Successful information and communication technology (ICT) may propel administrative procedures forward quickly. In order to achieve efficient usage of TCT in their businesses, ICT strategies and plans should be examined to ensure that they align with the organization's visions and missions. Efficient software and hardware work together to provide relevant data that aids in the improvement of how we do business, learn, communicate, entertain, and work. This exposes them to a risky environment that is prone to both internal and outside threats. The term “security” refers to a level of protection or resistance to damage. Security can also be thought of as a barrier between assets and threats. Important terms must be understood in order to have a comprehensive understanding of security. This research paper discusses key terms, concerns, and challenges related to information systems and security auditing. Exploratory research is utilised in this study to find an explanation for the observed occurrences, problems, or behaviour. The study's findings include a list of various security risks that must be seriously addressed in any Information System and Security Audit.
Authored by Saloni, Dilpreet Arora
Cybersecurity insurance is one of the important means of cybersecurity risk management and the development of cyber insurance is inseparable from the support of cyber risk assessment technology. Cyber risk assessment can not only help governments and organizations to better protect themselves from related risks, but also serve as a basis for cybersecurity insurance underwriting, pricing, and formulating policy content. Aiming at the problem that cybersecurity insurance companies cannot conduct cybersecurity risk assessments on policyholders before the policy is signed without the authorization of the policyholder or in legal, combining with the need that cybersecurity insurance companies want to obtain network security vulnerability risk profiles of policyholders conveniently, quickly and at low cost before the policy signing, this study proposed a non-intrusive network security vulnerability risk assessment method based on ensemble machine learning. Our model uses only open source intelligence and publicly available network information data to rate cyber vulnerability risk of an organization, achieving an accuracy of 70.6% compared to a rating based on comprehensive information by cybersecurity experts.
Authored by Jun-Zheng Yang, Feng Liu, Yuan-Jie Zhao, Lu-Lu Liang, Jia-Yin Qi
This paper belongs to a sequence of manuscripts that discuss generic and easy-to-apply security metrics for Strong PUFs. These metrics cannot and shall not fully replace in-depth machine learning (ML) studies in the security assessment of Strong PUF candidates. But they can complement the latter, serve in initial PUF complexity analyses, and are much easier and more efficient to apply: They do not require detailed knowledge of various ML methods, substantial computation times, or the availability of an internal parametric model of the studied PUF. Our metrics also can be standardized particularly easily. This avoids the sometimes inconclusive or contradictory findings of existing ML-based security test, which may result from the usage of different or non-optimized ML algorithms and hyperparameters, differing hardware resources, or varying numbers of challenge-response pairs in the training phase.This first manuscript within the abovementioned sequence treats one of the conceptually most straightforward security metrics on that path: It investigates the effects that small perturbations in the PUF-challenges have on the resulting PUF-responses. We first develop and implement several sub-metrics that realize this approach in practice. We then empirically show that these metrics have surprising predictive power, and compare our obtained test scores with the known real-world security of several popular Strong PUF designs. The latter include (XOR) Arbiter PUFs, Feed-Forward Arbiter PUFs, and (XOR) Bistable Ring PUFs. Along the way, our manuscript also suggests techniques for representing the results of our metrics graphically, and for interpreting them in a meaningful manner.
Authored by Fynn Kappelhoff, Rasmus Rasche, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, Ulrich Rührmair
Traditional power consumption management systems are not showing enough reliability and thus, smart grid technology has been introduced to reduce the excess power wastages. In the context of smart grid systems, network communication is another term that is used for developing the network between the users and the load profiles. Cloud computing and clustering are also executed for efficient power management. Based on the facts, this research is going to identify wireless network communication systems to monitor and control smart grid power consumption. Primary survey-based research has been carried out with 62 individuals who worked in the smart grid system, tracked, monitored and controlled the power consumptions using WSN technology. The survey was conducted online where the respondents provided their opinions via a google survey form. The responses were collected and analyzed on Microsoft Excel. Results show that hybrid commuting of cloud and edge computing technology is more advantageous than individual computing. Respondents agreed that deep learning techniques will be more beneficial to analyze load profiles than machine learning techniques. Lastly, the study has explained the advantages and challenges of using smart grid network communication systems. Apart from the findings from primary research, secondary journal articles were also observed to emphasize the research findings.
