Worldwide, societies are rapidly becoming more connected, owing primarily to the growing number of intelligent things and smart applications (e.g, smart automobiles, smart wearable devices, etc.) These have occurred in tandem with the Internet Of Things, a new method of connecting the physical and virtual worlds. It is a new promising paradigm whereby every ‘thing’ can connect to anything via the Internet. However, with IoT systems being deployed even on large-scale, security concerns arise amongst other challenges. Hence the need to allocate appropriate protection of resources. The realization of secure IoT systems could only be accomplished with a comprehensive understanding of the particular needs of a specific system. How-ever, this paradigm lacks a proper and exhaustive classification of security requirements. This paper presents an approach towards understanding and classifying the security requirements of IoT devices. This effort is expected to play a role in designing cost-efficient and purposefully secured future IoT systems. During the coming up with and the classification of the requirements, We present a variety of set-ups and define possible attacks and threats within the scope of IoT. Considering the nature of IoT and security weaknesses as manifestations of unrealized security requirements, We put together possible attacks and threats in categories, assessed the existent IoT security requirements as seen in literature, added more in accordance with the applied domain of the IoT and then classified the security requirements. An IoT system can be secure, scalable, and flexible by following the proposed security requirement classification.
Authored by Arafat Mukalazi, Ali Boyaci
Memory-based vulnerabilities are becoming more and more common in low-power and low-cost devices in IOT. We study several low-level vulnerabilities that lead to memory corruption in C and C++ programs, and how to use stack corruption and format string attack to exploit these vulnerabilities. Automatic methods for resisting memory attacks, such as stack canary and address space layout randomization ASLR, are studied. These methods do not need to change the source program. However, a return-oriented programming (ROP) technology can bypass them. Control flow integrity (CFI) can resist the destruction of ROP technology. In fact, the security design is holistic. Finally, we summarize the rules of security coding in embedded devices, and propose two novel methods of software anomaly detection process for IOT devices in the future.
Authored by Qian Zhou, Hua Dai, Liang Liu, Kai Shi, Jie Chen, Hong Jiang
Microcontroller-based embedded systems have become ubiquitous with the emergence of IoT technology. Given its critical roles in many applications, its security is becoming increasingly important. Unfortunately, MCU devices are especially vulnerable. Code reuse attacks are particularly noteworthy since the memory address of firmware code is static. This work seeks to combat code reuse attacks, including ROP and more advanced JIT-ROP via continuous randomization. Previous proposals are geared towards full-fledged OSs with rich runtime environments, and therefore cannot be applied to MCUs. We propose the first solution for ARM-based MCUs. Our system, named HARM, comprises a secure runtime and a binary analysis tool with rewriting module. The secure runtime, protected inside the secure world, proactively triggers and performs non-bypassable randomization to the firmware running in a sandbox in the normal world. Our system does not rely on any firmware feature, and therefore is generally applicable to both bare-metal and RTOS-powered firmware. We have implemented a prototype on a development board. Our evaluation results indicate that HARM can effectively thaw code reuse attacks while keeping the performance and energy overhead low.
Authored by Jiameng Shi, Le Guan, Wenqiang Li, Dayou Zhang, Ping Chen, Ning Zhang
The spread of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the use of smart control systems in many mission-critical or safety-critical applications domains, like automotive or aeronautical, make devices attractive targets for attackers. Nowadays, several of these are mixed-criticality systems, i.e., they run both high-criticality tasks (e.g., a car control system) and low-criticality ones (e.g., infotainment). High-criticality routines often employ Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) to enforce hard real-time requirements, while the tasks with lower constraints can be delegated to more generic-purpose operating systems (GPOS).Much of the control code for these devices is written in memory-unsafe languages such as C and C++. This makes them susceptible to powerful binary attacks, such as the famous Return-Oriented Programming (ROP). Control-Flow Integrity (CFI) is the most investigated security technique to protect against such threats. At now, CFI solutions for real-time embedded systems are not as mature as the ones for general-purpose systems, and even more, there is a lack of in-depth studies on how different operating systems with different security requirements and timing constraints can coexist on a single multicore platform.This paper aims at drawing attention to the subject, discussing the current scientific proposal, and in turn proposing a solution for an optimized asymmetric verification system for execution integrity. By using an embedded hypervisor, predefined cores could be dedicated to only high or low-criticality tasks, with the high-priority core being monitored by the lower-criticality core, relying on offline binary instrumentation and a light exchange of information and signals at runtime. The work also presents preliminary results about a possible implementation for multicore ARM platforms, running both RTOS and GPOS, both in terms of security and performance penalties.
