Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) is a very fast emerging research area these days due to their contribution in designing Intelligent transportation systems (ITS). ITS is a well-organized group of wireless networks. It is a derived class of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs). VANET is an instant-formed ad-hoc network, due to the mobility of vehicles on the road. The goal of using ITS is to enhance road safety, driving comfort, and traffic effectiveness by alerting the drivers at right time about upcoming dangerous situations, traffic jams, road diverted, weather conditions, real-time news, and entertainment. We can consider Vehicular communication as an enabler for future driverless cars. For these all above applications, it is necessary to make a threat-free environment to establish secure, fast, and efficient communication in VANETs. In this paper, we had discussed the overviews, characteristics, securities, applications, and various data dissemination techniques in VANET.
Authored by Bhagwati Sharan, Megha Chhabra, Anil Sagar
Modern hardware systems are composed of a variety of third-party Intellectual Property (IP) cores to implement their overall functionality. Since hardware design is a globalized process involving various (untrusted) stakeholders, a secure management of the valuable IP between authors and users is inevitable to protect them from unauthorized access and modification. To this end, the widely adopted IEEE standard 1735-2014 was created to ensure confidentiality and integrity. In this paper, we outline structural weaknesses in IEEE 1735 that cannot be fixed with cryptographic solutions (given the contemporary hardware design process) and thus render the standard inherently insecure. We practically demonstrate the weaknesses by recovering the private keys of IEEE 1735 implementations from major Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tool vendors, namely Intel, Xilinx, Cadence, Siemens, Microsemi, and Lattice, while results on a seventh case study are withheld. As a consequence, we can decrypt, modify, and re-encrypt all allegedly protected IP cores designed for the respective tools, thus leading to an industry-wide break. As part of this analysis, we are the first to publicly disclose three RSA-based white-box schemes that are used in real-world products and present cryptanalytical attacks for all of them, finally resulting in key recovery.
Authored by Julian Speith, Florian Schweins, Maik Ender, Marc Fyrbiak, Alexander May, Christof Paar
Web browsers are among the most important but also complex software solutions to access the web. It is therefore not surprising that web browsers are an attractive target for attackers. Especially in the last decade, security researchers and browser vendors have developed sandboxing mechanisms like security-relevant HTTP headers to tackle the problem of getting a more secure browser. Although the security community is aware of the importance of security-relevant HTTP headers, legacy applications and individual requests from different parties have led to possible insecure configurations of these headers. Even if specific security headers are configured correctly, conflicts in their functionalities may lead to unforeseen browser behaviors and vulnerabilities. Recently, the first work which analyzed duplicated headers and conflicts in headers was published by Calzavara et al. at USENIX Security [1]. The authors focused on inconsistent protections by using both, the HTTP header X-Frame-Options and the framing protection of the Content-Security-Policy.We extend their work by analyzing browser behaviors when parsing duplicated headers, conflicting directives, and values that do not conform to the defined ABNF metalanguage specification. We created an open-source testbed running over 19,800 test cases, at which nearly 300 test cases are executed in the set of 66 different browsers. Our work shows that browsers conform to the specification and behave securely. However, all tested browsers behave differently when it comes, for example, to parsing the Strict-Transport-Security header. Moreover, Chrome, Safari, and Firefox behave differently if the header contains a character, which is not allowed by the defined ABNF. This results in the protection mechanism being fully enforced, partially enforced, or not enforced and thus completely bypassable.
Authored by Hendrik Siewert, Martin Kretschmer, Marcus Niemietz, Juraj Somorovsky
Modern web applications are getting more sophisticated by using frameworks that make development easy, but pose challenges for security analysis tools. New analysis techniques are needed to handle such frameworks that grow in number and popularity. In this paper, we describe Gelato that addresses the most crucial challenges for a security-aware client-side analysis of highly dynamic web applications. In particular, we use a feedback-driven and state-aware crawler that is able to analyze complex framework-based applications automatically, and is guided to maximize coverage of security-sensitive parts of the program. Moreover, we propose a new lightweight client-side taint analysis that outperforms the state-of-the-art tools, requires no modification to browsers, and reports non-trivial taint flows on modern JavaScript applications. Gelato reports vulnerabilities with higher accuracy than existing tools and achieves significantly better coverage on 12 applications of which three are used in production.
