Security vulnerabilities are weaknesses of software due for instance to design flaws or implementation bugs that can be exploited and lead to potentially devastating security breaches. Traditionally, static code analysis is recognized as effective in the detection of software security vulnerabilities but at the expense of a high human effort required for checking a large number of produced false positive cases. Deep-learning methods have been recently proposed to overcome such a limitation of static code analysis and detect the vulnerable code by using vulnerability-related patterns learned from large source code datasets. However, the use of these methods for localizing the causes of the vulnerability in the source code, i.e., localize the statements that contain the bugs, has not been extensively explored. In this work, we experiment the use of deep-learning and explainability methods for detecting and localizing vulnerability-related statements in code fragments (named snippets). We aim at understanding if the code features adopted by deep-learning methods to identify vulnerable code snippets can also support the developers in debugging the code, thus localizing the vulnerability’s cause Our work shows that deep-learning methods can be effective in detecting the vulnerable code snippets, under certain conditions, but the code features that such methods use can only partially face the actual causes of the vulnerabilities in the code.CCS Concepts• Security and privacy \rightarrow Vulnerability management; Systems security; Malware and its mitigation; \cdot Software and its engineering \rightarrow Software testing and debugging.
Authored by Alessandro Marchetto
In the ever-changing world of blockchain technology, the emergence of smart contracts has completely transformed the way agreements are executed, offering the potential for automation and trust in decentralized systems. Despite their built-in security features, smart contracts still face persistent vulnerabilities, resulting in significant financial losses. While existing studies often approach smart contract security from specific angles, such as development cycles or vulnerability detection tools, this paper adopts a comprehensive, multidimensional perspective. It delves into the intricacies of smart contract security by examining vulnerability detection mechanisms and defense strategies. The exploration begins by conducting a detailed analysis of the current security challenges and issues surrounding smart contracts. It then delves into established frameworks for classifying vulnerabilities and common security flaws. The paper examines existing methods for detecting, and repairing contract vulnerabilities, evaluating their effectiveness. Additionally, it provides a comprehensive overview of the existing body of knowledge in smart contract security-related research. Through this systematic examination, the paper aims to serve as a valuable reference and provide a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted landscape of smart contract security.
Authored by Nayantara Kumar, Niranjan Honnungar V, Sharwari Prakash, J Lohith
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are increasingly adopted to perform various military, civilian, and commercial tasks in recent years. To assure the reliability of UAVs during these tasks, anomaly detection plays an important role in today s UAV system. With the rapid development of AI hardware and algorithms, leveraging AI techniques has become a prevalent trend for UAV anomaly detection. While existing AI-enabled UAV anomaly detection schemes have been demonstrated to be promising, they also raise additional security concerns about the schemes themselves. In this paper, we perform a study to explore and analyze the potential vulnerabilities in state-of-the-art AI-enabled UAV anomaly detection designs. We first validate the existence of security vulnerability and then propose an iterative attack that can effectively exploit the vulnerability and bypass the anomaly detection. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our attack by evaluating it on a state-of-the-art UAV anomaly detection scheme, in which our attack is successfully launched without being detected. Based on the understanding obtained from our study, this paper also discusses potential defense directions to enhance the security of AI-enabled UAV anomaly detection.
Authored by Ashok Raja, Mengjie Jia, Jiawei Yuan
Software vulnerability detection (SVD) aims to identify potential security weaknesses in software. SVD systems have been rapidly evolving from those being based on testing, static analysis, and dynamic analysis to those based on machine learning (ML). Many ML-based approaches have been proposed, but challenges remain: training and testing datasets contain duplicates, and building customized end-to-end pipelines for SVD is time-consuming. We present Tenet, a modular framework for building end-to-end, customizable, reusable, and automated pipelines through a plugin-based architecture that supports SVD for several deep learning (DL) and basic ML models. We demonstrate the applicability of Tenet by building practical pipelines performing SVD on real-world vulnerabilities.
