  • “Unsurprisingly, Most Won’t be Ready for GDPR on 25th May”
    With the deadline fast approaching, according to WinMagic, nearly half of all IT Decision Maker’s surveyed recently do not have all of the systems in place for GDPR compliance.  Failing to meet the GDPR requirements will result in hefty fines, up to…
  • “UK Finance Firms Urged to Work Together to Fight Cyber Crime”
    According to a report written by KPMG and UK Finance, firms in the UK are being urged to pool resources in order to better fight cyber crime in the financial sector. The report also states cyber crime is now the second largest issue in the financial…
  • “This malware targets Facebook log-in details, infects over 45,000 in just days”
    A malware called “StressPaint” that targets Facebook user credentials has been discovered by Radware. Attackers use phishing emails to bait users into clicking on links to seemingly legitimate sites, where they then urge users to download a free software…
  • "FDA Rolls Out New Action Plan for Medical Device Cybersecurity"
    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently released the Medical Device Action Plan. The objectives of the new action plan are to improve upon the safety of patients, further examine regulatory solutions, and strengthen cybersecurity for medical…
  • "Europol Shuts down Largest Cyberattack-For-Hire Website"
    Europol recently took down, which operated as a DDoS-for-hire website. Webstresser was used by cybercriminals to launch distributed denial-of-service attacks for a monthly price. This article continues to discuss Webstresser in relation…
  • SoS Musings #13 - Uncle Sam Underdog in Cyber Fight
    SoS Musings #13 Uncle Sam Underdog in Cyber Fight
  • “LinkedIn Autofill Flaw Lets Hackers Harvest Website Visitors' Personal Info'”
    A security researcher by the name of Jack Cable discovered a vulnerability contained by LinkedIn’s Autofill feature. The exploitation of this vulnerability could allow cybercriminals to collect personal information belonging to LinkedIn users. This…
  • "Researchers Find that Amazon Alexa Can be Hacked to Record Users"
    Security researchers from Checkmark have discovered that the Amazon Alexa voice assistant technology could be manipulated into recording and transcribing the verbal communications of a user. The performance of eavesdropping can be enabled through the…
  • HotSoS 2018 Summary Report
    HotSoS 2018 Summary Report
  • "Hackers Designed a 'Master Key' to Unlock Millions of Hotel Room Doors"
    Security researchers from F-Secure discovered a critical flaw in the design of VingCard’s Vision software used for electronic keys, which would allow millions of hotel rooms to be hacked. An attack developed by researchers, Tomi Tuominen and Timo…
  • "Accelerating Detection of Zero-Day Vulnerabilities"
    DARPA’s Information Innovation Office (I20) recently announced the Computers and Humans Exploring Software Security (CHESS) program. The CHESS program aims to improve upon the speed and scale at which zero-day vulnerabilities are detected and fixed. This…
  • “Orangeworm Cyber Attack Group Targets Health Sector”
    Orangeworm is a hacking group discovered by Symantec to be targeting organizations linked to the healthcare industry. According to researchers, the group has been launching a custom backdoor called Trojan.Kwampirs on medical devices and machines used by…