Authored by Behnaz Hassanshahi, Hyunjun Lee, Paddy Krishnan
Today, many internet-based applications, especially e-commerce and banking applications, require the transfer of personal data and sensitive data such as credit card information, and in this process, all operations are carried out over the Internet. Users frequently perform these transactions, which require high security, on web sites they access via web browsers. This makes the browser one of the most basic software on the Internet. The security of the communication between the user and the website is provided with SSL certificates, which is used for server authentication. Certificates issued by Certificate Authorities (CA) that have passed international audits must meet certain conditions. The criteria for the issuance of certificates are defined in the Baseline Requirements (BR) document published by the Certificate Authority/Browser (CA/B) Forum, which is accepted as the authority in the WEB Public Key Infrastructure (WEB PKI) ecosystem. Issuing the certificates in accordance with the defined criteria is not sufficient on its own to establish a secure SSL connection. In order to ensure a secure connection and confirm the identity of the website, the certificate validation task falls to the web browsers with which users interact the most. In this study, a comprehensive SSL certificate public key infrastructure (SSL Test Suite) was established to test the behavior of web browsers against certificates that do not comply with BR requirements. With the designed test suite, it is aimed to analyze the certificate validation behaviors of web browsers effectively.
Authored by Merve Şimşek, Tamer Ergun, Hüseyin Temuçin
A rendering regression is a bug introduced by a web browser where a web page no longer functions as users expect. Such rendering bugs critically harm the usability of web browsers as well as web applications. The unique aspect of rendering bugs is that they affect the presented visual appearance of web pages, but those web pages have no pre-defined correct appearance. Therefore, it is challenging to automatically detect errors in their appearance. In practice, web browser vendors rely on non-trivial and time-prohibitive manual analysis to detect and handle rendering regressions. This paper proposes R2Z2, an automated tool to find rendering regressions. R2Z2 uses the differential fuzz testing approach, which repeatedly compares the rendering results of two different versions of a browser while providing the same HTML as input. If the rendering results are different, R2Z2 further performs cross browser compatibility testing to check if the rendering difference is indeed a rendering regression. After identifying a rendering regression, R2Z2 will perform an in-depth analysis to aid in fixing the regression. Specifically, R2Z2 performs a delta-debugging-like analysis to pinpoint the exact browser source code commit causing the regression, as well as inspecting the rendering pipeline stages to pinpoint which pipeline stage is responsible. We implemented a prototype of R2Z2 particularly targeting the Chrome browser. So far, R2Z2 found 11 previously undiscovered rendering regressions in Chrome, all of which were confirmed by the Chrome developers. Importantly, in each case, R2Z2 correctly reported the culprit commit. Moreover, R2Z2 correctly pin-pointed the culprit rendering pipeline stage in all but one case.
Authored by Suhwan Song, Jaewon Hur, Sunwoo Kim, Philip Rogers, Byoungyoung Lee
Due to the rise of the internet a business model known as online advertising has seen unprecedented success. However, it has also become a prime method through which criminals can scam people. Often times even legitimate websites contain advertisements that are linked to scam websites since they are not verified by the website’s owners. Scammers have become quite creative with their attacks, using various unorthodox and inconspicuous methods such as I-frames, Favicons, Proxy servers, Domains, etc. Many modern Anti-viruses are paid services and hence not a feasible option for most users in 3rd world countries. Often people don’t possess devices that have enough RAM to even run such software efficiently leaving them without any options. This project aims to create a Browser extension that will be able to distinguish between safe and unsafe websites by utilizing Machine Learning algorithms. This system is lightweight and free thus fulfilling the needs of most people looking for a cheap and reliable security solution and allowing people to surf the internet easily and safely. The system will scan all the intermittent URL clicks as well, not just the main website thus providing an even greater degree of security.