Authored by Vahid Moghadam, Paolo Prinetto, Gianluca Roascio
Smart Security Solutions are in high demand with the ever-increasing vulnerabilities within the IT domain. Adjusting to a Work-From-Home (WFH) culture has become mandatory by maintaining required core security principles. Therefore, implementing and maintaining a secure Smart Home System has become even more challenging. ARGUS provides an overall network security coverage for both incoming and outgoing traffic, a firewall and an adaptive bandwidth management system and a sophisticated CCTV surveillance capability. ARGUS is such a system that is implemented into an existing router incorporating cloud and Machine Learning (ML) technology to ensure seamless connectivity across multiple devices, including IoT devices at a low migration cost for the customer. The aggregation of the above features makes ARGUS an ideal solution for existing Smart Home System service providers and users where hardware and infrastructure is also allocated. ARGUS was tested on a small-scale smart home environment with a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B controller. Its intrusion detection system identified an intrusion with 96% accuracy while the physical surveillance system predicts the user with 81% accuracy.
Authored by R.M. Ratnayake, G.D.N.D.K. Abeysiriwardhena, G.A.J. Perera, Amila Senarathne, R. Ponnamperuma, B.A. Ganegoda
The technology advance and convergence of cyber physical systems, smart sensors, short-range wireless communications, cloud computing, and smartphone apps have driven the proliferation of Internet of things (IoT) devices in smart homes and smart industry. In light of the high heterogeneity of IoT system, the prevalence of system vulnerabilities in IoT devices and applications, and the broad attack surface across the entire IoT protocol stack, a fundamental and urgent research problem of IoT security is how to effectively collect, analyze, extract, model, and visualize the massive network traffic of IoT devices for understanding what is happening to IoT devices. Towards this end, this paper develops and demonstrates an end-to-end system with three key components, i.e., the IoT network traffic monitoring system via programmable home routers, the backend IoT traffic behavior analysis system in the cloud, and the frontend IoT visualization system via smartphone apps, for monitoring, analyzing and virtualizing network traffic behavior of heterogeneous IoT devices in smart homes. The main contributions of this demonstration paper is to present a novel system with an end-to-end process of collecting, analyzing and visualizing IoT network traffic in smart homes.
Authored by Keith Erkert, Andrew Lamontagne, Jereming Chen, John Cummings, Mitchell Hoikka, Kuai Xu, Feng Wang
Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is a rapidly growing branch of IoT (Internet of Things), which requires special treatment to cyber security due to confidentiality of healthcare data and patient health threat. Healthcare data and automated medical devices might become vulnerable targets of malicious cyber-attacks. While a large number of robotic applications, including medical and healthcare, employ robot operating system (ROS) as their backbone, not enough attention is paid for ROS security. The paper discusses a security of ROS-based swing doors automation in the context of a robotic hospital framework, which should be protected from cyber-attacks.
Authored by Sergey Lychko, Tatyana Tsoy, Hongbing Li, Edgar Martínez-García, Evgeni Magid
With the development of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, the transaction behavior of IoT devices has gradually increased, which also brings the problem of transaction data security and transaction processing efficiency. As one of the research hotspots in the field of data security, blockchain technology has been widely applied in the maintenance of transaction records and the construction of financial payment systems. However, the proportion of microtransactions in the Internet of Things poses challenges to the coupling of blockchain and IoT devices. This paper proposes a three-party scalable architecture based on “IoT device-edge server-blockchain”. In view of the characteristics of micropayment, the verification mechanism of the execution results of the off-chain transaction is designed, and the bridge node is designed in the off-chain architecture, which ensures the finality of the blockchain to the transaction. According to system evaluation, this scalable architecture improves the processing efficiency of micropayments on blockchain, while ensuring its decentration equal to that of blockchain. Compared with other blockchain-based IoT device payment schemes, our architecture is more excellent in activity.