Authored by Santosh Kumar, N Kumar, B.T. Geetha, M. Sangeetha, Kalyan Chakravarthi, Vikas Tripathi
Smart grid is the next generation for power generation, consumption and distribution. However, with the introduction of smart communication in such sensitive components, major risks from cybersecurity perspective quickly emerged. This survey reviews and reports on the state-of-the-art techniques for detecting cyber attacks in smart grids, mainly through machine learning techniques.
Authored by Ahmad Alkuwari, Saif Al-Kuwari, Marwa Qaraqe
Smart grids integrate computing and communication infrastructure with conventional power grids to improve situational awareness, control, and safety. Several technologies such as automatic fault detection, automated reconfiguration, and outage management require close network monitoring. Therefore, utilities utilize sensing equipment such as PMUs (phasor measurement units), smart meters, and bellwether meters to obtain grid measurements. However, the expansion in sensing equipment results in an increased strain on existing communication infrastructure. Prior works overcome this problem by exploiting the sparsity of power consumption data in the Haar, Hankel, and Toeplitz transformation bases to achieve sub-Nyquist compression. However, data-driven dictionaries enable superior compression ratios and reconstruction accuracy by learning the sparsifying basis. Therefore, this work proposes using dictionary learning to learn the sparsifying basis of smart meter data. The smart meter data sent to the data centers are compressed using a random projection matrix prior to transmission. These measurements are aggregated to obtain the compressed measurements at the primary nodes. Compressive sensing-based estimators are then utilized to estimate the system states. This approach was validated on the IEEE 33-node distribution system and showed superior reconstruction accuracy over conventional transformation bases and over-complete dictionaries. Voltage magnitude and angle estimation error less than 0.3% mean absolute percentage error and 0.04 degree mean absolute error, respectively, were achieved at compression ratios as high as eight.
Authored by Rahul Madbhavi, Babji Srinivasan
The complexity and scale of modern software programs often lead to overlooked programming errors and security vulnerabilities. Developers often rely on automatic tools, like static analysis tools, to look for bugs and vulnerabilities. Static analysis tools are widely used because they can understand nontrivial program behaviors, scale to millions of lines of code, and detect subtle bugs. However, they are known to generate an excess of false alarms which hinder their utilization as it is counterproductive for developers to go through a long list of reported issues, only to find a few true positives. One of the ways proposed to suppress false positives is to use machine learning to identify them. However, training machine learning models requires good quality labeled datasets. For this purpose, we developed D2A [3], a differential analysis based approach that uses the commit history of a code repository to create a labeled dataset of Infer [2] static analysis output.
Authored by Saurabh Pujar, Yunhui Zheng, Luca Buratti, Burn Lewis, Alessandro Morari, Jim Laredo, Kevin Postlethwait, Christoph Görn
Swarm learning (SL) is an emerging promising decentralized machine learning paradigm and has achieved high performance in clinical applications. SL solves the problem of a central structure in federated learning by combining edge computing and blockchain-based peer-to-peer network. While there are promising results in the assumption of the independent and identically distributed (IID) data across participants, SL suffers from performance degradation as the degree of the non-IID data increases. To address this problem, we propose a generative augmentation framework in swarm learning called SL-GAN, which augments the non-IID data by generating the synthetic data from participants. SL-GAN trains generators and discriminators locally, and periodically aggregation via a randomly elected coordinator in SL network. Under the standard assumptions, we theoretically prove the convergence of SL-GAN using stochastic approximations. Experimental results demonstrate that SL-GAN outperforms state-of-art methods on three real world clinical datasets including Tuberculosis, Leukemia, COVID-19.