Authored by Rehan Fargose, Samarth Gaonkar, Paras Jadhav, Harshit Jadiya, Minal Lopes
The study focused on assessing and testing Windows 10 to identify possible vulnerabilities and their ability to withstand cyber-attacks. CVE data, alongside other vulnerability reports, were instrumental in measuring the operating system's performance. Metasploit and Nmap were essential in penetration and intrusion experiments in a simulated environment. The study applied the following testing procedure: information gathering, scanning and results analysis, vulnerability selection, launch attacks, and gaining access to the operating system. Penetration testing involved eight attacks, two of which were effective against the different Windows 10 versions. Installing the latest version of Windows 10 did not guarantee complete protection against attacks. Further research is essential in assessing the system's vulnerabilities are recommending better solutions.
Authored by Jasmin Softić, Zanin Vejzović
Operating systems have various components that produce artifacts. These artifacts are the outcome of a user’s interaction with an application or program and the operating system’s logging capabilities. Thus, these artifacts have great importance in digital forensics investigations. For example, these artifacts can be utilized in a court of law to prove the existence of compromising computer system behaviors. One such component of the Microsoft Windows operating system is Shellbag, which is an enticing source of digital evidence of high forensics interest. The presence of a Shellbag entry means a specific user has visited a particular folder and done some customizations such as accessing, sorting, resizing the window, etc. In this work, we forensically analyze Shellbag as we talk about its purpose, types, and specificity with the latest version of the Windows 11 operating system and uncover the registry hives that contain Shellbag customization information. We also conduct in-depth forensics examinations on Shellbag entries using three tools of three different types, i.e., open-source, freeware, and proprietary tools. Lastly, we compared the capabilities of tools utilized in Shellbag forensics investigations.
Authored by Ashar Neyaz, Narasimha Shashidhar, Cihan Varol, Amar Rasheed
Today billions of people are accessing the internet around the world. There is a need for new technology to provide security against malicious activities that can take preventive/ defensive actions against constantly evolving attacks. A new generation of technology that keeps an eye on such activities and responds intelligently to them is the intrusion detection system employing machine learning. It is difficult for traditional techniques to analyze network generated data due to nature, amount, and speed with which the data is generated. The evolution of advanced cyber threats makes it difficult for existing IDS to perform up to the mark. In addition, managing large volumes of data is beyond the capabilities of computer hardware and software. This data is not only vast in scope, but it is also moving quickly. The system architecture suggested in this study uses SVM to train the model and feature selection based on the information gain ratio measure ranking approach to boost the overall system's efficiency and increase the attack detection rate. This work also addresses the issue of false alarms and trying to reduce them. In the proposed framework, the UNSW-NB15 dataset is used. For analysis, the UNSW-NB15 and NSL-KDD datasets are used. Along with SVM, we have also trained various models using Naive Bayes, ANN, RF, etc. We have compared the result of various models. Also, we can extend these trained models to create an ensemble approach to improve the performance of IDS.
Authored by Manish Khodaskar, Darshan Medhane, Rajesh Ingle, Amar Buchade, Anuja Khodaskar
Modern software development frequently uses third-party packages, raising the concern of supply chain security attacks. Many attackers target popular package managers, like npm, and their users with supply chain attacks. In 2021 there was a 650% year-on-year growth in security attacks by exploiting Open Source Software's supply chain. Proactive approaches are needed to predict package vulnerability to high-risk supply chain attacks. The goal of this work is to help software developers and security specialists in measuring npm supply chain weak link signals to prevent future supply chain attacks by empirically studying npm package metadata. In this paper, we analyzed the metadata of 1.63 million JavaScript npm packages. We propose six signals of security weaknesses in a software supply chain, such as the presence of install scripts, maintainer accounts associated with an expired email domain, and inactive packages with inactive maintainers. One of our case studies identified 11 malicious packages from the install scripts signal. We also found 2,818 maintainer email addresses associated with expired domains, allowing an attacker to hijack 8,494 packages by taking over the npm accounts. We obtained feedback on our weak link signals through a survey responded to by 470 npm package developers. The majority of the developers supported three out of our six proposed weak link signals. The developers also indicated that they would want to be notified about weak links signals before using third-party packages. Additionally, we discussed eight new signals suggested by package developers.
