Virtual machine (VM) based application sandboxes leverage strong isolation guarantees of virtualization techniques to address several security issues through effective containment of malware. Specifically, in end-user physical hosts, potentially vulnerable applications can be isolated from each other (and the host) using VM based sandboxes. However, sharing data across applications executing within different sandboxes is a non-trivial requirement for end-user systems because at the end of the day, all applications are used by the end-user owning the device. Existing file sharing techniques compromise the security or efficiency, especially considering lack of technical expertise of many end-users in the contemporary times. In this paper, we propose MicroBlind, a security hardened file sharing framework for virtualized sandboxes to support efficient data sharing across different application sandboxes. MicroBlind enables a simple file sharing management API for end users where the end user can orchestrate file sharing across different VM sandboxes in a secure manner. To demonstrate the efficacy of MicroBlind, we perform comprehensive empirical analysis against existing data sharing techniques (augmented for the sandboxing setup) and show that MicroBlind provides improved security and efficiency.
Authored by Saketh Maddamsetty, Ayush Tharwani, Debadatta Mishra
A huge number of cloud users and cloud providers are threatened of security issues by cloud computing adoption. Cloud computing is a hub of virtualization that provides virtualization-based infrastructure over physically connected systems. With the rapid advancement of cloud computing technology, data protection is becoming increasingly necessary. It's important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of moving to cloud computing when deciding whether to do so. As a result of security and other problems in the cloud, cloud clients need more time to consider transitioning to cloud environments. Cloud computing, like any other technology, faces numerous challenges, especially in terms of cloud security. Many future customers are wary of cloud adoption because of this. Virtualization Technologies facilitates the sharing of recourses among multiple users. Cloud services are protected using various models such as type-I and type-II hypervisors, OS-level, and unikernel virtualization but also offer a variety of security issues. Unfortunately, several attacks have been built in recent years to compromise the hypervisor and take control of all virtual machines running above it. It is extremely difficult to reduce the size of a hypervisor due to the functions it offers. It is not acceptable for a safe device design to include a large hypervisor in the Trusted Computing Base (TCB). Virtualization is used by cloud computing service providers to provide services. However, using these methods entails handing over complete ownership of data to a third party. This paper covers a variety of topics related to virtualization protection, including a summary of various solutions and risk mitigation in VMM (virtual machine monitor). In this paper, we will discuss issues possible with a malicious virtual machine. We will also discuss security precautions that are required to handle malicious behaviors. We notice the issues of investigating malicious behaviors in cloud computing, give the scientific categorization and demonstrate the future headings. We've identified: i) security specifications for virtualization in Cloud computing, which can be used as a starting point for securing Cloud virtual infrastructure, ii) attacks that can be conducted against Cloud virtual infrastructure, and iii) security solutions to protect the virtualization environment from DDOS attacks.
Authored by Tahir Alyas, Karamath Ateeq, Mohammed Alqahtani, Saigeeta Kukunuru, Nadia Tabassum, Rukshanda Kamran
The new architecture of transformer networks proposed in the work can be used to create an intelligent chat bot that can learn the process of communication and immediately model responses based on what has been said. The essence of the new mechanism is to divide the information flow into two branches containing the history of the dialogue with different levels of granularity. Such a mechanism makes it possible to build and develop the personality of a dialogue agent in the process of dialogue, that is, to accurately imitate the natural behavior of a person. This gives the interlocutor (client) the feeling of talking to a real person. In addition, making modifications to the structure of such a network makes it possible to identify a likely attack using social engineering methods. The results obtained after training the created system showed the fundamental possibility of using a neural network of a new architecture to generate responses close to natural ones. Possible options for using such neural network dialogue agents in various fields, and, in particular, in information security systems, are considered. Possible options for using such neural network dialogue agents in various fields, and, in particular, in information security systems, are considered. The new technology can be used in social engineering attack detection systems, which is a big problem at present. The novelty and prospects of the proposed architecture of the neural network also lies in the possibility of creating on its basis dialogue systems with a high level of biological plausibility.
