Blind identification of channel codes is crucial in intelligent communication and non-cooperative signal processing, and it plays a significant role in wireless physical layer security, information interception, and information confrontation. Previous researches show a high computation complexity by manual feature extractions, in addition, problems of indisposed accuracy and poor robustness are to be resolved in a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). For solving these difficulties, based on deep residual shrinkage network (DRSN), this paper proposes a novel recognizer by deep learning technologies to blindly distinguish the type and the parameter of channel codes without any prior knowledge or channel state, furthermore, feature extractions by the neural network from codewords can avoid intricate calculations. We evaluated the performance of this recognizer in AWGN, single-path fading, and multi-path fading channels, the results of the experiments showed that the method we proposed worked well. It could achieve over 85 % of recognition accuracy for channel codes in AWGN channels when SNR is not lower than 4dB, and provide an improvement of more than 5% over the previous research in recognition accuracy, which proves the validation of the proposed method.
Authored by Haifeng Peng, Chunjie Cao, Yang Sun, Haoran Li, Xiuhua Wen
CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is an important security technique designed to deter bots from abusing software systems, which has broader applications in cyberspace. CAPTCHAs come in a variety of forms, including the deciphering of obfuscated text, transcribing of audio messages, and tracking mouse movement, among others. This paper focuses on using deep learning techniques to recognize text-based CAPTCHAs. In particular, our work focuses on generating training datasets using different CAPTCHA schemes, along with a pre-processing technique allowing for character-based recognition. We have encapsulated the CRABI (CAPTCHA Recognition with Attached Binary Images) framework to give an image multiple labels for improvement in feature extraction. Using real-world datasets, performance evaluations are conducted to validate the efficacy of our proposed approach on several neural network architectures (e.g., custom CNN architecture, VGG16, ResNet50, and MobileNet). The experimental results confirm that over 90% accuracy can be achieved on most models.
Authored by Turhan Kimbrough, Pu Tian, Weixian Liao, Erik Blasch, Wei Yu
This paper presents CaptchaGG, a model for recognizing linear graphical CAPTCHAs. As in the previous society, CAPTCHA is becoming more and more complex, but in some scenarios, complex CAPTCHA is not needed, and usually, linear graphical CAPTCHA can meet the corresponding functional scenarios, such as message boards of websites and registration of accounts with low security. The scheme is based on convolutional neural networks for feature extraction of CAPTCHAs, recurrent neural forests A neural network that is too complex will lead to problems such as difficulty in training and gradient disappearance, and too simple will lead to underfitting of the model. For the single problem of linear graphical CAPTCHA recognition, the model which has a simple architecture, extracting features by convolutional neural network, sequence modeling by recurrent neural network, and finally classification and recognition, can achieve an accuracy of 96% or more recognition at a lower complexity.
Authored by Yang Chen, Xiaonan Luo, Songhua Xu, Ruiai Chen
In this decade, digital transactions have risen exponentially demanding more reliable and secure authentication systems. CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) system plays a major role in these systems. These CAPTCHAs are available in character sequence, picture-based, and audio-based formats. It is very essential that these CAPTCHAs should be able to differentiate a computer program from a human precisely. This work tests the strength of text-based CAPTCHAs by breaking them using an algorithm built on CNN (Convolution Neural Network) and RNN (Recurrent Neural Network). The algorithm is designed in such a way as an attempt to break the security features designers have included in the CAPTCHAs to make them hard to be cracked by machines. This algorithm is tested against the synthetic dataset generated in accordance with the schemes used in popular websites. The experiment results exhibit that the model has shown a considerable performance against both the synthetic and real-world CAPTCHAs.
Authored by A Priya, Abishek Ganesh, Akil Prasath, Jeya Pradeepa
A botnet is a new type of attack method developed and integrated on the basis of traditional malicious code such as network worms and backdoor tools, and it is extremely threatening. This course combines deep learning and neural network methods in machine learning methods to detect and classify the existence of botnets. This sample does not rely on any prior features, the final multi-class classification accuracy rate is higher than 98.7%, the effect is significant.