Authored by Nusrat Zahan, Thomas Zimmermann, Patrice Godefroid, Brendan Murphy, Chandra Maddila, Laurie Williams
Blockchain has emerged as a leading technological innovation because of its indisputable safety and services in a distributed setup. Applications of blockchain are rising covering varied fields such as financial transactions, supply chains, maintenance of land records, etc. Supply chain management is a potential area that can immensely benefit from blockchain technology (BCT) along with smart contracts, making supply chain operations more reliable, safer, and trustworthy for all its stakeholders. However, there are numerous challenges such as scalability, coordination, and safety-related issues which are yet to be resolved. Multi-agent systems (MAS) offer a completely new dimension for scalability, cooperation, and coordination in distributed culture. MAS consists of a collection of automated agents who can perform a specific task intelligently in a distributed environment. In this work, an attempt has been made to develop a framework for implementing a multi-agent system for a large-scale product manufacturing supply chain with blockchain technology wherein the agents communicate with each other to monitor and organize supply chain operations. This framework eliminates many of the weaknesses of supply chain management systems. The overall goal is to enhance the performance of SCM in terms of transparency, traceability, trustworthiness, and resilience by using MAS and BCT.
Authored by Satyananda Swain, Manas Patra
Today’s Supply Chains (SC) are engulfed in a maelstrom of risks which arise mainly from uncertain, contradictory, and incomplete information. A decision-making process is required in order to detect threats, assess risks, and implements mitigation methods to address these issues. However, Neutrosophic Data Analytic Hierarchy Process (NDAHP) allows for a more realistic reflection of real-world problems while taking into account all factors that lead to effective risk assessment for Multi Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM). The purpose of this paper consists of an implementation of the NDAHP for MCDM aiming to identifying, ranking, prioritizing and analyzing risks without considering SC’ expert opinions. To that end, we proceed, first, for selecting and analyzing the most 23 relevant risk indicators that have a significant impact on the SC considering three criteria: severity, occurrence, and detection. After that, the NDAHP method is implemented and showcased, on the selected risk indicators, throw an illustrative example. Finally, we discuss the usability and effectiveness of the suggested method for the SCRM purposes.
Authored by Ahlem Meziani, Abdelhabib Bourouis, Mohamed Chebout
Under the new situation of China's new infrastructure and digital transformation and upgrading, large IT companies such as the United States occupy the market of key information infrastructure components in important fields such as power and energy in China, which makes the risk of key information infrastructure in China's power enterprises become more and more prominent. In the power Internet of Things environment where everything is connected, the back doors and loopholes of basic software and hardware caused by the supply chain risks of key information infrastructure have broken through the foundation of power cyber-security and information security defense, and the security risk management of power key information infrastructure cyber-security has become urgent. Therefore, this paper studies the construction of the cyber-security management framework of key information infrastructure suitable for electric power enterprises, and defines the security risk assessment norms of each link of equipment access to the network. Implement the national cyber-security requirements, promote the cyber-security risk controllable assessment service of key information infrastructure, improve the security protection level of power grid information system from the source, and promote the construction and improvement of the network and information security system of power industry.
Authored by Guoying Zhang, Yongchao Xu, Yushuo Hou, Lu Cui, Qian Wang
Security and Controls with Data privacy in Internet of Things (IoT) devices is not only a present and future technology that is projected to connect a multitude of devices, but it is also a critical survival factor for IoT to thrive. As the quantity of communications increases, massive amounts of data are expected to be generated, posing a threat to both physical device and data security. In the Internet of Things architecture, small and low-powered devices are widespread. Due to their complexity, traditional encryption methods and algorithms are computationally expensive, requiring numerous rounds to encrypt and decode, squandering the limited energy available on devices. A simpler cryptographic method, on the other hand, may compromise the intended confidentiality and integrity. This study examines two lightweight encryption algorithms for Android devices: AES and RSA. On the other hand, the traditional AES approach generates preset encryption keys that the sender and receiver share. As a result, the key may be obtained quickly. In this paper, we present an improved AES approach for generating dynamic keys.
