The internal attack launched by compromised nodes is a serious security risk in distributed networks. It is due to the openness of wireless channel and the lack of trust relationships between nodes. The trust model is an interesting approach to detect and remove these compromised nodes from the trusted routing table and maintain trust relationships in distributed networks. However, how to construct the secure dominating node to aggregate and forward the information is an enormous challenge in distributed networks. In this paper, a distributed construction algorithm of multi-layer connected dominating set is proposed for secure routing with trust models. The probabilities of nodes being compromised, combined with the trust value of the trust model, are used to construct a trusted multi-layer connected dominating set. Moreover, the impact of a node being compromised on the distributed network is quantified as loss expectation. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively reduce the impact of nodes being compromised on the distributed network, and enhance the security of the network.
Authored by Weidong Fang, Li Yi, Chunsheng Zhu, Guoqing Jia, Wuxiong Zhang
Frequency hopping (FH) technology is one of the most effective technologies in the field of radio countermeasures, meanwhile, the recognition of FH signal has become a research hotspot. FH signal is a typical non-stationary signal whose frequency varies nonlinearly with time and the time-frequency analysis technique provides a very effective method for processing this kind of signal. With the renaissance of deep learning, methods based on time-frequency analysis and deep learning are widely studied. Although these methods have achieved good results, the recognition accuracy still needs to be improved. Through the observation of the datasets, we found that there are still difficult samples that are difficult to identify. Through further analysis, we propose a horizontal spatial attention (HSA) block, which can generate spatial weight vector according to the signal distribution, and then readjust the feature map. The HSA block is a plug-and-play module that can be integrated into common convolutional neural network (CNN) to further improve their performance and these networks with HSA block are collectively called HANets. The HSA block also has the advantages of high recognition accuracy (especially under low SNRs), easy to implant, and almost no influence on the number of parameters. We verified our method on two datasets and a series of comparative experiments show that the proposed method achieves good results on FH datasets.
Authored by Pengcheng Liu, Zhen Han, Zhixin Shi, Meimei Li, Meichen Liu
According to the idea of zero trust, this paper proposed an anonymous identity authentication scheme based on hash functions and pseudo-random number generators, which effectively increased the anonymity and confidentiality when users use the mobile networks, and ensure the security of the server. This scheme first used single-packet authentication technology to realize the application stealth. Secondly, hash functions and pseudo-random number generators were used to replace public key cryptosystems and time synchronization systems, which improved system performance. Thirdly, different methods were set to save encrypted information on the user s mobile device and the server, which realized different forms of anonymous authentication and negotiates a secure session key. Through security analysis, function and performance comparison, the results showed that the scheme had better security, flexibility and practicality, while maintained good communication efficiency.
Authored by Rui Wang, Haiwei Li, Yanru Chen, Zheng Xue, Yan Hao, Yanfei Li
In recent days, security and privacy is becoming a challenge due to the rapid development of technology. In 2021, Khan et al. proposed an authentication and key agreement framework for smart grid network and claimed that the proposed protocol provides security against all well-known attacks. However, in this paper, we present the analysis and shows that the protocol proposed by Khan et al has failed to protect the secrecy of the shared session key between the user and service provider. An adversary can derive the session key (online) by intercepting the communicated messages under the Dolev-Yao threat model. We simulated Khan et al.’s protocol for formal security verification using Tamarin Prover and found a trace for deriving the temporary key. It is used to encrypt the login request that includes the user’s secret credentials. Hence, it also fails to preserve the privacy of the user’s credentials, and therefore any adversary can impersonate the user. As a result, the protocol proposed by Khan et al. is not suitable for practical applications.