Authored by Eduard Pinconschi, Sofia Reis, Chi Zhang, Rui Abreu, Hakan Erdogmus, Corina Păsăreanu, Limin Jia
The increasement of blockchain applications has brought about many security issues, with smart contract vulnerabilities causing significant financial losses. The majority of current smart contract vulnerability detection methods predominantly rely on static analysis of the source code and predefined expert rules. However, these approaches exhibit certain limitations, characterized by their restricted scalability and lower detection accuracy. Therefore in this paper, we use graph neural networks to perform smart contract vulnerability detection at the bytecode level, aiming to address the aforementioned issues. In particular, we propose a novel detection model. In order to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the dependencies among individual functions within a smart contract, we first construct a Program Dependency Graph(PDG) of functions, extract function-level features using graph neural networks, then augment function-level features using a self-attentive mechanism to learn the dependencies between functions, and finally aggregate function-level features for detecting the vulnerabilities. Our model possesses the capability to identify the subtle nuances in the interactions and interdependencies among different functions, consequently enhancing the precision of vulnerability detection. Experimental results show the performance of the method compared to existing smart contract vulnerability detection methods across multiple evaluation metrics.
Authored by Yuyan Sun, Shiping Huang, Guozheng Li, Ruidong Chen, Yangyang Liu, Qiwen Jiang
With the increasing number and types of APP vulnerabilities, the detection technology and methods need to be enriched and personalized according to different types of security vulnerabilities. Therefore, a single detection technology can no longer meet the needs of business security diversity. First of all, the new detection method needs to clarify the relevant features of APP business security; Secondly, the new detection method needs to re-adapt the features related to APP business security; Thirdly, the new detection method needs to be trained and applied according to different AI algorithms. In view of this, we designed an APP privacy information leakage detection scheme based on deep learning. This scheme specifically selects business security-related features for the type of privacy information leakage vulnerability of APP, and then performs feature processing and adaptation to become the input parameters of CNN network algorithm. Finally, we train and call the CNN network algorithm. We selected the APP of the Telecom Tianyi Space App Store for experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of our APP privacy information leakage detection system based on CNN network. The experimental results show that the detection accuracy of our proposed detection system has achieved the desired effect.
Authored by Nishui Cai, Tianting Chen, Lei Shen
Cybersecurity is the practice of preventing cyberattacks on vital infrastructure and private data. Government organisations, banks, hospitals, and every other industry sector are increasingly investing in cybersecurity infrastructure to safeguard their operations and the millions of consumers who entrust them with their personal information. Cyber threat activity is alarming in a world where businesses are more interconnected than ever before, raising concerns about how well organisations can protect themselves from widespread attacks. Threat intelligence solutions employ Natural Language Processing to read and interpret the meaning of words and technical data in various languages and find trends in them. It is becoming increasingly precise for machines to analyse various data sources in multiple languages using NLP. This paper aims to develop a system that targets software vulnerability detection as a Natural Language Processing (NLP) problem with source code treated as texts and addresses the automated software vulnerability detection with recent advanced deep learning NLP models. We have created and compared various deep learning models based on their accuracy and the best performer achieved 95\% accurate results. Furthermore we have also made an effort to predict which vulnerability class a particular source code belongs to and also developed a robust dashboard using FastAPI and ReactJS.
Authored by Kanchan Singh, Sakshi Grover, Ranjini Kumar
This paper presents a vulnerability detection scheme for small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems, aiming to enhance their security resilience. It initiates with a comprehensive analysis of UAV system composition, operational principles, and the multifaceted security threats they face, ranging from software vulnerabilities in flight control systems to hardware weaknesses, communication link insecurities, and ground station management vulnerabilities. Subsequently, an automated vulnerability detection framework is designed, comprising three tiers: information gathering, interaction analysis, and report presentation, integrated with fuzz testing techniques for thorough examination of UAV control systems. Experimental outcomes validate the efficacy of the proposed scheme by revealing weak password issues in the target UAV s services and its susceptibility to abnormal inputs. The study not only confirms the practical utility of the approach but also contributes valuable insights and methodologies to UAV security, paving the way for future advancements in AI-integrated smart gray-box fuzz testing technologies.