Authored by RV Chandrashekhar, J Visumathi, PeterSoosai Anandaraj
In the context of cybersecurity systems, trust is the firm belief that a system will behave as expected. Trustworthiness is the proven property of a system that is worthy of trust. Therefore, trust is ephemeral, i.e. trust can be broken; trustworthiness is perpetual, i.e. trustworthiness is verified and cannot be broken. The gap between these two concepts is one which is, alarmingly, often overlooked. In fact, the pressure to meet with the pace of operations for mission critical cross domain solution (CDS) development has resulted in a status quo of high-risk, ad hoc solutions. Trustworthiness, proven through formal verification, should be an essential property in any hardware and/or software security system. We have shown, in "vCDS: A Virtualized Cross Domain Solution Architecture", that developing a formally verified CDS is possible. virtual CDS (vCDS) additionally comes with security guarantees, i.e. confidentiality, integrity, and availability, through the use of a formally verified trusted computing base (TCB). In order for a system, defined by an architecture description language (ADL), to be considered trustworthy, the implemented security configuration, i.e. access control and data protection models, must be verified correct. In this paper we present the first and only security auditing tool which seeks to verify the security configuration of a CDS architecture defined through ADL description. This tool is useful in mitigating the risk of existing solutions by ensuring proper security enforcement. Furthermore, when coupled with the agile nature of vCDS, this tool significantly increases the pace of system delivery.
Authored by Nathan Daughety, Marcus Pendleton, Rebeca Perez, Shouhuai Xu, John Franco
Modern consumer electronic devices often provide intelligence services with deep neural networks. We have started migrating the computing locations of intelligence services from cloud servers (traditional AI systems) to the corresponding devices (on-device AI systems). On-device AI systems generally have the advantages of preserving privacy, removing network latency, and saving cloud costs. With the emergence of on-device AI systems having relatively low computing power, the inconsistent and varying hardware resources and capabilities pose difficulties. Authors' affiliation has started applying a stream pipeline framework, NNStreamer, for on-device AI systems, saving developmental costs and hardware resources and improving performance. We want to expand the types of devices and applications with on-device AI services products of both the affiliation and second/third parties. We also want to make each AI service atomic, re-deployable, and shared among connected devices of arbitrary vendors; we now have yet another requirement introduced as it always has been. The new requirement of “among-device AI” includes connectivity between AI pipelines so that they may share computing resources and hardware capabilities across a wide range of devices regardless of vendors and manufacturers. We propose extensions of the stream pipeline framework, NNStreamer, for on-device AI so that NNStreamer may provide among-device AI capability. This work is a Linux Foundation (LF AI & Data) open source project accepting contributions from the general public.
Authored by MyungJoo Ham, Sangjung Woo, Jaeyun Jung, Wook Song, Gichan Jang, Yongjoo Ahn, Hyoungjoo Ahn
With the development of artificial intelligence, the need for data sharing is becoming more and more urgent. However, the existing data sharing methods can no longer fully meet the data sharing needs. Privacy breaches, lack of motivation and mutual distrust have become obstacles to data sharing. We design a privacy-preserving, decentralized data sharing method based on blockchain smart contracts, named PPDS. To protect data privacy, we transform the data sharing problem into a model sharing problem. This means that the data owner does not need to directly share the raw data, but the AI model trained with such data. The data requester and the data owner interact on the blockchain through a smart contract. The data owner trains the model with local data according to the requester's requirements. To fairly assess model quality, we set up several model evaluators to assess the validity of the model through voting. After the model is verified, the data owner who trained the model will receive reward in return through a smart contract. The sharing of the model avoids direct exposure of the raw data, and the reasonable incentive provides a motivation for the data owner to share the data. We describe the design and workflow of our PPDS, and analyze the security using formal verification technology, that is, we use Coloured Petri Nets (CPN) to build a formal model for our approach, proving its security through simulation execution and model checking. Finally, we demonstrate effectiveness of PPDS by developing a prototype with its corresponding case application.