Authored by Singam Ram, Vanga Odelu
Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) monitor networking environments for suspicious events that could compromise the availability, integrity, or confidentiality of the network’s resources. To ensure NIDSs play their vital roles, it is necessary to identify how they can be attacked by adopting a viewpoint similar to the adversary to identify vulnerabilities and defenses hiatus. Accordingly, effective countermeasures can be designed to thwart any potential attacks. Machine learning (ML) approaches have been adopted widely for network anomaly detection. However, it has been found that ML models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks. In such attacks, subtle perturbations are inserted to the original inputs at inference time in order to evade the classifier detection or at training time to degrade its performance. Yet, modeling adversarial attacks and the associated threats of employing the machine learning approaches for NIDSs was not addressed. One of the growing challenges is to avoid ML-based systems’ diversity and ensure their security and trust. In this paper, we conduct threat modeling for ML-based NIDS using STRIDE and Attack Tree approaches to identify the potential threats on different levels. We model the threats that can be potentially realized by exploiting vulnerabilities in ML algorithms through a simplified structural attack tree. To provide holistic threat modeling, we apply the STRIDE method to systems’ data flow to uncover further technical threats. Our models revealed a noticing of 46 possible threats to consider. These presented models can help to understand the different ways that a ML-based NIDS can be attacked; hence, hardening measures can be developed to prevent these potential attacks from achieving their goals.
Authored by Huda Alatwi, Charles Morisset
The last decade witnessed a gradual shift from cloudbased computing towards ubiquitous computing, which has put at a greater security risk every element of the computing ecosystem including devices, data, network, and decision making. Indeed, emerging pervasive computing paradigms have introduced an uncharted territory of security vulnerabilities and a wider attack surface, mainly due to network openness, the underlying mechanics that enable intelligent functions, and the deeply integrated physical and cyber spaces. Furthermore, interconnected computing environments now enjoy many unconventional characteristics that mandate a radical change in security engineering tools. This need is further exacerbated by the rapid emergence of new Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) that target critical infrastructures and aim to stealthily undermine their operations in innovative and intelligent ways. To enable system and network designers to be prepared to face this new wave of dangerous threats, this paper overviews recent APTs in emerging computing systems and proposes a new approach to APTs that is more tailored towards such systems compared to traditional IT infrastructures. The proposed APT lifecycle will inform security decisions and implementation choices in future pervasive networked systems.
Authored by Talal Halabi, Aawista Chaudhry, Sarra Alqahtani, Mohammad Zulkernine
Traditional defense methods can only evaluate a single security element and cannot determine the threat of Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) according to multi-source data. This paper proposes a network security situation awareness (NSSA) model to get the network situation under APT attacks based on knowledge graph. Firstly, the vulnerability knowledge graph and APT attack knowledge graph are constructed using public security databases and ATT\&CK (Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge), and the targeted knowledge graph APT-NSKG is obtained by combining the two using Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT). Then, according to the Endsley model and the characteristics of APT , the NSSA model for APT is proposed. The model uses APTNSKG to obtain situation elements, and then comprehensively assesses and predicts the network situation from the perspectives of network asset dimension, vulnerability dimension, security dimension and threat dimension. Finally, the effectiveness of the model is verified by the data from the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.
Authored by Kai Chen, Jingxian Zhu, Lansheng Han, Shenghui Li, Pengyi Gao
Advanced persistent threat (APT) attacks have caused severe damage to many core information infrastructures. To tackle this issue, the graph-based methods have been proposed due to their ability for learning complex interaction patterns of network entities with discrete graph snapshots. However, such methods are challenged by the computer networking model characterized by a natural continuous-time dynamic heterogeneous graph. In this paper, we propose a heterogeneous graph neural network based APT detection method in smart grid clouds. Our model is an encoderdecoder structure. The encoder uses heterogeneous temporal memory and attention embedding modules to capture contextual information of interactions of network entities from the time and spatial dimensions respectively. We implement a prototype and conduct extensive experiments on real-world cyber-security datasets with more than 10 million records. Experimental results show that our method can achieve superior detection performance than state-of-the-art methods.