Authored by He Jun, Guo Zihan, Ni Lin, Zhang Shuai
The growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) is leading to some restructuring and transformation of everyday lives. The number and diversity of IoT devices have increased rapidly, enabling the vision of a smarter environment and opening the door to further automation, accompanied by the generation and collection of enormous amounts of data. The automation and ongoing proliferation of personal and professional data in the IoT have resulted in countless cyber-attacks enabled by the growing security vulnerabilities of IoT devices. Therefore, it is crucial to detect and patch vulnerabilities before attacks happen in order to secure IoT environments. One of the most promising approaches for combating cybersecurity vulnerabilities and ensuring security is through the use of artificial intelligence (AI). In this paper, we provide a review in which we classify, map, and summarize the available literature on AI techniques used to recognize and reduce cybersecurity software vulnerabilities in the IoT. We present a thorough analysis of the majority of AI trends in cybersecurity, as well as cutting-edge solutions.
Authored by Heba Khater, Mohamad Khayat, Saed Alrabaee, Mohamed Serhani, Ezedin Barka, Farag Sallabi
The increasing number of security vulnerabilities has become an important problem that needs to be solved urgently in the field of software security, which means that the current vulnerability mining technology still has great potential for development. However, most of the existing AI-based vulnerability detection methods focus on designing different AI models to improve the accuracy of vulnerability detection, ignoring the fundamental problems of data-driven AI-based algorithms: first, there is a lack of sufficient high-quality vulnerability data; second, there is no unified standardized construction method to meet the standardized evaluation of different vulnerability detection models. This all greatly limits security personnel’s in-depth research on vulnerabilities. In this survey, we review the current literature on building high-quality vulnerability datasets, aiming to investigate how state-of-the-art research has leveraged data mining and data processing techniques to generate vulnerability datasets to facilitate vulnerability discovery. We also identify the challenges of this new field and share our views on potential research directions.
Authored by Yuhao Lin, Ying Li, MianXue Gu, Hongyu Sun, Qiuling Yue, Jinglu Hu, Chunjie Cao, Yuqing Zhang
Significant progress has been made towards developing Deep Learning (DL) in Artificial Intelligence (AI) models that can make independent decisions. However, this progress has also highlighted the emergence of malicious entities that aim to manipulate the outcomes generated by these models. Due to increasing complexity, this is a concerning issue in various fields, such as medical image classification, autonomous vehicle systems, malware detection, and criminal justice. Recent research advancements have highlighted the vulnerability of these classifiers to both conventional and adversarial assaults, which may skew their results in both the training and testing stages. The Systematic Literature Review (SLR) aims to analyse traditional and adversarial attacks comprehensively. It evaluates 45 published works from 2017 to 2023 to better understand adversarial attacks, including their impact, causes, and standard mitigation approaches.
Authored by Tarek Ali, Amna Eleyan, Tarek Bejaoui
Attacks against computer system are viewed to be the most serious threat in the modern world. A zero-day vulnerability is an unknown vulnerability to the vendor of the system. Deep learning techniques are widely used for anomaly-based intrusion detection. The technique gives a satisfactory result for known attacks but for zero-day attacks the models give contradictory results. In this work, at first, two separate environments were setup to collect training and test data for zero-day attack. Zero-day attack data were generated by simulating real-time zero-day attacks. Ranking of the features from the train and test data was generated using explainable AI (XAI) interface. From the collected training data more attack data were generated by applying time series generative adversarial network (TGAN) for top 12 features. The train data was concatenated with the AWID dataset. A hybrid deep learning model using Long short-term memory (LSTM) and Convolutional neural network (CNN) was developed to test the zero-day data against the GAN generated concatenated dataset and the original AWID dataset. Finally, it was found that the result using the concatenated dataset gives better performance with 93.53\% accuracy, where the result from only AWID dataset gives 84.29\% accuracy.