Authored by Jingcong Yang, Qi Xia, Jianbin Gao, Isaac Obiri, Yushan Sun, Wenwu Yang
Nowadays, lives are very much easier with the help of IoT. Due to lack of protection and a greater number of connections, the management of IoT becomes more difficult To manage the network flow, a Software Defined Networking (SDN) has been introduced. The SDN has a great capability in automatic and dynamic distribution. For harmful attacks on the controller a centralized SDN architecture unlocks the scope. Therefore, to reduce these attacks in real-time, a securing SDN enabled IoT scenario infrastructure of Fog networks is preferred. The virtual switches have network enforcement authorized decisions and these are executed through the SDN network. Apart from this, SDN switches are generally powerful machines and simultaneously these are used as fog nodes. Therefore, SDN looks like a good selection for Fog networks of IoT. Moreover, dynamically distributing the necessary crypto keys are allowed by the centralized and software channel protection management solution, in order to establish the Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTIS) tunnels between the IoT devices, when demanded by the cyber security framework. Through the extensive deployment of this combination, the usage of CPU is observed to be 30% between devices and the latencies are in milliseconds range, and thus it presents the system feasibility with less delay. Therefore, by comparing with the traditional SDN, it is observed that the energy consumption is reduced by more than 90%.
Authored by Venkata Mohan, Sarangam Kodati, V. Krishna
This paper offers a comparative vector assessment of DDoS and disinformation attacks. The assessed dimensions are as follows: (1) the threat agent, (2) attack vector, (3) target, (4) impact, and (5) defense. The results revealed that disinformation attacks, anchoring on astroturfs, resemble DDoS’s zombie computers in their method of amplification. Although DDoS affects several layers of the OSI model, disinformation attacks exclusively affect the application layer. Furthermore, even though their payloads and objectives are different, their vector paths and network designs are very similar. This paper, as its conclusion, strongly recommends the classification of disinformation as an actual cybersecurity threat to eliminate the inconsistencies in policies in social networking platforms. The intended target audiences of this paper are IT and cybersecurity experts, computer and information scientists, policymakers, legal and judicial scholars, and other professionals seeking references on this matter.
Authored by Kevin Caramancion
This paper examines audio-based social networking platforms and how their environments can affect the persistence of fake news and mis/disinformation in the whole information ecosystem. This is performed through an exploration of their features and how they compare to that of general-purpose multimodal platforms. A case study on Spotify and its recent issue on free speech and misinformation is the application area of this paper. As a supplementary, a demographic analysis of the current statistics of podcast streamers is outlined to give an overview of the target audience of possible deception attacks in the future. As for the conclusion, this paper confers a recommendation to policymakers and experts in preparing for future mis-affordance of the features in social environments that may unintentionally give the agents of mis/disinformation prowess to create and sow discord and deception.
Authored by Kevin Caramancion
Intelligent service network under the paradigm of the Internet of Things (IoT) uses sensor and network communication technology to realize the interconnection of everything and real-time communication between devices. Under the background of combat, all kinds of sensor devices and equipment units need to be highly networked to realize interconnection and information sharing, which makes the Internet of Things technology hopeful to be applied in the battlefield to interconnect these entities to form the Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT). This paper analyzes the related concepts of IoBT, and constructs the IoBT multilayer dependency network model according to the typical characteristics and topology of IoBT, then constructs the weighted super-adjacency matrix according to the coupling weights within and between different layers, and the stability model of IoBT is analyzed and derived. Finally, an example of IoBT network is given to provide a reference for analyzing the stability factors of IoBT network.
Authored by Haihao Ding, Qingsong Zhao
Existing solutions for scheduling arbitrarily complex distributed applications on networks of computational nodes are insufficient for scenarios where the network topology is changing rapidly. New Internet of Things (IoT) domains like the Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT) and the Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT) demand solutions that are robust and efficient in environments that experience constant and/or rapid change. In this paper, we demonstrate how recent advancements in machine learning (in particular, in graph convolutional neural networks) can be leveraged to solve the task scheduling problem with decent performance and in much less time than traditional algorithms.
Authored by Jared Coleman, Mehrdad Kiamari, Lillian Clark, Daniel D'Souza, Bhaskar Krishnamachari
With the global transition to the IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6), IP (Internet Protocol) validation efficiency and IPv6 support from the aspect of network programming are gaining more importance. As global computer networks grow in the era of IoT (Internet of Things), IP address validation is an inevitable process for assuring strong network privacy and security. The complexity of IP validation has been increased due to the rather drastic change in the memory architecture needed for storing IPv6 addresses. Low-level programming languages like C/C++ are a great choice for handling memory spaces and working with simple devices connected in an IoT (Internet of Things) network. This paper analyzes some user-defined and open-source implementations of IP validation codes in Boost. Asio and POCO C++ networking libraries, as well as the IP security support provided for general networking purposes and IoT. Considering a couple of sample codes, the paper gives a conclusion on whether these C++ implementations answer the needs for flexibility and security of the upcoming era of IPv6 addressed computers.