Authored by Weiyong Yang, Peng Gao, Hao Huang, Xingshen Wei, Haotian Zhang, Zhihao Qu
The new web 3.0 or Web3 is a distributed web technology mainly operated by decentralized blockchain and Artificial Intelligence. The Web 3.0 technologies bring the changes in industry 4.0 especially the business sector. The contribution of this paper to discuss the new web 3.0 (not semantic web) and to explore the essential factors of the new Web 3.0 technologies in business or industry based on 7 layers of decentralized web. The Layers have users, interface, application, execution, settlement, data, and social as main components. The concept 7 layers of decentralized web was introduced by Polynya. This research was carried out using SLR (Systematic Literature Review) methodology to identify certain factors by analyzing high quality papers in the Scopus database. We found 21 essential factors that are Distributed, Real-time, Community, Culture, Productivity, Efficiency, Decentralized, Trust, Security, Performance, Reliability, Scalability, Transparency, Authenticity, Cost Effective, Communication, Telecommunication, Social Network, Use Case, and Business Simulation. We also present opportunities and challenges of the 21 factors in business and Industry.
Authored by Calvin Vernando, Hendry Hitojo, Randy Steven, Meyliana, Surjandy
The computing capability of the embedded systems and bandwidth of the home network increase rapidly due to the rapid development of information and communication technologies. Many home appliances such as TVs, refrigerators, or air conditioners are now connected to the internet, then, the controlling firmware modules are automatically updatable via the network. TR-069 is a widely adopted standard for automatic appliance management and firmware update. Maintaining a TR069 network usually involves the design and deployment of the overall security and trust infrastructure, the update file repository and the update audit mechanisms. Thus, maintaining a dedicated TR-069 network is a heavy burden for the vendors of home appliances. Blockchain is an emerging technology that provides a secure and trust infrastructure based on distributed consensus. This paper reports the results of our initial attempt to design a prototype of a multitenant TR-069 platform based on the blockchain. The core idea is to reify each automatic deployment task as a smart contract instance whose transactions are recorded in the append-only distributed ledger and verified by the peers. Also, the overall design should be transparent to the original TR069 entities. We have built a prototype based on the proposed architecture to verify the feasibility in three key scenarios. The experimental results show that the proposed approach is feasible and is able to scale linearly in proportion to the number of managed devices.
Authored by Chun-Feng Liao, Leng-Hui Wang
The computing capability of the embedded systems and bandwidth of the home network increase rapidly due to the rapid development of information and communication technologies. Many home appliances such as TVs, refrigerators, or air conditioners are now connected to the internet, then, the controlling firmware modules are automatically updatable via the network. TR-069 is a widely adopted standard for automatic appliance management and firmware update. Maintaining a TR069 network usually involves the design and deployment of the overall security and trust infrastructure, the update file repository and the update audit mechanisms. Thus, maintaining a dedicated TR-069 network is a heavy burden for the vendors of home appliances. Blockchain is an emerging technology that provides a secure and trust infrastructure based on distributed consensus. This paper reports the results of our initial attempt to design a prototype of a multitenant TR-069 platform based on the blockchain. The core idea is to reify each automatic deployment task as a smart contract instance whose transactions are recorded in the append-only distributed ledger and verified by the peers. Also, the overall design should be transparent to the original TR069 entities. We have built a prototype based on the proposed architecture to verify the feasibility in three key scenarios. The experimental results show that the proposed approach is feasible and is able to scale linearly in proportion to the number of managed devices.
Authored by Chun-Feng Liao, Leng-Hui Wang
Embedded smart devices are widely used in people s life, and the security problems of embedded smart devices are becoming more and more prominent. Meanwhile lots of methods based on software have been presented to boot the system safely and ensure the security of the system execution environment. However, it is easy to attack and destroy the methods based on software, which will cause that the security of the system cannot be guaranteed. Trusted Computing Group proposed the method of using Trusted Platform Module (TPM) to authenticate the credibility of the platform, which can solve the disadvantages of using methods based on software to protect the system. However, due to the limited resource and volume of embedded smart devices, it is impossible to deploy TPM on embedded smart devices to ensure the security of the system operating environment. Therefore, a novel trusted boot model for embedded smart devices without TPM is proposed in this paper, in which a device with TPM provides trusted service to realize the trusted boot of embedded smart devices without TPM through the network and ensure the credibility of the system execution environment.