Authored by Md. Asaduzzaman, Md. Rahman
Cyber threats have been a major issue in the cyber security domain. Every hacker follows a series of cyber-attack stages known as cyber kill chain stages. Each stage has its norms and limitations to be deployed. For a decade, researchers have focused on detecting these attacks. Merely watcher tools are not optimal solutions anymore. Everything is becoming autonomous in the computer science field. This leads to the idea of an Autonomous Cyber Resilience Defense algorithm design in this work. Resilience has two aspects: Response and Recovery. Response requires some actions to be performed to mitigate attacks. Recovery is patching the flawed code or back door vulnerability. Both aspects were performed by human assistance in the cybersecurity defense field. This work aims to develop an algorithm based on Reinforcement Learning (RL) with a Convoluted Neural Network (CNN), far nearer to the human learning process for malware images. RL learns through a reward mechanism against every performed attack. Every action has some kind of output that can be classified into positive or negative rewards. To enhance its thinking process Markov Decision Process (MDP) will be mitigated with this RL approach. RL impact and induction measures for malware images were measured and performed to get optimal results. Based on the Malimg Image malware, dataset successful automation actions are received. The proposed work has shown 98\% accuracy in the classification, detection, and autonomous resilience actions deployment.
Authored by Kainat Rizwan, Mudassar Ahmad, Muhammad Habib
Cybersecurity is an increasingly critical aspect of modern society, with cyber attacks becoming more sophisticated and frequent. Artificial intelligence (AI) and neural network models have emerged as promising tools for improving cyber defense. This paper explores the potential of AI and neural network models in cybersecurity, focusing on their applications in intrusion detection, malware detection, and vulnerability analysis. Intruder detection, or "intrusion detection," is the process of identifying Invasion of Privacy to a computer system. AI-based security systems that can spot intrusions (IDS) use AI-powered packet-level network traffic analysis and intrusion detection patterns to signify an assault. Neural network models can also be used to improve IDS accuracy by modeling the behavior of legitimate users and detecting anomalies. Malware detection involves identifying malicious software on a computer system. AI-based malware machine-learning algorithms are used by detecting systems to assess the behavior of software and recognize patterns that indicate malicious activity. Neural network models can also serve to hone the precision of malware identification by modeling the behavior of known malware and identifying new variants. Vulnerability analysis involves identifying weaknesses in a computer system that could be exploited by attackers. AI-based vulnerability analysis systems use machine learning algorithms to analyze system configurations and identify potential vulnerabilities. Neural network models can also be used to improve the accuracy of vulnerability analysis by modeling the behavior of known vulnerabilities and identifying new ones. Overall, AI and neural network models have significant potential in cybersecurity. By improving intrusion detection, malware detection, and vulnerability analysis, they can help organizations better defend against cyber attacks. However, these technologies also present challenges, including a lack of understanding of the importance of data in machine learning and the potential for attackers to use AI themselves. As such, careful consideration is necessary when implementing AI and neural network models in cybersecurity.
Authored by D. Sugumaran, Y. John, Jansi C, Kireet Joshi, G. Manikandan, Geethamanikanta Jakka
Mission Impact Assessment (MIA) is a critical endeavor for evaluating the performance of mission systems, encompassing intricate elements such as assets, services, tasks, vulnerability, attacks, and defenses. This study introduces an innovative MIA framework that transcends existing methodologies by intricately modeling the interdependencies among these components. Additionally, we integrate hypergame theory to address the strategic dynamics of attack-defense interactions. To illustrate its practicality, we apply the framework to an Internet-of-Things (IoT)-based mission system tailored for accurate, time-sensitive object detection. Rigorous simulation experiments affirm the framework s robustness across a spectrum of scenarios. Our results prove that the developed MIA framework shows a sufficiently high inference accuracy (e.g., 80 \%) even with a small portion of the training dataset (e.g., 20–50 \%).
Authored by Ashrith Thukkaraju, Han Yoon, Shou Matsumoto, Jair Ferrari, Donghwan Lee, Myung Ahn, Paulo Costa, Jin-Hee Cho
AssessJet mainly deals with the vulnerability assessment of websites which is passed as the input. The process of detection and assorting the security threats is known as Vulnerability assessment. Security vulnerabilities can be identified by using appropriate security scanning tools on the back-end. This system produces an extensive report that includes various security threats a website in detail which are likely to be faced by the particular website. Report is to be generated in such a way that the client can understand it easily. Using AssessJet, bugs in websites and web applications, including those under development can be identified.