Authored by Xuesong Hai, Jing Liu
Graph-based Semi-Supervised Learning (GSSL) is a practical solution to learn from a limited amount of labelled data together with a vast amount of unlabelled data. However, due to their reliance on the known labels to infer the unknown labels, these algorithms are sensitive to data quality. It is therefore essential to study the potential threats related to the labelled data, more specifically, label poisoning. In this paper, we propose a novel data poisoning method which efficiently approximates the result of label inference to identify the inputs which, if poisoned, would produce the highest number of incorrectly inferred labels. We extensively evaluate our approach on three classification problems under 24 different experimental settings each. Compared to the state of the art, our influence-driven attack produces an average increase of error rate 50% higher, while being faster by multiple orders of magnitude. Moreover, our method can inform engineers of inputs that deserve investigation (relabelling them) before training the learning model. We show that relabelling one-third of the poisoned inputs (selected based on their influence) reduces the poisoning effect by 50%. ACM Reference Format: Adriano Franci, Maxime Cordy, Martin Gubri, Mike Papadakis, and Yves Le Traon. 2022. Influence-Driven Data Poisoning in Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Classifiers. In 1st Conference on AI Engineering - Software Engineering for AI (CAIN’22), May 16–24, 2022, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 11 pages.
Authored by Adriano Franci, Maxime Cordy, Martin Gubri, Mike Papadakis, Yves Le Traon
The data centers of cloud computing-based aerospace ground systems and the businesses running on them are extremely vulnerable to man-made disasters, emergencies, and other disasters, which means security is seriously threatened. Thus, cloud centers need to provide effective disaster recovery services for software and data. However, the disaster recovery methods for current cloud centers of aerospace ground systems have long been in arrears, and the disaster tolerance and anti-destruction capability are weak. Aiming at the above problems, in this paper we design a disaster recovery service for aerospace ground systems based on cloud computing. On account of the software warehouse, this service adopts the main standby mode to achieve the backup, local disaster recovery, and remote disaster recovery of software and data. As a result, this service can timely response to the disasters, ensure the continuous running of businesses, and improve the disaster tolerance and anti-destruction capability of aerospace ground systems. Extensive simulation experiments validate the effectiveness of the disaster recovery service proposed in this paper.
Authored by Xiao Yu, Dong Wang, Xiaojuan Sun, Bingbing Zheng, Yankai Du
With the considerable success achieved by modern fuzzing in-frastructures, more crashes are produced than ever before. To dig out the root cause, rapid and faithful crash triage for large numbers of crashes has always been attractive. However, hindered by the practical difficulty of reducing analysis imprecision without compromising efficiency, this goal has not been accomplished. In this paper, we present an end-to-end crash triage solution Default, for accurately and quickly pinpointing unique root cause from large numbers of crashes. In particular, we quantify the “crash relevance” of program entities based on mutual information, which serves as the criterion of unique crash bucketing and allows us to bucket massive crashes without pre-analyzing their root cause. The quantification of “crash relevance” is also used in the shortening of long crashing traces. On this basis, we use the interpretability of neural networks to precisely pinpoint the root cause in the shortened traces by evaluating each basic block's impact on the crash label. Evaluated with 20 programs with 22216 crashes in total, Default demonstrates remarkable accuracy and performance, which is way beyond what the state-of-the-art techniques can achieve: crash de-duplication was achieved at a super-fast processing speed - 0.017 seconds per crashing trace, without missing any unique bugs. After that, it identifies the root cause of 43 unique crashes with no false negatives and an average false positive rate of 9.2%.