Authored by Rui Wang, Yonghang Yan
The continuously growing importance of today’s technology paradigms such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and the new 5G/6G standard open up unique features and opportunities for smart systems and communication devices. Famous examples are edge computing and network slicing. Generational technology upgrades provide unprecedented data rates and processing power. At the same time, these new platforms must address the growing security and privacy requirements of future smart systems. This poses two main challenges concerning the digital processing hardware. First, we need to provide integrated trustworthiness covering hardware, runtime, and the operating system. Whereas integrated means that the hardware must be the basis to support secure runtime and operating system needs under very strict latency constraints. Second, applications of smart systems cover a wide range of requirements where "one- chip-fits-all" cannot be the cost and energy effective way forward. Therefore, we need to be able to provide a scalable hardware solution to cover differing needs in terms of processing resource requirements.In this paper, we discuss our research on an integrated design of a secure and scalable hardware platform including a runtime and an operating system. The architecture is built out of composable and preferably simple components that are isolated by default. This allows for the integration of third-party hardware/software without compromising the trusted computing base. The platform approach improves system security and provides a viable basis for trustworthy communication devices.
Authored by Friedrich Pauls, Sebastian Haas, Stefan Kopsell, Michael Roitzsch, Nils Asmussen, Gerhard Fettweis
Network security isolation technology is an important means to protect the internal information security of enterprises. Generally, isolation is achieved through traditional network devices, such as firewalls and gatekeepers. However, the security rules are relatively rigid and cannot better meet the flexible and changeable business needs. Through the double sandbox structure created for each user, each user in the virtual machine is isolated from each other and security is ensured. By creating a virtual disk in a virtual machine as a user storage sandbox, and encrypting the read and write of the disk, the shortcomings of traditional network isolation methods are discussed, and the application of cloud desktop network isolation technology based on VMwarer technology in universities is expounded.
Authored by Kai Ye
Pen-testing or penetration testing is an exercise embraced to differentiate and take advantage of all the possible weaknesses in a system or network. It certifies the reasonability or deficiency of the security endeavours which have been executed. Our manuscript shows an outline of pen testing. We examine all systems, the advantages, and respective procedure of pen testing. The technique of pen testing incorporates following stages: Planning of the tests, endlessly tests investigation. The testing stage includes the following steps: Weakness investigation, data gathering and weakness exploitation. This manuscript furthermore shows the application of this procedure to direct pen testing on the model of the web applications.
Authored by Sarthak Baluni, Shivansu Dutt, Pranjal Dabral, Srabanti Maji, Anil Kumar, Alka Chaudhary
With the development of information networks, cloud computing, big data, and virtualization technologies promote the emergence of various new network applications to meet the needs of various Internet services. A security protection system for virtual host in cloud computing center is proposed in the article. The system takes "security as a service" as the starting point, takes virtual machines as the core, and takes virtual machine clusters as the unit to provide unified security protection against the borderless characteristics of virtualized computing. The thesis builds a network security protection system for APT attacks; uses the system dynamics method to establish a system capability model, and conducts simulation analysis. The simulation results prove the validity and rationality of the network communication security system framework and modeling analysis method proposed in the thesis. Compared with traditional methods, this method has more comprehensive modeling and analysis elements, and the deduced results are more instructive.
Authored by Xin Nie, Chengcheng Lou
The world has seen a quick transition from hard devices for local storage to massive virtual data centers, all possible because of cloud storage technology. Businesses have grown to be scalable, meeting consumer demands on every turn. Cloud computing has transforming the way we do business making IT more efficient and cost effective that leads to new types of cybercrimes. Securing the data in cloud is a challenging task. Cloud security is a mixture of art and science. Art is to create your own technique and technologies in such a way that the user should be authenticated. Science is because you have to come up with ways of securing your application. Data security refers to a broad set of policies, technologies and controls deployed to protect data application and the associated infrastructure of cloud computing. It ensures that the data has not been accessed by any unauthorized person. Cloud storage systems are considered to be a network of distributed data centers which typically uses cloud computing technologies like virtualization and offers some kind of interface for storing data. Virtualization is the process of grouping the physical storage from multiple network storage devices so that it looks like a single storage device.