Authored by J Periasamy, Dakiniswari V, Tapasya K
Unlike traditional defense concepts, active defense is an asymmetric defense concept. It can not only identify potential threats in advance and nip them in the bud but also increase the attack cost of unknown threats by using change, interference, deception, or other means. Although active defense can reverse the asymmetric situation between attacks and defenses, current active defense technologies have two shortcomings: (i) they mainly aim at detecting attacks and increasing the cost of attacks without addressing the underlying problem; and (ii) they have problems such as high deployment costs and compromised system operational efficiency. This paper proposes an active defense architecture based on trap vulnerability with vulnerability as the core and introduces its design concept and specific implementation scheme. We deploy “traps” in the system to lure and find attackers while combining built-in detection, rejection, and traceback mechanisms to protect the system and trace the source of the attack.
Authored by Quan Hong, Yang Zhao, Jian Chang, Yuxin Du, Jun Li, Lidong Zhai
In recent times, the research looks into the measures taken by financial institutions to secure their systems and reduce the likelihood of attacks. The study results indicate that all cultures are undergoing a digital transformation at the present time. The dawn of the Internet ushered in an era of increased sophistication in many fields. There has been a gradual but steady shift in attitude toward digital and networked computers in the business world over the past few years. Financial organizations are increasingly vulnerable to external cyberattacks due to the ease of usage and positive effects. They are also susceptible to attacks from within their own organisation. In this paper, we develop a machine learning based quantitative risk assessment model that effectively assess and minimises this risk. Quantitative risk calculation is used since it is the best way for calculating network risk. According to the study, a network s vulnerability is proportional to the number of times its threats have been exploited and the amount of damage they have caused. The simulation is used to test the model s efficacy, and the results show that the model detects threats more effectively than the other methods.
Authored by Lavanya M, Mangayarkarasi S
In recent times, the research looks into the measures taken by financial institutions to secure their systems and reduce the likelihood of attacks. The study results indicate that all cultures are undergoing a digital transformation at the present time. The dawn of the Internet ushered in an era of increased sophistication in many fields. There has been a gradual but steady shift in attitude toward digital and networked computers in the business world over the past few years. Financial organizations are increasingly vulnerable to external cyberattacks due to the ease of usage and positive effects. They are also susceptible to attacks from within their own organisation. In this paper, we develop a machine learning based quantitative risk assessment model that effectively assess and minimises this risk. Quantitative risk calculation is used since it is the best way for calculating network risk. According to the study, a network s vulnerability is proportional to the number of times its threats have been exploited and the amount of damage they have caused. The simulation is used to test the model s efficacy, and the results show that the model detects threats more effectively than the other methods.
Authored by Lavanya M, Mangayarkarasi S
Vulnerability Detection 2022 - Cross-site scripting attacks, as a means of attack against Web applications, are widely used in phishing, information theft and other fields by unscrupulous people because of their wide targeting and hidden implementation methods. Nevertheless, cross-site scripting vulnerability detection is still in its infancy, with plenty of challenges not yet fully explored. In this paper, we propose Crawler-based Cross Site Scripting Detector, a tool based on crawler technology that can effectively detect stored Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilities and reflected Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilities. Subsequently, in order to verify the effectiveness of the tool, we experim ented this tool with existing tools such as XSSer and Burp Suite by selecting 100 vulnerable websites for the tool s efficiency, false alarm rate and underreporting rate. The results show that our tool can effectively detect Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilities.
