web browsers are an attractive target for attackers. Especially in the last decade, security researchers and browser vendors have developed sandboxing mechanisms like security-relevant HTTP headers to tackle the problem of getting a more secure browser. Although the security community is aware of the importance of security-relevant HTTP headers, legacy applications and individual requests from different parties have led to possible insecure configurations of these headers. Even if specific security headers are configured correctly, conflicts in their functionalities may lead to unforeseen browser behaviors and vulnerabilities. Recently, the first work which analyzed duplicated headers and conflicts in headers was published by Calzavara et al. at USENIX Security [1]. The authors focused on inconsistent protections by using both, the HTTP header X-Frame-Options and the framing protection of the Content-Security-Policy.We extend their work by analyzing browser behaviors when parsing duplicated headers, conflicting directives, and values that do not conform to the defined ABNF metalanguage specification. We created an open-source testbed running over 19,800 test cases, at which nearly 300 test cases are executed in the set of 66 different browsers. Our work shows that browsers conform to the specification and behave securely. However, all tested browsers behave differently when it comes, for example, to parsing the Strict-Transport-Security header. Moreover, Chrome, Safari, and Firefox behave differently if the header contains a character, which is not allowed by the defined ABNF. This results in the protection mechanism being fully enforced, partially enforced, or not enforced and thus completely bypassable.
Authored by Hendrik Siewert, Martin Kretschmer, Marcus Niemietz, Juraj Somorovsky
Ensuring sustainable sourcing of crude materials and production of goods is a pressing problem in consideration of the growing world population and rapid climate change. Supply-chain traceability systems based on distributed ledgers can help to enforce sustainability policies like production limits. We propose two mutually independent distributed-ledger-based protocols that enable public verifiability of policy compliance. They are designed for different supply-chain scenarios and use different privacy-enhancing technologies in order to protect confidential supply-chain data: secret sharing and homomorphic encryption. The protocols can be added to existing supply-chain traceability solutions with minor effort. They ensure confidentiality of transaction details and offer public verifiability of producers' compliance, enabling institutions and even end consumers to evaluate sustainability of supply chains. Through extensive theoretical and empirical evaluation, we show that both protocols perform verification for lifelike supply-chain scenarios in perfectly practical time.
Authored by Kilian Becher, Mirko Schäfer, Axel Schropfer, Thorsten Strufe
As a new industry integrated by computing, communication, networking, electronics, and automation technology, the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) has been widely concerned and highly valued at home and abroad. With the rapid growth of the number of intelligent connected vehicles, the data security risks of the IoV have become increasingly prominent, and various attacks on data security emerge in an endless stream. This paper firstly introduces the latest progress on the data security policies, regulations, standards, technical routes in major countries and regions, and international standardization organizations. Secondly, the characteristics of the IoV data are comprehensively analyzed in terms of quantity, standard, timeliness, type, and cross-border transmission. Based on the characteristics, this paper elaborates the security risks such as privacy data disclosure, inadequate access control, lack of identity authentication, transmission design defects, cross-border flow security risks, excessive collection and abuse, source identification, and blame determination. And finally, we put forward the measures and suggestions for the security development of IoV data in China.
Authored by Jun Sun, Dong Liu, Yang Liu, Chuang Li, Yumeng Ma
As the COVID-19 pandemic scattered businesses and their workforces into new scales of remote work, vital security concerns arose surrounding remote access. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) also plays a growing role in the ability of companies to support remote workforces. As more enterprises embrace concepts of zero trust in their network security posture, access control policy management problems become a more significant concern as it relates to BYOD security enforcement. This BYOD security policy must enable work from home, but enterprises have a vested interest in maintaining the security of their assets. Therefore, the BYOD security policy must strike a balance between access, security, and privacy, given the personal device use. This paper explores the challenges and opportunities of enabling zero trust in BYOD use cases. We present a BYOD policy specification to enable the zero trust access control known as BYOZ. Accompanying this policy specification, we have designed a network architecture to support enterprise zero trust BYOD use cases through the novel incorporation of continuous authentication & authorization enforcement. We evaluate our architecture through a demo implementation of BYOZ and demonstrate how it can meet the needs of existing enterprise networks using BYOD.
Authored by John Anderson, Qiqing Huang, Long Cheng, Hongxin Hu
The proliferation of linked devices in decisive infrastructure fields including health care and the electric grid is transforming public perceptions of critical infrastructure. As the world grows more mobile and connected, as well as as the Internet of Things (IoT) expands, the growing interconnectivity of new critical sectors is being fuelled. Interruptions in any of these areas can have ramifications across numerous sectors and potentially the world. Crucial industries are critical to contemporary civilization. In today's hyper-connected world, critical infrastructure is more vulnerable than ever to cyber assaults, whether they are state-sponsored, carried out by criminal organizations, or carried out by individuals. In a world where more and more gadgets are interconnected, hackers have more and more entry points via which they may damage critical infrastructure. Significant modifications to an organization's main technological systems have created a new threat surface. The study's goal is to raise awareness about the challenges of protecting digital infrastructure in the future while it is still in development. Fog architecture is designed based on functionality once the infrastructure that creates large data has been established. There's also an in-depth look of fog-enabled IoT network security requirements. The next section examines the security issues connected with fog computing, as well as the privacy and trust issues raised by fog-enabled Internet of Things (IoT). Block chain is also examined to see how it may help address IoT security problems, as well as the complimentary interrelationships between block-chain and fog computing. Additionally, Formalizes big data security goal and scope, develops taxonomy for identifying risks to fog-based Internet of Things systems, compares current development contributions to security service standards, and proposes interesting study areas for future studies, all within this framework
Authored by P. Lavanya, I.V. Subbareddy, V. Selvakumar
Open Source Software plays an important role in many software ecosystems. Whether in operating systems, network stacks, or as low-level system drivers, software we encounter daily is permeated with code contributions from open source projects. Decentralized development and open collaboration in open source projects introduce unique challenges: code submissions from unknown entities, limited personpower for commit or dependency reviews, and bringing new contributors up-to-date in projects’ best practices & processes.In 27 in-depth, semi-structured interviews with owners, maintainers, and contributors from a diverse set of open source projects, we investigate their security and trust practices. For this, we explore projects’ behind-the-scene processes, provided guidance & policies, as well as incident handling & encountered challenges. We find that our participants’ projects are highly diverse both in deployed security measures and trust processes, as well as their underlying motivations. Based on our findings, we discuss implications for the open source software ecosystem and how the research community can better support open source projects in trust and security considerations. Overall, we argue for supporting open source projects in ways that consider their individual strengths and limitations, especially in the case of smaller projects with low contributor numbers and limited access to resources.
