"Worried About Hackers, States Turn to Cyber Insurance"As the severity of cyberattacks continues to grow, states are increasingly making use of cyber insurance for protection. Cyber insurance policies are meant to cover the massive losses and expenses faced by states in the event that their computer networks…
"Intel Chip Flaws Leave Millions of Devices Exposed"Critical flaws have been discovered within the Intel Management Engine (ME), Intel Trusted Execution Engine (TXE), and Server Platform Services (SPS). The ME is a subsystem that runs independently within the Intel chipset, which enables management…
"NHS Needs to Develop Cyber-Sec Culture to Reap Benefits of Digitisation"The results of a survey conducted by Palo Alto in collaboration with Vanson Bourne, have revealed the beliefs of National Health Service (NHS) IT managers in regards to cybersecurity in the NHS. The survey touched upon subjects of data security,…
“Four Methods Hackers Use to Steal Data from Air-Gapped Computers”Security researchers have demonstrated ways in which data could be extracted from air-gapped computer systems through the development of covert channels. These channels are characterized into 4 different types, which include electromagnetic, acoustic,…
"Chemist Proposes 'Sweaty Analysis' to Better Secure Electronics"Jan Halámek, an assistant chemistry professor at the University at Albany, has released a new concept paper in which he focuses on cybersecurity and the use of sweat analysis as a new method of biometric authentication. The proposed approach for…
"Bugcrowd: Young Cybersecurity Professionals Are Turning to Bug Hunting"An annual report released by Bugcrowd titled, “Inside the Mind of a Hacker 2.0”, shares findings in relation to the bug hunting community. The report reveals that there has been a considerable increase of participants in bug bounty programs from 2016.…
"Hacking Blockchain with Smart Contracts to Control a Botnet"Security researcher, Majid Malaika, has warned of the possible abuse of Blockchain technology to enable the creation of a powerful new form of botnet. The attack method that has been named “Botract”, abuses code that runs on a blockchain known as a smart…
"What Makes Hackers Tick?"Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories will conduct a study funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, in which the physical and mental responses of hackers are measured as they perform attacks. In the study, hackers will wear body…
"Cyber Discovery Program Aims to Encourage More Teens into Industry"In an attempt to address the skills gap within the cybersecurity field, the U.K. government has launched the Cyber Discovery program. This program has been delivered by SANS Institute, BT, FutureLearn, and Cyber Security Challenge U.K. to find teenagers…
"Companies Turn to War Games to Spot Scarce Cybersecurity Talent"An annual U.K. cybersecurity competition aims to help address the severe workforce shortage within the cybersecurity job market by raising awareness and encouraging the pursuance of careers in the cybersecurity field. The Cyber Security Challenge U.K.,…
"Boeing 757 Testing Shows Airplanes Vulnerable to Hacking, DHS Says"A demonstration performed by Robert Hickey, an aviation program manager within the Cyber Security Division of the DHS S&T Directorate and his team of experts, reveals the possibility of remotely hacking a commercial aircraft. The aircraft used in the…
"6 Steps for Sharing Threat Intelligence"Industry experts have emphasized six essential steps that organizations should take in order to improve upon the sharing of threat intelligence. Organizations must understand their event data before sharing, optimize the use of event data…