Authored by Zirui Wang, Shaoming Duan, Chengyue Wu, Wenhao Lin, Xinyu Zha, Peiyi Han, Chuanyi Liu
SQL Injection has been around as a harmful and prolific threat on web applications for more than 20 years, yet it still poses a huge threat to the World Wide Web. Rapidly evolving web technology has not eradicated this threat; In 2017 51 % of web application attacks are SQL injection attacks. Most conventional practices to prevent SQL injection attacks revolves around secure web and database programming and administration techniques. Despite developer ignorance, a large number of online applications remain susceptible to SQL injection attacks. There is a need for a more effective method to detect and prevent SQL Injection attacks. In this research, we offer a unique machine learning-based strategy for identifying potential SQL injection attack (SQL injection attack) threats. Application of the proposed method in a Security Information and Event Management(SIEM) system will be discussed. SIEM can aggregate and normalize event information from multiple sources, and detect malicious events from analysis of these information. The result of this work shows that a machine learning based SQL injection attack detector which uses SIEM approach possess high accuracy in detecting malicious SQL queries.
Authored by Yohan Muliono, Mohamad Darus, Chrisando Pardomuan, Muhammad Ariffin, Aditya Kurniawan
The increasing use of Information Technology applications in the distributed environment is increasing security exploits. Information about vulnerabilities is also available on the open web in an unstructured format that developers can take advantage of to fix vulnerabilities in their IT applications. SQL injection (SQLi) attacks are frequently launched with the objective of exfiltration of data typically through targeting the back-end server organisations to compromise their customer databases. There have been a number of high profile attacks against large enterprises in recent years. With the ever-increasing growth of online trading, it is possible to see how SQLi attacks can continue to be one of the leading routes for cyber-attacks in the future, as indicated by findings reported in OWASP. Various machine learning and deep learning algorithms have been applied to detect and prevent these attacks. However, such preventive attempts have not limited the incidence of cyber-attacks and the resulting compromised database as reported by (CVE) repository. In this paper, the potential of using data mining approaches is pursued in order to enhance the efficacy of SQL injection safeguarding measures by reducing the false-positive rates in SQLi detection. The proposed approach uses CountVectorizer to extract features and then apply various supervised machine-learning models to automate the classification of SQLi. The model that returns the highest accuracy has been chosen among available models. Also a new model has been created PALOSDM (Performance analysis and Iterative optimisation of the SQLI Detection Model) for reducing false-positive rate and false-negative rate. The detection rate accuracy has also been improved significantly from a baseline of 94% up to 99%.
Authored by Ahmed Ashlam, Atta Badii, Frederic Stahl
For a long time, SQL injection has been considered one of the most serious security threats. NoSQL databases are becoming increasingly popular as big data and cloud computing technologies progress. NoSQL injection attacks are designed to take advantage of applications that employ NoSQL databases. NoSQL injections can be particularly harmful because they allow unrestricted code execution. In this paper we use supervised learning and natural language processing to construct a model to detect NoSQL injections. Our model is designed to work with MongoDB, CouchDB, CassandraDB, and Couchbase queries. Our model has achieved an F1 score of 0.95 as established by 10-fold cross validation.
Authored by Sivakami Praveen, Alysha Dcouth, A Mahesh
Ethical bias in machine learning models has become a matter of concern in the software engineering community. Most of the prior software engineering works concentrated on finding ethical bias in models rather than fixing it. After finding bias, the next step is mitigation. Prior researchers mainly tried to use supervised approaches to achieve fairness. However, in the real world, getting data with trustworthy ground truth is challenging and also ground truth can contain human bias. Semi-supervised learning is a technique where, incrementally, labeled data is used to generate pseudo-labels for the rest of data (and then all that data is used for model training). In this work, we apply four popular semi-supervised techniques as pseudo-labelers to create fair classification models. Our framework, Fair-SSL, takes a very small amount (10%) of labeled data as input and generates pseudo-labels for the unlabeled data. We then synthetically generate new data points to balance the training data based on class and protected attribute as proposed by Chakraborty et al. in FSE 2021. Finally, classification model is trained on the balanced pseudo-labeled data and validated on test data. After experimenting on ten datasets and three learners, we find that Fair-SSL achieves similar performance as three state-of-the-art bias mitigation algorithms. That said, the clear advantage of Fair-SSL is that it requires only 10% of the labeled training data. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first SE work where semi-supervised techniques are used to fight against ethical bias in SE ML models. To facilitate open science and replication, all our source code and datasets are publicly available at CCS CONCEPTS • Software and its engineering → Software creation and management; • Computing methodologies → Machine learning. ACM Reference Format: Joymallya Chakraborty, Suvodeep Majumder, and Huy Tu. 2022. Fair-SSL: Building fair ML Software with less data. In International Workshop on Equitable Data and Technology (FairWare ‘22), May 9, 2022, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 8 pages.