Authored by V. Ryndyuk, Y. Varakin, E. Pisarenko
With the development of information networks, cloud computing, big data, and virtualization technologies promote the emergence of various new network applications to meet the needs of various Internet services. A security protection system for virtual host in cloud computing center is proposed in the article. The system takes “security as a service” as the starting point, takes virtual machines as the core, and takes virtual machine clusters as the unit to provide unified security protection against the borderless characteristics of virtualized computing. The thesis builds a network security protection system for APT attacks; uses the system dynamics method to establish a system capability model, and conducts simulation analysis. The simulation results prove the validity and rationality of the network communication security system framework and modeling analysis method proposed in the thesis. Compared with traditional methods, this method has more comprehensive modeling and analysis elements, and the deduced results are more instructive.
Authored by Xin Nie, Chengcheng Lou
The botnet is a serious network security threat that can cause servers crash, so how to detect the behavior of Botnet has already become an important part of the research of network security. DNS(Domain Name System) request is the first step for most of the mainframe computers controlled by Botnet to communicate with the C&C(command; control) server. The detection of DNS request domain names is an important way for mainframe computers controlled by Botnet. However, the detection method based on fixed rules is hard to take effect for botnet based on DGA(Domain Generation Algorithm) because malicious domain names keep evolving and derive many different generation methods. Contrasted with the traditional methods, the method based on machine learning is a better way to detect it by learning and modeling the DGA. This paper presents a method based on the Naive Bayes model, the XGBoost model, the SVM(Support Vector Machine) model, and the MLP(Multi-Layer Perceptron) model, and tests it with real data sets collected from DGA, Alexa, and Secrepo. The experimental results show the precision score, the recall score, and the F1 score for each model.
Authored by Haofan Wang
TVM(tensor virtual machine) as a deep learning compiler which supports the conversion of machine learning models into TVM IR(intermediate representation) and to optimise the generation of high-performance machine code for various hardware platforms. While the traditional approach is to parallelise the cyclic transformations of operators, in this paper we partition the implementation of the operators in the deep learning compiler TVM with parallel scheduling to derive a faster running time solution for the operators. An optimisation algorithm for partitioning and parallel scheduling is designed for the deep learning compiler TVM, where operators such as two-dimensional convolutions are partitioned into multiple smaller implementations and several partitioned operators are run in parallel scheduling to derive the best operator partitioning and parallel scheduling decisions by means of performance estimation. To evaluate the effectiveness of the algorithm, multiple examples of the two-dimensional convolution operator, the average pooling operator, the maximum pooling operator, and the ReLU activation operator with different input sizes were tested on the CPU platform, and the performance of these operators was experimentally shown to be improved and the operators were run speedily.
Authored by Zhiyu Li, Xiang Zhou, Wenbin Weng
The Internet of Things is a developing technology that converts physical objects into virtual objects connected to the internet using wired and wireless network architecture. Use of cross-layer techniques in the internet of things is primarily driven by the high heterogeneity of hardware and software capabilities. Although traditional layered architecture has been effective for a while, cross-layer protocols have the potential to greatly improve a number of wireless network characteristics, including bandwidth and energy usage. Also, one of the main concerns with the internet of things is security, and machine learning (ML) techniques are thought to be the most cuttingedge and viable approach. This has led to a plethora of new research directions for tackling IoT's growing security issues. In the proposed study, a number of cross-layer approaches based on machine learning techniques that have been offered in the past to address issues and challenges brought on by the variety of IoT are in-depth examined. Additionally, the main issues are mentioned and analyzed, including those related to scalability, interoperability, security, privacy, mobility, and energy utilization.
Authored by K. Saranya, Dr. A. Valarmathi
In the 21st century, world-leading industries are under the accelerated development of digital transformation. Along with information and data resources becoming more transparent on the Internet, many new network technologies were introduced, but cyber-attack also became a severe problem in cyberspace. Over time, industrial control networks are also forced to join the nodes of the Internet. Therefore, cybersecurity is much more complicated than before, and suffering risk of browsing unknown websites also increases. To practice defenses against cyber-attack effectively, Cyber Range is the best platform to emulate all cyber-attacks and defenses. This article will use VMware virtual machine emulation technology, research cyber range systems under industrial control network architecture, and design and implement an industrial control cyber range system. Using the industrial cyber range to perform vulnerability analyses and exploits on web servers, web applications, and operating systems. The result demonstrates the consequences of the vulnerability attack and raises awareness of cyber security among government, enterprises, education, and other related fields, improving the practical ability to defend against cybersecurity threats.
Authored by Xuan Low, DeQuan Yang, DengPan Yang