Authored by Xing Zhang, Jiongyi Chen, Chao Feng, Ruilin Li, Wenrui Diao, Kehuan Zhang, Jing Lei, Chaojing Tang
Port knocking provides an added layer of security on top of the existing security systems of a network. A predefined port knocking sequence is used to open the ports, which are closed by the firewall by default. The server determines the valid request if the knocking sequence is correct and opens the desired port. However, this sequence poses a security threat due to its static nature. This paper presents the port knock sequence-based communication protocol in the Software Defined network (SDN). It provides better management by separating the control plane and data plane. At the same time, it causes a communication overhead between the switches and the controller. To avoid this overhead, we are using the port knocking concept in the data plane without any involvement of the SDN controller. This study proposes three port knock sequence-based protocols (static, partial dynamic, and dynamic) in the data plane. To test the protocol in SDN environment, the P4 implementation of the underlying model is done in the BMV2 (behavioral model version 2) virtual switch. To check the security of the protocols, an informal security analysis is performed, which shows that the proposed protocols are secured to be implemented in the SDN data plane.
Authored by Isha Pali, Ruhul Amin
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is one of the applications to detect intrusions in the network. IDS aims to detect any malicious activities that protect the computer networks from unknown persons or users called attackers. Network security is one of the significant tasks that should provide secure data transfer. Virtualization of networks becomes more complex for IoT technology. Deep Learning (DL) is most widely used by many networks to detect the complex patterns. This is very suitable approaches for detecting the malicious nodes or attacks. Software-Defined Network (SDN) is the default virtualization computer network. Attackers are developing new technology to attack the networks. Many authors are trying to develop new technologies to attack the networks. To overcome these attacks new protocols are required to prevent these attacks. In this paper, a unique deep intrusion detection approach (UDIDA) is developed to detect the attacks in SDN. Performance shows that the proposed approach is achieved more accuracy than existing approaches.
Authored by Vamsi Krishna, Venkata Matta
Python continues to be one of the most popular programming languages and has been used in many safety-critical fields such as medical treatment, autonomous driving systems, and data science. These fields put forward higher security requirements to Python ecosystems. However, existing studies on machine learning systems in Python concentrate on data security, model security and model privacy, and just assume the underlying Python virtual machines (PVMs) are secure and trustworthy. Unfortunately, whether such an assumption really holds is still unknown.This paper presents, to the best of our knowledge, the first and most comprehensive empirical study on the security of CPython, the official and most deployed Python virtual machine. To this end, we first designed and implemented a software prototype dubbed PVMSCAN, then use it to scan the source code of the latest CPython (version 3.10) and other 10 versions (3.0 to 3.9), which consists of 3,838,606 lines of source code. Empirical results give relevant findings and insights towards the security of Python virtual machines, such as: 1) CPython virtual machines are still vulnerable, for example, PVMSCAN detected 239 vulnerabilities in version 3.10, including 55 null dereferences, 86 uninitialized variables and 98 dead stores; Python/C API-related vulnerabilities are very common and have become one of the most severe threats to the security of PVMs: for example, 70 Python/C API-related vulnerabilities are identified in CPython 3.10; 3) the overall quality of the code remained stable during the evolution of Python VMs with vulnerabilities per thousand line (VPTL) to be 0.50; and 4) automatic vulnerability rectification is effective: 166 out of 239 (69.46%) vulnerabilities can be rectified by a simple yet effective syntax-directed heuristics.We have reported our empirical results to the developers of CPython, and they have acknowledged us and already confirmed and fixed 2 bugs (as of this writing) while others are still being analyzed. This study not only demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach, but also highlights the need to improve the reliability of infrastructures like Python virtual machines by leveraging state-of-the-art security techniques and tools.
Authored by Xinrong Lin, Baojian Hua, Qiliang Fan
The purpose of this article is to consider one of the options for automating the process of collecting information from open sources when conducting penetration testing in an organization's information security audit using the capabilities of the Python programming language. Possible primary vectors for collecting information about the organization, personnel, software, and hardware are shown. The basic principles of operation of the software product are presented in a visual form, which allows automated analysis of information from open sources about the object under study.
Authored by Anton Bryushinin, Alexandr Dushkin, Maxim Melshiyan