Authored by Esad Kadusic, Natasa Zivic, Narcisa Hadzajlic, Christoph Ruland
For the smart campus of Guangdong Ocean University, we analyze the current situation of the university's network construction, as well as the problems in infrastructure, equipment, operation management, and network security. We focus on the construction objectives and design scheme of the smart campus, including the design of network structure and basic network services. The followings are considered in this study: optimization of network structure simplification, business integration, multi-operator access environment, operation and maintenance guarantee system, organic integration of production, and teaching and research after network leveling transformation.
Authored by Guangya Zhang, Xiang Xu
This paper uses the test tool provided by the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Forum to test the protocol conformance of IPv6 devices. The installation and testing process of IPv6 Ready Logo protocol conformance test suite developed by TAHI PROJECT team is described in detail. This section describes the test content and evaluation criteria of the suite, analyzes the problems encountered during the installation and use of the suite, describes the method of analyzing the test results of the suite, and describes the test content added to the latest version of the test suite. The test suite can realize automatic testing, the test cases accurately reflect the requirements of the IPv6 protocol specification, can be used to judge whether IPv6-based Internet of Things(IoT) devices meets the relevant protocol standards.
Authored by Ke Lu, Wenjuan Yan, Shuyi Wang
The spread of the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud services leads to a request for secure communication between devices, known as zero-trust security. The authors have been developing CYber PHysical Overlay Network over Internet Communication (CYPHONIC) to realize secure end-to-end communication among devices. A device requires installing the client program into the devices to realize secure communication over our overlay network. However, some devices refuse additional installation of external programs due to the limitation of system and hardware resources or the effect on system reliability. We proposed new technology, a CYPHONIC adapter, to support these devices. Currently, the CYPHONIC adapter supports only IPv4 virtual addresses and needs to be compatible with general devices that use IPv6. This paper proposes the dual-stack CYPHONIC adapter supporting IPv4/IPv6 virtual addresses for general devices. The prototype implementation shows that the general device can communicate over our overlay network using both IP versions through the proposed CYPHONIC adapter.
Authored by Ren Goto, Kazushige Matama, Chihiro Nishiwaki, Katsuhiro Naito
While 5G Edge Computing along with IoT technology has transformed the future of healthcare data transmission, it presents security vulnerabilities and risks when transmitting patients' confidential information. Currently, there are very few reliable security solutions available for healthcare data that routes through SDN routers in 5G Edge Computing. These solutions do not provide cryptographic security from IoT sensor devices. In this paper, we studied how 5G edge computing integrated with IoT network helps healthcare data transmission for remote medical treatment, explored security risks associated with unsecured data transmission, and finally proposed a cryptographic end-to-end security solution initiated at IoT sensor devices and routed through SDN routers. Our proposed solution with cryptographic security initiated at IoT sensor goes through SDN control plane and data plane in 5G edge computing and provides an end-to-end secured communication from IoT device to doctor's office. A prototype built with two-layer encrypted communication has been lab tested with promising results. This analysis will help future security implementation for eHealth in 5G and beyond networks.
Authored by Sabrina Ahmed, Zareen Subah, Mohammed Ali
Recently, as the use of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has expanded, security issues have emerged. As a solution to the IoT security problem, PUF (Physical Unclonable Function) technology has been proposed, and research on key generation or device authentication using it has been actively conducted. In this paper, we propose a method to apply PUF-based device authentication technology to the Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) open platform. The proposed method can greatly improve the security level of IoT open platform by utilizing PUF technology.
Authored by Byoungkoo Kim, Seungyong Yoon, Yousung Kang
IoT technology is finding new applications every day and everywhere in our daily lives. With that, come new use cases with new challenges in terms of device and data security. One of such challenges arises from the fact that many IoT devices/nodes are no longer being deployed on owners' premises, but rather on public or private property other than the owner's. With potential physical access to the IoT node, adversaries can launch many attacks that circumvent conventional protection methods. In this paper, we propose Secure SoC (SecSoC), a secure system-on-chip architecture that mitigates such attacks. This include logical memory dump attacks, bus snooping attacks, and compromised operating systems. SecSoC relies on two main mechanisms, (1) providing security extensions to the compute engine that runs the user application without changing its instruction set, (2) adding a security management unit (SMU) that provide HW security primitives for encryption, hashing, random number generators, and secrets store (keys, certificates, etc.). SecSoC ensures that no secret or sensitive data can leave the SoC IC in plaintext. SecSoC is being implemented in Bluespec System V erilog. The experimental results will reveal the area, power, and cycle time overhead of these security extensions. Overall performance (total execution time) will also be evaluated using IoT benchmarks.