Authored by Joymallya Chakraborty, Suvodeep Majumder, Huy Tu
In recent times, the occurrence of malware attacks are increasing at an unprecedented rate. Particularly, the image-based malware attacks are spreading worldwide and many people get harmful malware-based images through the technique called steganography. In the existing system, only open malware and files from the internet can be identified. However, the image-based malware cannot be identified and detected. As a result, so many phishers make use of this technique and exploit the target. Social media platforms would be totally harmful to the users. To avoid these difficulties, Machine learning can be implemented to find the steganographic malware images (contents). The proposed methodology performs an automatic detection of malware and steganographic content by using Machine Learning. Steganography is used to hide messages from apparently innocuous media (e.g., images), and steganalysis is the approach used for detecting this malware. This research work proposes a machine learning (ML) approach to perform steganalysis. In the existing system, only open malware and files from the internet are identified but in the recent times many people get harmful malware-based images through the technique called steganography. Social media platforms would be totally harmful to the users. To avoid these difficulties, the proposed Machine learning has been developed to appropriately detect the steganographic malware images (contents). Father, the steganalysis method using machine learning has been developed for performing logistic classification. By using this, the users can avoid sharing the malware images in social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook without downloading it. It can be also used in all the photo-sharing sites such as google photos.
Authored by Henry Samuel, Santhanam Kumar, R. Aishwarya, G. Mathivanan
This research evaluates the accuracy of two methods of authorship prediction: syntactical analysis and n-gram, and explores its potential usage. The proposed algorithm measures n-gram, and counts adjectives, adverbs, verbs, nouns, punctuation, and sentence length from the training data, and normalizes each metric. The proposed algorithm compares the metrics of training samples to testing samples and predicts authorship based on the correlation they share for each metric. The severity of correlation between the testing and training data produces significant weight in the decision-making process. For example, if analysis of one metric approximates 100% positive correlation, the weight in the decision is assigned a maximum value for that metric. Conversely, a 100% negative correlation receives the minimum value. This new method of authorship validation holds promise for future innovation in fraud protection, the study of historical documents, and maintaining integrity within academia.
Authored by Jared Nelson, Mohammad Shekaramiz
Network Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) have been used to increase the level of network security for many years. The main purpose of such systems is to detect and block malicious activity in the network traffic. Researchers have been improving the performance of IDS technology for decades by applying various machine-learning techniques. From the perspective of academia, obtaining a quality dataset (i.e. a sufficient amount of captured network packets that contain both malicious and normal traffic) to support machine learning approaches has always been a challenge. There are many datasets publicly available for research purposes, including NSL-KDD, KDDCUP 99, CICIDS 2017 and UNSWNB15. However, these datasets are becoming obsolete over time and may no longer be adequate or valid to model and validate IDSs against state-of-the-art attack techniques. As attack techniques are continuously evolving, datasets used to develop and test IDSs also need to be kept up to date. Proven performance of an IDS tested on old attack patterns does not necessarily mean it will perform well against new patterns. Moreover, existing datasets may lack certain data fields or attributes necessary to analyse some of the new attack techniques. In this paper, we argue that academia needs up-to-date high-quality datasets. We compare publicly available datasets and suggest a way to provide up-to-date high-quality datasets for researchers and the security industry. The proposed solution is to utilize the network traffic captured from the Locked Shields exercise, one of the world’s largest live-fire international cyber defence exercises held annually by the NATO CCDCOE. During this three-day exercise, red team members consisting of dozens of white hackers selected by the governments of over 20 participating countries attempt to infiltrate the networks of over 20 blue teams, who are tasked to defend a fictional country called Berylia. After the exercise, network packets captured from each blue team’s network are handed over to each team. However, the countries are not willing to disclose the packet capture (PCAP) files to the public since these files contain specific information that could reveal how a particular nation might react to certain types of cyberattacks. To overcome this problem, we propose to create a dedicated virtual team, capture all the traffic from this team’s network, and disclose it to the public so that academia can use it for unclassified research and studies. In this way, the organizers of Locked Shields can effectively contribute to the advancement of future artificial intelligence (AI) enabled security solutions by providing annual datasets of up-to-date attack patterns.
