  • "Malicious Android Apps Double in Q1 as Lockdown Users Are Targeted"
    According to new data from the mobile technology company Upstream, the number of malicious Android Apps detected in the first quarter of 2020 doubles the number discovered last year during the same period. The company's Secure-D platform identified more…
  • "Most Active Ransomware Strains Targeting Enterprise Networks"
    A study conducted by Beazley Breach Response (BBR), found that over 70 percent of ransomware attacks reported by the company's customers in 2018 targeted small-to-medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Researchers believe that SMBs are at a higher risk of being…
  • "New Ransomware Trends Spotted: Auctioning Stolen Files, Cybergangs Joining Forces"
    Human-operated ransomware continues to grow more intense. In addition to worrying about system disruption, file encryption, and exposure, one may now have to decide whether to pay the demanded ransom or face having their stolen files sold in an online…
  • "Cyber Commission: Expand Connected Device Security Bill Beyond Federal Procurement Realm"
    The proposed Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2019 would require connected devices sold to the federal government to meet certain cybersecurity requirements. The Cyberspace Solarium Commission released a new white paper, calling for…
  • "VMware Flaw Allows Takeover of Multiple Private Clouds"
    Researchers at a security pen-testing company called Citadelo found that VMware’s VMware Cloud Director has a security flaw that could be exploited to compromise multiple customer accounts using the same cloud infrastructure.  The vulnerability was…
  • "Amtrak Breached, Some Customers’ Logins And PII Potentially Exposed"
    Amtrak, the national rail service for the US, has suffered a data breach.   A third party got unauthorized access to some Amtrak Guest Rewards accounts on the evening of April 16.  Researchers discovered that the adversary used compromised…
  • "This Bot Hunts Software Bugs for the Pentagon"
    ForAllSecure, a Carnegie Mellon University startup, developed a tool called Mayhem that examines software to find security flaws. The U.S. Air Force, Navy, and Army, as well as the internet infrastructure company Cloudflare uses Mayhem as a part of their…
  • "Users Rarely Change Passwords after a Breach – or They Choose a Weaker Password"
    A recent study conducted by Carnegie Mellon University's CyLab finds that users rarely change their passwords for accounts on breached domains. According to one researcher, only 13 percent of users changed their passwords within the first three months of…
  • "Hackers Sell 80K Stolen Credit Card Details on Dark Web"
    The cybersecurity research firm Cyble discovered a data leak involving details of more than 80,000 credit cards. Threat actors are selling this information on the dark web market in exchange for cryptocurrency. The dump of stolen credit card details…
  • "Enterprise Mobile Phishing Attacks Skyrocket Amidst Pandemic"
    Researchers discovered that the rate of mobile phishing rose sharply between the last quarter of 2019 and the first quarter of 2020.  The encounter rates for enterprise mobile phishing increased 37 percent between the last quarter of 2019 and the…
  • "Most Chrome Security Bugs Rooted in Faulty Memory Code"
    Google researchers found that nearly three-quarters of all security bugs contained by the Chrome web browser derive from problems with memory coding. According to the researchers, the current methods of sandboxing and site isolation used to prevent…
  • "Security Remains a Major Concern For Enterprise IoT Integration"
    Researchers at Syniverse conducted a new survey of 200 enterprise executives in North America and Europe in several key vertical industries already using or in the process of deploying IoT.  These industries include financial services, retail,…