SCC Meeting 15 - Program Agenda

Software Certification Consortium Meeting #15
It's All About the Evidence: Evidence for Assurance
May 3-4, 2015 | Annapolis, Maryland

Conference Archives:


SUNDAY, MAY 3, 2015
1145 - 1300 Registration | Lunch
1300 - 1315 Welcome and Introduction
SESSION 1: Expert Judgement
1315 - 1415 Role of Expert Judgement in Assurance
John Knight, University of Virginia
1415 - 1445 Breakout - answers collected for later
1445 - 1500 Refreshment Break (provided)
Stretch your legs
SESSION 2: Evidence Related to Safety, Security & Correctness
1500 - 1545 Assessing Testing Evidence: Do We Know How?
Mats Heimdahl, University of Minnesota
1545 - 1615 Confidence About Evidence and Its Role in an Argument
John Goodenough, Chuck Weinstock, SEI
1615 - 1645 Fuzz Testing for Creating Evidence in Security Assurance Cases
Jens Weber, University of Victoria)
1645 - 1715 The Role of Evidence in Infusion Pump Premarket Submission Review
Richard Chapman, U.S. FDA
1715 - 1800 Breakout - answers collected for later
1900 - 2030 Dinner (optional - pay your own way)
MONDAY, MAY 4, 2015
0700 - 0800 Registration | Breakfast
SESSION 3: Safety & Interoperability
0800 - 0900 Assuring Medical Device Interoperability/Plug-and-Play Open Systems
Insup Lee, Oleg Sokolsky (University of Pennsylvania)
0900 - 0930 Breakout - answers collected for later
SESSION 4: Evidence Related to Safety, Security & Correctness (continued from Sunday)
0930 - 1000 Software Evidence in the Aviation Domain
Michael Holloway (NASA)
1000 - 1030 Automotive Industry Safety Case Evidence
Joseph D'Ambrosio (GM Research)
1030 - 1045 Breakout - add to results from Session 2
1045 - 1100 Refreshment Break (provided)
Talk to colleagues
SESSION 5: Tool Related Evidence
1100 - 1130 Evidence of Correctness for Symbolic Execution Tools via Proof-Generation
John Hatcliff, Robby, Kansas State University
1130 - 1200 Automated Assurance Cases - Why and How?
Ewen Denney, NASA
1200 - 1245 Lunch
SESSION 6: Tool Related Evidence (continued)
1245 - 1330 Evidence That Tools Do Not Contribute to Hazards
Janos Sztipanovits (Vanderbilt University)
1330 - 1350 Tools, Evidence, Assurance & Standards
Mark Lawford (McMaster University)
1350 - 1405 Proofs as Highest-Quality Evidence for Certification
Brian Larson (Kansas State University)
1405 - 1500 Breakout - answers collected for later
1500 - 1515 Refreshment Break (provided)
We will need these refreshments
SESSION 7: Using the Breakout Results
1515 - 1615 Results from earlier breakouts - plus brief discussion
1615 - 1700 Votes related to breakout results
SESSION 8: Finale
1700 - 1715 Summary & Next Steps