Authored by Ayman Hroub, Muhammad Elrabaa
Even as Internet of Things (IoT) network security grows, concerns about the security of IoT devices have arisen. Although a few companies produce IP-connected gadgets for such ranging from small office, their security policies and implementations are often weak. They also require firmware updates or revisions to boost security and reduce vulnerabilities in equipment. A brownfield advance is necessary to verify systems where these helpless devices are present: putting in place basic security mechanisms within the system to render the system powerless possibly. Gadgets should cohabit without threatening their security in the same device. IoT network security has evolved into a platform that can segregate a large number of IoT devices, allowing law enforcement to compel the communication of defenseless devices in order to reduce the damage done by its unlawful transaction. IoT network security appears to be doable in well-known gadget types and can be deployed with minimum transparency.
Authored by Barani Sundaram, Amit Pandey, Vijaykumar Janga, Desalegn Wako, Assefa Genale, P. Karthika
The latest generation of IoT systems incorporate machine learning (ML) technologies on edge devices. This introduces new engineering challenges to bring ML onto resource-constrained hardware, and complications for ensuring system security and privacy. Existing research prescribes iterative processes for machine learning enabled IoT products to ease development and increase product success. However, these processes mostly focus on existing practices used in other generic software development areas and are not specialized for the purpose of machine learning or IoT devices. This research seeks to characterize engineering processes and security practices for ML-enabled IoT systems through the lens of the engineering lifecycle. We collected data from practitioners through a survey (N=25) and interviews (N=4). We found that security processes and engineering methods vary by company. Respondents emphasized the engineering cost of security analysis and threat modeling, and trade-offs with business needs. Engineers reduce their security investment if it is not an explicit requirement. The threats of IP theft and reverse engineering were a consistent concern among practitioners when deploying ML for IoT devices. Based on our findings, we recommend further research into understanding engineering cost, compliance, and security trade-offs.
Authored by Nikhil Gopalakrishna, Dharun Anandayuvaraj, Annan Detti, Forrest Bland, Sazzadur Rahaman, James Davis
Smart building security systems typically consist of sensors and controllers that monitor power operating systems, alarms, camera monitoring, access controls, and many other important information and security systems. These systems are managed and controlled through online platforms. A successful attack on one of these platforms may result in the failure of one or more critical intelligent systems in the building. In this paper, the security requirements in the application layer of any IoT system were discussed, in particular the role of IoT platforms in dealing with the security problems that smart buildings are exposed to and the extent of their strength to reduce the attacks they are exposed to, where an experimental platform was designed to test the presence of security vulnerabilities and This was done by using the Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) tool, according to the OWASP standards and security level assessment, and the importance of this paper comes as a contribution to providing information about the most famous IoT platforms and stimulating work to explore security concerns in IoT-based platforms.
Authored by Mona zuway, Hend Farkash
Operating systems are essential software components for any computer. The goal of computer system manu-facturers is to provide a safe operating system that can resist a range of assaults. APTs (Advanced Persistent Threats) are merely one kind of attack used by hackers to penetrate organisations (APT). Here, we will apply the MITRE ATT&CK approach to analyze the security of Windows and Linux. Using the results of a series of vulnerability tests conducted on Windows 7, 8, 10, and Windows Server 2012, as well as Linux 16.04, 18.04, and its most current version, we can establish which operating system offers the most protection against future assaults. In addition, we have shown adversarial reflection in response to threats. We used ATT &CK framework tools to launch attacks on both platforms.
Authored by Hira Sikandar, Usman Sikander, Adeel Anjum, Muazzam Khan
Exploring the efficient vulnerability scanning and detection technology of various tools is one fundamental aim of network security. This network security technique ameliorates the tremendous number of IoT security challenges and the threats they face daily. However, among various tools, Shodan Eye scanning technology has proven to be very helpful for network administrators and security personnel to scan, detect and analyze vulnerable ports and traffic in organizations' networks. This work presents a simulated network scanning activity and manual vulnerability analysis of an internet-connected industrial equipment of two chosen industrial networks (Industry A and B) by running Shodan on a virtually hosted (Oracle Virtual Box)-Linux-based operating system (Kali Linux). The result shows that the shodan eye is a a promising tool for network security and efficient vulnerability research.
Authored by Ebuka Nkoro, Cosmas Nwakanma, Jae-Min Lee, Dong-Seong Kim