Authored by Xiaoran Yang, Zhen Guo, Zetian Mai
Cognitive radio (CR) networks are an emerging and promising technology to improve the utilization of vacant bands. In CR networks, security is a very noteworthy domain. Two threatening attacks are primary user emulation (PUE) and spectrum sensing data falsification (SSDF). A PUE attacker mimics the primary user signals to deceive the legitimate secondary users. The SSDF attacker falsifies its observations to misguide the fusion center to make a wrong decision about the status of the primary user. In this paper, we propose a scheme based on clustering the secondary users to counter SSDF attacks. Our focus is on detecting and classifying each cluster as reliable or unreliable. We introduce two different methods using an artificial neural network (ANN) for both methods and five more classifiers such as support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF), K-nearest neighbors (KNN), logistic regression (LR), and decision tree (DR) for the second one to achieve this goal. Moreover, we consider deterministic and stochastic scenarios with white Gaussian noise (WGN) for attack strategy. Results demonstrate that our method outperforms a recently suggested scheme.
Authored by Nazanin Parhizgar, Ali Jamshidi, Peyman Setoodeh
Vulnerability discovery is an important field of computer security research and development today. Because most of the current vulnerability discovery methods require large-scale manual auditing, and the code parsing process is cumbersome and time-consuming, the vulnerability discovery effect is reduced. Therefore, for the uncertainty of vulnerability discovery itself, it is the most basic tool design principle that auxiliary security analysts cannot completely replace them. The purpose of this paper is to study the source code vulnerability discovery method based on graph neural network. This paper analyzes the three processes of data preparation, source code vulnerability mining and security assurance of the source code vulnerability mining method, and also analyzes the suspiciousness and particularity of the experimental results. The empirical analysis results show that the types of traditional source code vulnerability mining methods become more concise and convenient after using graph neural network technology, and we conducted a survey and found that more than 82% of people felt that the design source code vulnerability mining method used When it comes to graph neural networks, it is found that the design efficiency has become higher.
Authored by Zhenghong Jiang
Network intrusion detection technology has been a popular application technology for current network security, but the existing network intrusion detection technology in the application process, there are problems such as low detection efficiency, low detection accuracy and other poor detection performance. To solve the above problems, a new treatment combining artificial intelligence with network intrusion detection is proposed. Artificial intelligence-based network intrusion detection technology refers to the application of artificial intelligence techniques, such as: neural networks, neural algorithms, etc., to network intrusion detection, and the application of these artificial intelligence techniques makes the automatic detection of network intrusion detection models possible.
Authored by Chaofan Lu
Cloud security has become a serious challenge due to increasing number of attacks day-by-day. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) requires an efficient security model for improving security in the cloud. This paper proposes a game theory based model, named as Game Theory Cloud Security Deep Neural Network (GT-CSDNN) for security in cloud. The proposed model works with the Deep Neural Network (DNN) for classification of attack and normal data. The performance of the proposed model is evaluated with CICIDS-2018 dataset. The dataset is normalized and optimal points about normal and attack data are evaluated based on the Improved Whale Algorithm (IWA). The simulation results show that the proposed model exhibits improved performance as compared with existing techniques in terms of accuracy, precision, F-score, area under the curve, False Positive Rate (FPR) and detection rate.
Authored by Ashima Jain, Khushboo Tripathi, Aman Jatain, Manju Chaudhary
Information security construction is a social issue, and the most urgent task is to do an excellent job in information risk assessment. The bayesian neural network currently plays a vital role in enterprise information security risk assessment, which overcomes the subjective defects of traditional assessment results and operates efficiently. The risk quantification method based on fuzzy theory and Bayesian regularization BP neural network mainly uses fuzzy theory to process the original data and uses the processed data as the input value of the neural network, which can effectively reduce the ambiguity of language description. At the same time, special neural network training is carried out for the confusion that the neural network is easy to fall into the optimal local problem. Finally, the risk is verified and quantified through experimental simulation. This paper mainly discusses the problem of enterprise information security risk assessment based on a Bayesian neural network, hoping to provide strong technical support for enterprises and organizations to carry out risk rectification plans. Therefore, the above method provides a new information security risk assessment idea.
Authored by Zijie Deng, Guocong Feng, Qingshui Huang, Hong Zou, Jiafa Zhang
The emergence of smart cars has revolutionized the automotive industry. Today's vehicles are equipped with different types of electronic control units (ECUs) that enable autonomous functionalities like self-driving, self-parking, lane keeping, and collision avoidance. The ECUs are connected to each other through an in-vehicle network, named Controller Area Network. In this talk, we will present the different cyber attacks that target autonomous vehicles and explain how an intrusion detection system (IDS) using machine learning can play a role in securing the Controller Area Network. We will also discuss the main research contributions for the security of autonomous vehicles. Specifically, we will describe our IDS, named Histogram-based Intrusion Detection and Filtering framework. Next, we will talk about the machine learning explainability issue that limits the acceptability of machine learning in autonomous vehicles, and how it can be addressed using our novel intrusion detection system based on rule extraction methods from Deep Neural Networks.
