  • "Shape-Shifting Computer Chip Thwarts an Army of Hackers"
    A team of researchers at the University of Michigan has developed a new secure computer processor called Morpheus that can thwart attacks from hackers by rapidly and continuously randomizing elements of code and data. The randomization of such elements…
  • "Personal Data of 4.5 Million Passengers Exposed in Air India Data Breach"
    India's national airline Air India released a statement to passengers, revealing that it had experienced a data breach in February this year. The data breach has led to the exposure of data belonging to 4.5 million Air India passengers worldwide. Unknown…
  • "Ireland Tests Decrypt Tool After 'Catastrophic' Ransomware Attack"
    Irish authorities are testing a decrypt tool to recover health data following the recent ransomware attack on the Health Service Executive (HSE) of Ireland, which led to disruption of healthcare and social services in hospitals and community centers…
  • "Microsoft, Google Clouds Hijacked for Gobs of Phishing"
    Researchers at Proofpoint have found that threat actors are cashing in on the rapid shift to cloud-based business services during the pandemic by hiding behind ubiquitous, trusted services from Microsoft and Google to make their email phishing scams look…
  • "Global Credential Stuffing Attempts Hit 193 Billion in 2020"
    Security researchers at Akamai did a new study that revealed the sheer scale of attempts to crack open users’ accounts using previously breached credentials.  The researchers found that 193 billion credential stuffing attempts occurred during 2020…
  • "100M Android Users Hit By Rampant Cloud Leaks"
    Researchers at Check Point Research found several mobile apps, some with 10 million downloads, have opened up users' personal data to the public internet, and most aren't fixed.  More than 100 million Android users are at risk after 23 different…
  • "More Than 290 Enterprises Hit by 6 Ransomware Groups in 2021"
    According to a new report from the managed detection and response firm eSentire, six ransomware gangs have hit over 290 enterprises between January 1 and April 30 this year, bringing in an estimated $45 million for the attackers. The six ransomware…
  • "Security Framework for Protected Data Allows Researchers To Tap Oak Ridge Supercomputers"
    A new framework of security protocols, called CITADEL, will allow researchers to tap into supercomputers operating at Oak Ridge National Laboratory's National Center for Computational Sciences (NCCS) for projects that use protected data, including health…
  • "NIST Proposes Method for Evaluating User Trust in Artificial Intelligence Systems"
    The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has a new draft publication that delves into how humans decide whether or not to trust recommendations made by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system. The report is a part of NIST's broader effort…
  • "Scheme Flooding Bug Threatens to Sink User Privacy"
    Researchers at the security provider FingerPrintJS discovered a vulnerability that can enable websites to track users across different desktop browsers, including Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and Tor, posing a significant threat to user…
  • "Exchange Server Attackers Launched Scans Within Five Minutes of Disclosure"
    Researchers at Palo Alto Networks conducted a new study where they scanned 50 million IP addresses associated with 50 global enterprises.  The research was carried out between January and March 2021.  The researchers stated that threat actors…
  • "Keksec Cybergang Debuts Simps Botnet for Gaming DDoS"
    Security researchers at Uptyc's have discovered a new malware that infects IoT devices in tandem with the prolific Gafgyt botnet, using known security vulnerabilities.  A recently developed botnet named "Simps" has emerged from the cyber-underground…