Authored by Maj. Halisdemir, Hacer Karacan, Mauno Pihelgas, Toomas Lepik, Sungbaek Cho
State-of-the-art approaches in gait analysis usually rely on one isolated tracking system, generating insufficient data for complex use cases such as sports, rehabilitation, and MedTech. We address the opportunity to comprehensively understand human motion by a novel data model combining several motion-tracking methods. The model aggregates pose estimation by captured videos and EMG and EIT sensor data synchronously to gain insights into muscle activities. Our demonstration with biceps curl and sitting/standing pose generates time-synchronous data and delivers insights into our experiment’s usability, advantages, and challenges.
Authored by Sebastian Rettlinger, Bastian Knaus, Florian Wieczorek, Nikolas Ivakko, Simon Hanisch, Giang Nguyen, Thorsten Strufe, Frank Fitzek
The increasing data generation rate and the proliferation of deep learning applications have led to the development of machine learning-as-a-service (MLaaS) platforms by major Cloud providers. The existing MLaaS platforms, however, fall short in protecting the clients’ private data. Recent distributed MLaaS architectures such as federated learning have also shown to be vulnerable against a range of privacy attacks. Such vulnerabilities motivated the development of privacy-preserving MLaaS techniques, which often use complex cryptographic prim-itives. Such approaches, however, demand abundant computing resources, which undermine the low-latency nature of evolving applications such as autonomous driving.To address these challenges, we propose SCLERA–an efficient MLaaS framework that utilizes trusted execution environment for secure execution of clients’ workloads. SCLERA features a set of optimization techniques to reduce the computational complexity of the offloaded services and achieve low-latency inference. We assessed SCLERA’s efficacy using image/video analytic use cases such as scene detection. Our results show that SCLERA achieves up to 23× speed-up when compared to the baseline secure model execution.
Authored by Abhinav Kumar, Reza Tourani, Mona Vij, Srikathyayani Srikanteswara
Phishing is a method of online fraud where attackers are targeted to gain access to the computer systems for monetary benefits or personal gains. In this case, the attackers pose themselves as legitimate entities to gain the users' sensitive information. Phishing has been significant concern over the past few years. The firms are recording an increase in phishing attacks primarily aimed at the firm's intellectual property and the employees' sensitive data. As a result, these attacks force firms to spend more on information security, both in technology-centric and human-centric approaches. With the advancements in cyber-security in the last ten years, many techniques evolved to detect phishing-related activities through websites and emails. This study focuses on the latest techniques used for detecting phishing attacks, including the usage of Visual selection features, Machine Learning (ML), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to see the phishing attacks. New strategies for identifying phishing attacks are evolving, but limited standardized knowledge on phishing identification and mitigation is accessible from user awareness training. So, this study also focuses on the role of security-awareness movements to minimize the impact of phishing attacks. There are many approaches to train the user regarding these attacks, such as persona-centred training, anti-phishing techniques, visual discrimination training and the usage of spam filters, robust firewalls and infrastructure, dynamic technical defense mechanisms, use of third-party certified software to mitigate phishing attacks from happening. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to carry out a systematic analysis of literature to assess the state of knowledge in prominent scientific journals on the identification and prevention of phishing. Forty-three journal articles with the perspective of phishing detection and prevention through awareness training were reviewed from 2011 to 2020. This timely systematic review also focuses on the gaps identified in the selected primary studies and future research directions in this area.
