  • "U.S. Air Force Sponsors Spy Movie-Style Physical Hacking Challenge"
    The Air Force Research Laboratory is sponsoring a sophisticated hacking challenge called "No Mr. Bond, I Expect You to Hack," which takes inspiration from spy movies. The movie-style hacking challenge is geared towards students in New York City-area…
  • "A New Wormable Windows Vulnerability Has No Patch in Sight"
    Microsoft released a security advisory about a remote code execution vulnerability (CVE-2020-0796) contained by Mircosoft Server Message Block 3.1.1 (SMBv3), which affects Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019. The SMB protocol is a client-server…
  • "Intel Processors Are Still Vulnerable to Attack"
    Over the past couple of years, security researchers have disclosed attacks, including Plundervolt, Zombieload, and Foreshadow, that could be executed through the exploitation of vulnerabilities in Intel processors. Although Intel has issued patches to…
  • "How Secure Are Four and Six-Digit Mobile Phone Pins?"
    A team of IT security researchers did a study on how users decide what PIN to set for their mobile phones, as well as how they could be encouraged to pick more secure PINs. The researchers conducted a comprehensive study in which they had Apple and…
  • "Closing The Cybersecurity Gender Gap Would Boost The US Economy by $30B"
    In the cybersecurity field, a significant gender gap exists. Even though there are 4 million job vacancies in the US and UK, it is hard to get more women interested in the cybersecurity field.   Women occupy less than a quarter of cybersecurity…
  • "Next Generation 911 Services 'Highly Vulnerable to Cyber Attack'"
    Researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) conducted a study in which they examined the impact of DDoS attacks on the current (E911) and next-generation 911 (NG911) infrastructures in North Carolina. According to the researchers, the next…
  • "AMD Processors Susceptible to Security Vulnerabilities, Data Leaks"
    Researchers at Graz University of Technology discovered that AMD CPU microarchitectures from 2011 to 2019 are vulnerable to side-channel attacks. In a paper, titled "Take A Way: Exploring the Security Implications of AMD's Cache Way Predictors," the…
  • "Microsoft: 99.9% of Compromised Accounts did not use Multi-Factor Authentication"
    Microsoft tracks over 30 billion login events per day and over one billion monthly active users.  Of all the accounts, about 0.5 percent of them become compromised each month.  In January 2020 1.2 million Microsoft accounts were compromised.…
  • "Hackers Are Targeting Other Hackers by Infecting Their Tools With Malware"
    The Cybereason Nocturnus team discovered a malware campaign where attackers are injecting and repackaging hacking tools with njRat, bringing further attention to the targeting of hackers by other hackers. The powerful trojan, njRat, can allow attackers…
  • "Autonomous Vehicles Can Be Fooled to 'See' Nonexistent Obstacles"
    Autonomous vehicles see the world through the use of multiple sensors. Most autonomous vehicle systems use cameras, radar sensors, and LiDAR (light detection and ranging) sensors. The data collected through cameras and sensors are combined by an onboard…
  • "Mobile Attacks Outpace Desktop Assaults"
    Researchers at LexisNexis Risk Solutions found that the number of attacks on mobile devices has surpassed the number of assaults faced by desktops. There were 264 million attacks on mobile devices 137 million attacks on desktops between July and December…
  • "Open Cybersecurity Alliance (OCA) Advances Mission to Bring Interoperability Across Cybersecurity Products"
    The Open Cybersecurity Alliance (OCA) is a consortium of cybersecurity vendors, including IBM and McAfee, that aims to address the problem of security complexity faced by organizations. This challenge derives from the integration of cybersecurity…