Authored by Abdelwahid Derhab
Intrusion detection for Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol requires modern methods in order to compete with other electrical architectures. Fingerprint Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) provide a promising new approach to solve this problem. By characterizing network traffic from known ECUs, hazardous messages can be discriminated. In this article, a modified version of Fingerprint IDS is employed utilizing both step response and spectral characterization of network traffic via neural network training. With the addition of feature set reduction and hyperparameter tuning, this method accomplishes a 99.4% detection rate of trusted ECU traffic.
Authored by Kunaal Verma, Mansi Girdhar, Azeem Hafeez, Selim Awad
The Controller area network (CAN) is the most extensively used in-vehicle network. It is set to enable communication between a number of electronic control units (ECU) that are widely found in most modern vehicles. CAN is the de facto in-vehicle network standard due to its error avoidance techniques and similar features, but it is vulnerable to various attacks. In this research, we propose a CAN bus intrusion detection system (IDS) based on convolutional neural networks (CNN). U-CAN is a segmentation model that is trained by monitoring CAN traffic data that are preprocessed using hamming distance and saliency detection algorithm. The model is trained and tested using publicly available datasets of raw and reverse-engineered CAN frames. With an F\_1 Score of 0.997, U-CAN can detect DoS, Fuzzy, spoofing gear, and spoofing RPM attacks of the publicly available raw CAN frames. The model trained on reverse-engineered CAN signals that contain plateau attacks also results in a true positive rate and false-positive rate of 0.971 and 0.998, respectively.
Authored by Araya Desta, Shuji Ohira, Ismail Arai, Kazutoshi Fujikawa
The security control problem of cyber-physical system (CPS) under actuator attacks is studied in the paper. Considering the strict-feedback cyber-physical systems with external disturbance, a security control scheme is proposed by combining backstepping method and super-twisting sliding mode technology when the transmission control input signal of network layer is under false data injection(FDI) attack. Firstly, the unknown nonlinear function of the CPS is identified by Radial Basis Function Neural Network. Secondly, the backstepping method and super-twisting sliding mode algorithm are combined to eliminate the influence of actuator attack and ensure the robustness of the control system. Then, by Lyapunov stability theory, it is proved that the proposed control scheme can ensure that all signals in the closed-loop system are semi-global and ultimately uniformly bounded. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme is verified by the inverted pendulum simulation.
Authored by Dahua Li, Dapeng Li, Junjie Liu, Yu Song, Yuehui Ji
Security of Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most prevalent crucial challenges ever since. The diversified devices and their specification along with resource constrained protocols made it more complex to address over all security need of IoT. Denial of Service attacks, being the most powerful and frequent attacks on IoT have been considered so forth. However, the attack happens on multiple layers and thus a single detection technique for each layer is not sufficient and effective to combat these attacks. Current study focuses on cross layer intrusion detection system (IDS) for detection of multiple Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. Presently, two attacks at Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Routing Protocol are considered for Low power and Lossy Networks (RPL) and a neural network-based IDS approach has been proposed for the detection of such attacks. The attacks are simulated on NetSim and detection and the performance shows up to 80% detection probabilities.
Authored by Ayushi Kharkwal, Saumya Mishra, Aditi Paul
Researchers have investigated the dark web for various purposes and with various approaches. Most of the dark web data investigation focused on analysing text collected from HTML pages of websites hosted on the dark web. In addition, researchers have documented work on dark web image data analysis for a specific domain, such as identifying and analyzing Child Sexual Abusive Material (CSAM) on the dark web. However, image data from dark web marketplace postings and forums could also be helpful in forensic analysis of the dark web investigation.The presented work attempts to conduct image classification on classes other than CSAM. Nevertheless, manually scanning thousands of websites from the dark web for visual evidence of criminal activity is time and resource intensive. Therefore, the proposed work presented the use of quantum computing to classify the images using a Quantum Convolutional Neural Network (QCNN). Authors classified dark web images into four categories alcohol, drugs, devices, and cards. The provided dataset used for work discussed in the paper consists of around 1242 images. The image dataset combines an open source dataset and data collected by authors. The paper discussed the implementation of QCNN and offered related performance measures.