Authored by Kanchan Patil, Sai Arra
Phishing activity is undertaken by the hackers to compromise the computer networks and financial system. A compromised computer system or network provides data and or processing resources to the world of cybercrime. Cybercrimes are projected to cost the world \$6 trillion by 2021, in this context phishing is expected to continue being a growing challenge. Statistics around phishing growth over the last decade support this theory as phishing numbers enjoy almost an exponential growth over the period. Recent reports on the complexity of the phishing show that the fight against phishing URL as a means of building more resilient cyberspace is an evolving challenge. Compounding the problem is the lack of cyber security expertise to handle the expected rise in incidents. Previous research have proposed different methods including neural network, data mining technique, heuristic-based phishing detection technique, machine learning to detect phishing websites. However, recently phishers have started to use more sophisticated techniques to attack the internet users such as VoIP phishing, spear phishing etc. For these modern methods, the traditional ways of phishing detection provide low accuracy. Hence, the requirement arises for the application and development of modern tools and techniques to use as a countermeasure against such phishing attacks. Keeping in view the nature of recent phishing attacks, it is imperative to develop a state-of-the art anti-phishing tool which should be able to predict the phishing attacks before the occurrence of actual phishing incidents. We have designed such a tool that will work efficiently to detect the phishing websites so that a user can understand easily the risk of using of his personal and financial data.
Authored by Rajeev Shah, Mohammad Hasan, Shayla Islam, Asif Khan, Taher Ghazal, Ahmad Khan
Global cybersecurity threats have grown as a result of the evolving digital transformation. Cybercriminals have more opportunities as a result of digitization. Initially, cyberthreats take the form of phishing in order to gain confidential user credentials.As cyber-attacks get more sophisticated and sophisticated, the cybersecurity industry is faced with the problem of utilising cutting-edge technology and techniques to combat the ever-present hostile threats. Hackers use phishing to persuade customers to grant them access to a company’s digital assets and networks. As technology progressed, phishing attempts became more sophisticated, necessitating the development of tools to detect phishing.Machine learning is unsupervised one of the most powerful weapons in the fight against terrorist threats. The features used for phishing detection, as well as the approaches employed with machine learning, are discussed in this study.In this light, the study’s major goal is to propose a unique, robust ensemble machine learning model architecture that gives the highest prediction accuracy with the lowest error rate, while also recommending a few alternative robust machine learning models.Finally, the Random forest algorithm attained a maximum accuracy of 96.454 percent. But by implementing a hybrid model including the 3 classifiers- Decision Trees,Random forest, Gradient boosting classifiers, the accuracy increases to 98.4 percent.
Authored by Josna Philomina, K Fathima, S Gayathri, Glory Elias, Abhinaya Menon
During pandemic COVID-19 outbreaks, number of cyber-attacks including phishing activities have increased tremendously. Nowadays many technical solutions on phishing detection were developed, however these approaches were either unsuccessful or unable to identify phishing pages and detect malicious codes efficiently. One of the downside is due to poor detection accuracy and low adaptability to new phishing connections. Another reason behind the unsuccessful anti-phishing solutions is an arbitrary selected URL-based classification features which may produce false results to the detection. Therefore, in this work, an intelligent phishing detection and prevention model is designed. The proposed model employs a self-destruct detection algorithm in which, machine learning, especially supervised learning algorithm was used. All employed rules in algorithm will focus on URL-based web characteristic, which attackers rely upon to redirect the victims to the simulated sites. A dataset from various sources such as Phish Tank and UCI Machine Learning repository were used and the testing was conducted in a controlled lab environment. As a result, a chrome extension phishing detection were developed based on the proposed model to help in preventing phishing attacks with an appropriate countermeasure and keep users aware of phishing while visiting illegitimate websites. It is believed that this smart phishing detection and prevention model able to prevent fraud and spam websites and lessen the cyber-crime and cyber-crisis that arise from year to year.
Authored by Amir Rose, Nurlida Basir, Nur Heng, Nurzi Zaizi, Madihah Saudi
People are increasingly sharing their details online as internet usage grows. Therefore, fraudsters have access to a massive amount of information and financial activities. The attackers create web pages that seem like reputable sites and transmit the malevolent content to victims to get them to provide subtle information. Prevailing phishing security measures are inadequate for detecting new phishing assaults. To accomplish this aim, objective to meet for this research is to analyses and compare phishing website and legitimate by analyzing the data collected from open-source platforms through a survey. Another objective for this research is to propose a method to detect fake sites using Decision Tree and Random Forest approaches. Microsoft Form has been utilized to carry out the survey with 30 participants. Majority of the participants have poor awareness and phishing attack and does not obverse the features of interface before accessing the search browser. With the data collection, this survey supports the purpose of identifying the best phishing website detection where Decision Tree and Random Forest were trained and tested. In achieving high number of feature importance detection and accuracy rate, the result demonstrates that Random Forest has the best performance in phishing website detection compared to Decision Tree.