Authored by Jeevitha K, Thriveni J
From financial transactions to digital voting systems, identity management, and asset monitoring, blockchain technology is increasingly being developed for use in a wide range of applications. The problem of security and privacy in the blockchain ecosystem, which is now a hot topic in the blockchain community, is discussed in this study. The survey’s goal was to investigate this issue by considering several sorts of assaults on the blockchain network in relation to the algorithms offered. Following a preliminary literature assessment, it appears that some attention has been paid to the first use case; however the second use case, to the best of my knowledge, deserves more attention when blockchain is used to investigate it. However, due to the subsequent government mandated secrecy around the implementation of DES, and the distrust of the academic community because of this, a movement was spawned that put a premium on individual privacy and decentralized control. This movement brought together the top minds in encryption and spawned the technology we know of as blockchain today. This survey paper also explores the genesis of encryption, its early adoption, and the government meddling which eventually spawned a movement which gave birth to the ideas behind blockchain. It also closes with a demonstration of blockchain technology used in a novel way to refactor the traditional design paradigms of databases.
Authored by Mohammed Mahmood, Osman Ucan, Abdullahi Ibrahim
The 5G technology ensures reliable and affordable broadband access worldwide, increases user mobility, and assures reliable and affordable connectivity of a wide range of electronic devices such as the Internet of Things (IoT).SDN (Software Defined Networking), NFV ( Network Function Virtualization), and cloud computing are three technologies that every technology provider or technology enabler tries to incorporate into their products to capitalize on the useability of the 5th generation.The emergence of 5G networks and services expands the range of security threats and leads to many challenges in terms of user privacy and security. The purpose of this research paper is to define the security challenges and threats associated with implementing this technology, particularly those affecting user privacy. This research paper will discuss some solutions related to the challenges that occur when implementing 5G, and also will provide some guidance for further development and implementation of a secure 5G system.
Authored by Aysha Alfaw, Alauddin Al-Omary
The digital transformation brought on by 5G is redefining current models of end-to-end (E2E) connectivity and service reliability to include security-by-design principles necessary to enable 5G to achieve its promise. 5G trustworthiness highlights the importance of embedding security capabilities from the very beginning while the 5G architecture is being defined and standardized. Security requirements need to overlay and permeate through the different layers of 5G systems (physical, network, and application) as well as different parts of an E2E 5G architecture within a risk-management framework that takes into account the evolving security-threats landscape. 5G presents a typical use-case of wireless communication and computer networking convergence, where 5G fundamental building blocks include components such as Software Defined Networks (SDN), Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and the edge cloud. This convergence extends many of the security challenges and opportunities applicable to SDN/NFV and cloud to 5G networks. Thus, 5G security needs to consider additional security requirements (compared to previous generations) such as SDN controller security, hypervisor security, orchestrator security, cloud security, edge security, etc. At the same time, 5G networks offer security improvement opportunities that should be considered. Here, 5G architectural flexibility, programmability and complexity can be harnessed to improve resilience and reliability. The working group scope fundamentally addresses the following: •5G security considerations need to overlay and permeate through h the different layers of the 5G systems (physical, network, and application) as well as different parts of an E2E 5G architecture including a risk management framework that takes into account the evolving security threats landscape. •5G exemplifies a use-case of heterogeneous access and computer networking convergence, which extends a unique set of security challenges and opportunities (e.g., related to SDN/NFV and edge cloud, etc.) to 5G networks. Similarly, 5G networks by design offer potential security benefits and opportunities through harnessing the architecture flexibility, programmability and complexity to improve its resilience and reliability. •The IEEE FNI security WG s roadmap framework follows a taxonomic structure, differentiating the 5G functional pillars and corresponding cybersecurity risks. As part of cross collaboration, the security working group will also look into the security issues associated with other roadmap working groups within the IEEE Future Network Initiative.