Authored by Ashwini Dalvi, Soham Bhoir, Irfan Siddavatam, S Bhirud
Onion Routing is an encrypted communication system developed by the U.S. Naval Laboratory that uses existing Internet equipment to communicate anonymously. Miscreants use this means to conduct illegal transactions in the dark web, posing a security risk to citizens and the country. For this means of anonymous communication, website fingerprinting methods have been used in existing studies. These methods often have high overhead and need to run on devices with high performance, which makes the method inflexible. In this paper, we propose a lightweight method to address the high overhead problem that deep learning website fingerprinting methods generally have, so that the method can be applied on common devices while also ensuring accuracy to a certain extent. The proposed method refers to the structure of Inception net, divides the original larger convolutional kernels into smaller ones, and uses group convolution to reduce the website fingerprinting and computation to a certain extent without causing too much negative impact on the accuracy. The method was experimented on the data set collected by Rimmer et al. to ensure the effectiveness.
Authored by Dingyang Liang, Jianing Sun, Yizhi Zhang, Jun Yan
Cyber threats have been a major issue in the cyber security domain. Every hacker follows a series of cyber-attack stages known as cyber kill chain stages. Each stage has its norms and limitations to be deployed. For a decade, researchers have focused on detecting these attacks. Merely watcher tools are not optimal solutions anymore. Everything is becoming autonomous in the computer science field. This leads to the idea of an Autonomous Cyber Resilience Defense algorithm design in this work. Resilience has two aspects: Response and Recovery. Response requires some actions to be performed to mitigate attacks. Recovery is patching the flawed code or back door vulnerability. Both aspects were performed by human assistance in the cybersecurity defense field. This work aims to develop an algorithm based on Reinforcement Learning (RL) with a Convoluted Neural Network (CNN), far nearer to the human learning process for malware images. RL learns through a reward mechanism against every performed attack. Every action has some kind of output that can be classified into positive or negative rewards. To enhance its thinking process Markov Decision Process (MDP) will be mitigated with this RL approach. RL impact and induction measures for malware images were measured and performed to get optimal results. Based on the Malimg Image malware, dataset successful automation actions are received. The proposed work has shown 98% accuracy in the classification, detection, and autonomous resilience actions deployment.
Authored by Kainat Rizwan, Mudassar Ahmad, Muhammad Habib
A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) is a malicious attempt by attackers to disrupt the normal traffic of a targeted server, service or network. This is done by overwhelming the target and its surrounding infrastructure with a flood of Internet traffic. The multiple compromised computer systems (bots or zombies) then act as sources of attack traffic. Exploited machines can include computers and other network resources such as IoT devices. The attack results in either degraded network performance or a total service outage of critical infrastructure. This can lead to heavy financial losses and reputational damage. These attacks maximise effectiveness by controlling the affected systems remotely and establishing a network of bots called bot networks. It is very difficult to separate the attack traffic from normal traffic. Early detection is essential for successful mitigation of the attack, which gives rise to a very important role in cybersecurity to detect the attacks and mitigate the effects. This can be done by deploying machine learning or deep learning models to monitor the traffic data. We propose using various machine learning and deep learning algorithms to analyse the traffic patterns and separate malicious traffic from normal traffic. Two suitable datasets have been identified (DDoS attack SDN dataset and CICDDoS2019 dataset). All essential preprocessing is performed on both datasets. Feature selection is also performed before detection techniques are applied. 8 different Neural Networks/ Ensemble/ Machine Learning models are chosen and the datasets are analysed. The best model is chosen based on the performance metrics (DEEP NEURAL NETWORK MODEL). An alternative is also suggested (Next best - Hypermodel). Optimisation by Hyperparameter tuning further enhances the accuracy. Based on the nature of the attack and the intended target, suitable mitigation procedures can then be deployed.
Authored by Ms. Deepthi Bennet, Ms. Preethi Bennet, D Anitha
Though several deep learning (DL) detectors have been proposed for the network attack detection and achieved high accuracy, they are computationally expensive and struggle to satisfy the real-time detection for high-speed networks. Recently, programmable switches exhibit a remarkable throughput efficiency on production networks, indicating a possible deployment of the timely detector. Therefore, we present Soter, a DL enhanced in-network framework for the accurate real-time detection. Soter consists of two phases. One is filtering packets by a rule-based decision tree running on the Tofino ASIC. The other is executing a well-designed lightweight neural network for the thorough inspection of the suspicious packets on the CPU. Experiments on the commodity switch demonstrate that Soter behaves stably in ten network scenarios of different traffic rates and fulfills per-flow detection in 0.03s. Moreover, Soter naturally adapts to the distributed deployment among multiple switches, guaranteeing a higher total throughput for large data centers and cloud networks.
Authored by Guorui Xie, Qing Li, Chupeng Cui, Peican Zhu, Dan Zhao, Wanxin Shi, Zhuyun Qi, Yong Jiang, Xi Xiao