Authored by Haocheng Guan, Dongcheng Li, Hui Li, Man Zhao
Vulnerability Detection 2022 - The power industrial control system is an important part of the national critical Information infrastructure. Its security is related to the national strategic security and has become an important target of cyber attacks. In order to solve the problem that the vulnerability detection technology of power industrial control system cannot meet the requirement of non-destructive, this paper proposes an industrial control vulnerability analysis technology combined with dynamic and static analysis technology. On this basis, an industrial control non-destructive vulnerability detection system is designed, and a simulation verification platform is built to verify the effectiveness of the industrial control non-destructive vulnerability detection system. These provide technical support for the safety protection research of the power industrial control system.
Authored by Zhenwan Zou, Jun Yin, Ling Yang, Cheng Luo, Jiaxuan Fei
Vulnerability Detection 2022 - Aiming at the fact that the existing source code vulnerability detection methods did not explicitly maintain the semantic information related to the vulnerability in the source code, which made it difficult for the vulnerability detection model to extract the vulnerability sentence features and had a high detection false positive rate, a source code vulnerability detection method based on the vulnerability dependency graph is proposed. Firstly, the candidate vulnerability sentences of the function were matched, and the vulnerability dependency representation graph corresponding to the function was generated by analyzing the multi-layer control dependencies and data dependencies of the candidate vulnerability sentences. Secondly, abstracted the function name and variable name of the code sentences node and generated the initial representation vector of the code sentence nodes in the vulnerability dependency representation graph. Finally, the source code vulnerability detection model based on the heterogeneous graph transformer was used to learn the context information of the code sentence nodes in the vulnerability dependency representation graph. In this paper, the proposed method was verified on three datasets. The experimental results show that the proposed method have better performance in source code vulnerability detection, and the recall rate is increased by 1.50\%\textasciitilde22.27\%, and the F1 score is increased by 1.86\%\textasciitilde16.69\%, which is better than the existing methods.
Authored by Hongyu Yang, Haiyun Yang, Liang Zhang, Xiang Cheng
Vulnerability Detection 2022 - Aiming at the problems of low detection accuracy and poor robustness of the existing zero-speed detection methods, an effective gait cycle segmentation method is adopted and a Bayesian network model based on inertial sensor measurements and kinematics knowledge is introduced to infer the zero-speed interval; The method can effectively reduce the ambiguity of the zero velocity (ZV) boundary. S upport vector machine has the advantages of versatility, simple calculation, high operation efficiency and perfect theory. It is a relatively mature and efficient algorithm in the current network security situation algorithm. And a looped Bayesian network model for probabilistic safety assessment of simple feedback control systems is established.
Authored by Jian He, Yan Hu
Vulnerability Detection 2022 - With the booming development of deep learning and machine learning, the use of neural networks for software source code security vulnerability detection has become a hot pot in the field of software security. As a data structure, graphs can adequately represent the complex syntactic information, semantic information, and dependencies in software source code. In this paper, we propose the MPGVD model based on the idea of text classification in natural language processing. The model uses BERT for source code pre-training, transforms graphs into corresponding feature vectors, uses MPNN (Message Passing Neural Networks) based on graph neural networks in the feature extraction phase, and finally outputs the detection results. Our proposed MPGVD, compared with other existing vulnerability detection models on the same dataset CodeXGLUE, obtain the highest detection accuracy of 64.34\%.
Authored by Yang Xue, Junjun Guo, Li Zhang, Huiyu Song
Vulnerability Detection 2022 - For the last few decades, the number of security vulnerabilities has been increasing with the development of web applications. The domain of Web Applications is evolving. As a result, many empirical studies have been carried out to address different security vulnerabilities. However, an analysis of existing studies is needed before developing new security vulnerability testing techniques. We perform a systematic mapping study documenting state-of-the-art empirical research in web application security vulnerability detection. The aim is to describe a roadmap for synthesizing the documented empirical research. Existing research and literature have been reviewed using a systematic mapping study. Our study reports on work dating from 2001 to 2021. The initial search retrieved 150 papers from the IEEE Xplore and ACM Digital Libraries, of which 76 were added to the study. A classification scheme is derived based on the primary studies. The study demonstrates that vulnerability detection in web applications is an ongoing field of research and that the number of publications is increasing. Our study helps illuminate research areas that need more consideration.
Authored by Karishma Rahman, Clemente Izurieta