Authored by Mohammed Alkawaz, Stephanie Steven, Omar Mohammad, Md Johar
Phishing has become a prominent method of data theft among hackers, and it continues to develop. In recent years, many strategies have been developed to identify phishing website attempts using machine learning particularly. However, the algorithms and classification criteria that have been used are highly different from the real issues and need to be compared. This paper provides a detailed comparison and evaluation of the performance of several machine learning algorithms across multiple datasets. Two phishing website datasets were used for the experiments: the Phishing Websites Dataset from UCI (2016) and the Phishing Websites Dataset from Mendeley (2018). Because these datasets include different types of class labels, the comparison algorithms can be applied in a variety of situations. The tests showed that Random Forest was better than other classification methods, with an accuracy of 88.92% for the UCI dataset and 97.50% for the Mendeley dataset.
Authored by Wendy Sarasjati, Supriadi Rustad, Purwanto, Heru Santoso, Muljono, Abdul Syukur, Fauzi Rafrastara, De Setiadi
Side-channel attacks have been a constant threat to computing systems. In recent times, vulnerabilities in the architecture were discovered and exploited to mount and execute a state-of-the-art attack such as Spectre. The Spectre attack exploits a vulnerability in the Intel-based processors to leak confidential data through the covert channel. There exist some defenses to mitigate the Spectre attack. Among multiple defenses, hardware-assisted attack/intrusion detection (HID) systems have received overwhelming response due to its low overhead and efficient attack detection. The HID systems deploy machine learning (ML) classifiers to perform anomaly detection to determine whether the system is under attack. For this purpose, a performance monitoring tool profiles the applications to record hardware performance counters (HPC), utilized for anomaly detection. Previous HID systems assume that the Spectre is executed as a standalone application. In contrast, we propose an attack that dynamically generates variations in the injected code to evade detection. The attack is injected into a benign application. In this manner, the attack conceals itself as a benign application and gen-erates perturbations to avoid detection. For the attack injection, we exploit a return-oriented programming (ROP)-based code-injection technique that reuses the code, called gadgets, present in the exploited victim's (host) memory to execute the attack, which, in our case, is the CR-Spectre attack to steal sensitive data from a target victim (target) application. Our work focuses on proposing a dynamic attack that can evade HID detection by injecting perturbations, and its dynamically generated variations thereof, under the cloak of a benign application. We evaluate the proposed attack on the MiBench suite as the host. From our experiments, the HID performance degrades from 90% to 16%, indicating our Spectre-CR attack avoids detection successfully.
Authored by Abhijitt Dhavlle, Setareh Rafatirad, Houman Homayoun, Sai Dinakarrao
Smart Security Solutions are in high demand with the ever-increasing vulnerabilities within the IT domain. Adjusting to a Work-From-Home (WFH) culture has become mandatory by maintaining required core security principles. Therefore, implementing and maintaining a secure Smart Home System has become even more challenging. ARGUS provides an overall network security coverage for both incoming and outgoing traffic, a firewall and an adaptive bandwidth management system and a sophisticated CCTV surveillance capability. ARGUS is such a system that is implemented into an existing router incorporating cloud and Machine Learning (ML) technology to ensure seamless connectivity across multiple devices, including IoT devices at a low migration cost for the customer. The aggregation of the above features makes ARGUS an ideal solution for existing Smart Home System service providers and users where hardware and infrastructure is also allocated. ARGUS was tested on a small-scale smart home environment with a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B controller. Its intrusion detection system identified an intrusion with 96% accuracy while the physical surveillance system predicts the user with 81% accuracy.
Authored by R.M. Ratnayake, G.D.N.D.K. Abeysiriwardhena, G.A.J. Perera, Amila Senarathne, R. Ponnamperuma, B.A. Ganegoda