Authored by Ashutosh Dutta, Eman Hammad, Michael Enright, Fawzi Behmann, Arsenia Chorti, Ahmad Cheema, Kassi Kadio, Julia Urbina-Pineda, Khaled Alam, Ahmed Limam, Fred Chu, John Lester, Jong-Geun Park, Joseph Bio-Ukeme, Sanjay Pawar, Roslyn Layton, Prakash Ramchandran, Kingsley Okonkwo, Lyndon Ong, Marc Emmelmann, Omneya Issa, Rajakumar Arul, Sireen Malik, Sivarama Krishnan, Suresh Sugumar, Tk Lala, Matthew Borst, Brad Kloza, Gunes Kurt
In this fast growing technology and tight integration of physical devices in conventional networks, the resource management and adaptive scalability is a problematic undertaking particularly when it comes to network security measures. Current work focuses on software defined network (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV) based security solution to address problems in network and security management. However, deployment, configuration and implementation of SDN/NFVbased security solution remains a real challenge. To overcome this research challenge, this paper presents the implementation of SDN-NFVs based network security solution. The proposed methodology is based on using open network operating system (ONOS) SDN Controller with Zodiac FX Openflow switches and virtual network functions (VNF). VNF comprises of virtual security functions (VSF) which includes firewall, intrusion prevention system (IPS) and intrusion detection system (IDS). One of the main contributions of this research is the implementation of security solution of an enterprise, utilizing SDN-NFV platform and commodity hardware. We demonstrate the successful implementation, configuration and deployment of the proposed NFVbased network security solution for an enterprise.
Authored by Rizwan Saeed, Safwan Qureshi, Muhammad Farooq, Muhammad Zeeshan
5G core network introduces service based architecture, software defined network, network function virtualization and other new technologies, showing the characteristics of IT and Internet. The new architecture and new technologies not only bring convenience to 5G but also introduce new security threats, especially the unknown security threats caused by unknown vulnerabilities or backdoors. This paper mainly introduces the security threats after the application of software defined network, network function virtualization and other technologies to 5G, summarizes the security solutions proposed by standardization organizations and academia, and puts forward a new idea of building a high-level secure 5G core network based on the endogenous safety and security.
Authored by Wei You, Mingyan Xu, Deqiang Zhou
By analyzing the design requirements of a secure desktop virtualization information system, this paper proposes the security virtualization technology of "whitelist" security mechanism, the virtualization layer security technology of optimized design, and the virtual machine security technology of resource and network layer isolation. On this basis, this paper constructs the overall architecture of the secure desktop virtualization information system. This paper studies the desktop virtualization technology research based on VMware using VMware server virtualization solution to transform and upgrade the traditional intelligent desktop virtualization system, improve server resource utilization rate, and reduce operation and maintenance costs.
Authored by Honglei Xia
The experimental results demonstrated that, With the development of cloud computing, more and more people use cloud computing to do all kinds of things. However, for cloud computing, the most important thing is to ensure the stability of user data and improve security at the same time. From an analysis of the experimental results, it can be found that Cloud computing makes extensive use of technical means such as computing virtualization, storage system virtualization and network system virtualization, abstracts the underlying physical facilities into external unified interfaces, maps several virtual networks with different topologies to the underlying infrastructure, and provides differentiated services for external users. By comparing and analyzing the experimental results, it is clear that virtualization technology will be the main way to solve cloud computing security. Virtualization technology introduces a virtual layer between software and hardware, provides an independent running environment for applications, shields the dynamics, distribution and differences of hardware platforms, supports the sharing and reuse of hardware resources, provides each user with an independent and isolated computer environment, and facilitates the efficient and dynamic management and maintenance of software and hardware resources of the whole system. Applying virtualization technology to cloud security reduces the hardware cost and management cost of "cloud security" enterprises to a certain extent, and improves the security of "cloud security" technology to a certain extent. This paper will outline the basic cloud computing security methods, and focus on the analysis of virtualization cloud security technology.
Authored by Jiaxing Zhang
To improve the quality of network security service, the physical device service mode in traditional security service is improved, and the NFV network security service system is constructed by combining software defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization technology (NFV). Where, network service is provided in the form of security service chain, and Web security scan service is taken as the task, finally the implementation and verification of the system are carried out. The test result shows that the security service system based on NFV can balance the load between the security network service devices in the Web security scan, which proves that the network security system based on software defined security and NFV technology can meet certain service requirements, and lays the research foundation for the improvement of the subsequent user network security service.
Authored by Lei Wang, SiJiang Xie, Can Cao, Chen Li