Authored by Dominik Wermke, Noah Wöhler, Jan Klemmer, Marcel Fourné, Yasemin Acar, Sascha Fahl
Managing electricity effectively also means knowing as accurately as possible when, where and how electricity is used. Detailed metering and timely allocation of consumption can help identify specific areas where energy consumption is excessive and therefore requires action and optimization. All those interested in the measurement process (distributors, sellers, wholesalers, managers, ultimately customers and new prosumer figures - producers / consumers -) have an interest in monitoring and managing energy flows more efficiently, in real time.Smart meter plays a key role in sending data containing consumer measurements to both the producer and the consumer, thanks to chain 2. It allows you to connect consumption and production, during use and the customer’s identity, allowing billing as Time-of-Use or Real-Time Pricing, and through the new two-way channel, this information is also made available to the consumer / prosumer himself, enabling new services such as awareness of energy consumption at the very moment of energy use.This is made possible by latest generation devices that "talk" with the end user, which use chain 2 and the power line for communication.However, the implementation of smart meters and related digital technologies associated with the smart grid raises various concerns, including, privacy. This paper provides a comparative perspective on privacy policies for residential energy customers, moreover, it will be possible to improve security through the blockchain for the introduction of smart contracts.
Authored by George Lazaroiu, Korhan Kayisli, Mariacristina Roscia, Ilinca Steriu
The development of autonomous agents have gained renewed interest, largely due to the recent successes of machine learning. Social robots can be considered a special class of autonomous agents that are often intended to be integrated into sensitive environments. We present experiences from our work with two specific humanoid social service robots, and highlight how eschewing privacy and security by design principles leads to implementations with serious privacy and security flaws. The paper introduces the robots as platforms and their associated features, ecosystems and cloud platforms that are required for certain use cases or tasks. The paper encourages design aims for privacy and security, and then in this light studies the implementation from two different manufacturers. The results show a worrisome lack of design focus in handling privacy and security. The paper aims not to cover all the security flaws and possible mitigations, but does look closer into the use of the WebSocket protocol and it’s challenges when used for operational control. The conclusions of the paper provide insights on how manufacturers can rectify the discovered security flaws and presents key policies like accountability when it comes to implementing technical features of autonomous agents.
Authored by Dennis Biström, Magnus Westerlund, Bob Duncan, Martin Jaatun
"Security first" is the most concerned issue of Linux administrators. Security refers to the integrity of data. The authentication security and integrity of data are higher than the privacy security of data. Firewall is used to realize the function of access control under Linux. It is divided into hardware or software firewall. No matter in which network, the firewall must work at the edge of the network. Our task is to define how the firewall works. This is the firewall's policies and rules, so that it can detect the IP and data in and out of the network. At present, there are three or four layers of firewalls on the market, which are called network layer firewalls, and seven layers of firewalls, which are actually the gateway of the agent layer. But for the seven layer firewall, no matter what your source port or target port, source address or target address is, it will check all your things. Therefore, the seven layer firewall is more secure, but it brings lower efficiency. Therefore, the usual firewall schemes on the market are a combination of the two. And because we all need to access from the port controlled by the firewall, the work efficiency of the firewall has become the most important control of how much data users can access. This paper introduces two types of firewalls iptables and TCP\_Wrappers. What are the differences between the use policies, rules and structures of the two firewalls? This is the problem to be discussed in this paper.
Authored by Limei Ma, Dongmei Zhao
Requirement Elicitation is a key phase in software development. The fundamental goal of security requirement elicitation is to gather appropriate security needs and policies from stakeholders or organizations. The majority of systems fail due to incorrect elicitation procedures, affecting development time and cost. Security requirement elicitation is a major activity of requirement engineering that requires the attention of developers and other stakeholders. To produce quality requirements during software development, the authors suggested a methodology for effective requirement elicitation. Many challenges surround requirement engineering. These concerns can be connected to scope, preconceptions in requirements, etc. Other difficulties include user confusion over technological specifics, leading to confusing system aims. They also don't realize that the requirements are dynamic and prone to change. To protect the privacy of medical images, the proposed image cryptosystem uses a CCM-generated chaotic key series to confuse and diffuse them. A hexadecimal pre-processing technique is used to increase the security of color images utilising a hyper chaos-based image cryptosystem. Finally, a double-layered security system for biometric photos is built employing chaos and DNA cryptography.
Authored by Fahd Al-Qanour, Sivaram Rajeyyagari