SURE Review Meeting - November 4, 2016

SURE Review Meeting - November 4, 2016

The SURE Project review meeting will be held Friday, November 4, 2016 at NSA Emerson 5 in Laurel, Maryland.

0800 - 0830 Security Check-In | Registration
0830 - 0835 Introduction and Opening Remarks

William Martin and William McKeever
0835 - 0905 Project Overview

Xenofon Koutsoukos
0905 - 0920 Demonstrations

Himanshu Neema, Bradley Potteiger, Peter Volgyesi
0920 - 0940 Adversary Models in Designing and Evaluating CPS Security and Resilience | VIDEO

Peter Volgyesi
0940 - 1000 C2WT: A Model-Based and Scalable Integrated Simulation Testbed for Science of Security

Himanshu Neema
1000 - 1020 Break
1020 - 1040 Resilient Closed-Loop Control in Adversarial Settings

Yevgeniy Vorobeychik
1040 - 1105 Detection of Cyber-Attacks Against Traffic Control Integrity

Aron Laszka
1105 - 1125 A Hardware In The Loop Testbed For Evaluating And Measuring Security And Resilience In CPS | VIDEO

Bradley Potteiger
1125 - 1135 Future Work and Conclusions

Xenofon Koutsoukos
1134 Adjourn



*You must be logged in, and a member of the SURE group, to access the slide presentations. To request access, please email Katie Dey at sure[at]cps-vo[dot].org.