“Report: All Intel Processors Made in the Last Decade Might Have a Massive Security Flaw”Intel processors manufactured within the last decade have been discovered to contain a major security flaw, which could allow protected kernel memory areas of a device to be read by malicious programs, possibly leaving protected information such as…
“‘Trackmageddon’ Vulnerabilities Discovered in (GPS) Location Tracking Services”Security researchers, Vangelis Stykas and Michael Gruhn, revealed a series vulnerabilities contained by GPS and location-tracking services that could allow attackers to use the geolocation data collected by such services to track users. The set of…
“New ransomware headache as crooks dump bitcoin for rival cryptocurrencies”Despite the high popularity of Bitcoin, more secure and anonymous cryptocurrencies are becoming popular with cybercriminals, according to a Europol report titled “Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment”. The report also mentions that while…
“Digmine Cryptocurrency Miner Spreads via Facebook Messenger”In a recent report Trend Micro released information regarding a new Monero cryptocurrency miner dubbed “Digmine”. The miner has been limited to a specific browser version of Facebook Messenger in Chrome, according to the security firm. This article…
"DDoS Attacks Increasingly Blended Multiple Attack Vectors in Q3 2017"A majority of DDoS attacks that were launched in the third quarter of 2017 were multi-vector attacks, according to Nexusguard's Q3 2017 Threat Report. Multi-vector DDoS attacks used attack vectors such as universal datagram protocol (UDP) flood, …
"Hacker Lexicon: What Is Sinkholing?"Sinkholing is a method that could be used to manipulate the flow of data within a network by altering the direction of traffic so that it reaches a chosen server instead of its intended destination. This technique could be used by security professionals…
“Innovative Technologies for Preventing Cyberattacks”Three cyber protection technologies named DigitalAnts, MLSTONES, and SerialTap have been licensed to Cynash Inc. by the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in order for these innovations to be brought to the…
"New cybersecurity threats unwrapped"The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society’s (HIMSS) Healthcare and Cross-Sector Cybersecurity report for the month of December, highlights cyberthreats that were recently faced by the healthcare industry. The emergence of such threats…
"Threat Modeling: a Critical, yet Underused, Element of Cybersecurity Risk Analysis"Threat modeling is a procedure that is often overlooked in the analysis of cybersecurity risks. The performance of threat modeling can help organizations or individuals determine the types of protection needed for their data through the identification of…
"Cryptojacking Has Gotten Out of Control"With the rise in cryptocurrencies has also come the rise of something a bit more dangerous: cryptojacking. Hackers use this to drain unsuspecting users of resources to make money, often causing damage to the users' devices. This article further discusses…
"2017: Security Was Not an Afterthought"Recent major industry breaches emphasize the importance of implementing security into the software development and software operation (DevOps) process. However, developers lack the skills to perform secure coding due to inadequate security education…
Cyber Scene #16 - Holiday Gift: Nothing But NetCyber Scene #16 HOLIDAY GIFT: NOTHING BUT NET The New National Security Strategy on Cybersecurity