  • "New York City Partners with Israel-based Firm to Boost Cybersecurity"
    New York City and an Israel-based venture capital firm, named Jerusalem Ventures Partners (JVP) is partnering in support of the Cyber NYC initiative. The initiative aims to make NYC a global leader in cyber innovation and increase the number of…
  • "New Ransomware Targets Industrial Control Systems"
    New ransomware aimed at disrupting the processes associated with industrial control systems (ICS) operations, called EKANS, is being analyzed by security researchers from SentinelOne, Dragos, and the MalwareHunterTeam. According to researchers, EKANS…
  • "How Device-Aware 2FA Can Defeat Social Engineering Attacks"
    Hackers continue to sharpen their skills in the execution of social engineering attacks, resulting in the increased success rate at which they bypass two-factor authentication (2FA) and hijack accounts. SMS-based 2FA remains popular among financial…
  • "Twitter API Abused to Uncover User Identities"
    Researchers have discovered that bad actors with potential ties to state-sponsored groups, were abusing a legitimate function on Twitter's platform to unmask the identity of users. On December 24, 2019, Twitter discovered an extensive network of…
  • "Why 2020 Will Be the Year Artificial Intelligence Stops Being Optional for Security"
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly growing in implementation by organizations. Security professionals expect large organizations of all types to find AI-based tools necessary for the protection of their assets from cyberattacks by the end…
  • "Watch Out for Coronavirus Phishing Scams"
    Security firms are discovering that hackers are exploiting the fear caused by the coronavirus outbreak to perform phishing scams. One phishing email detected by Mimecast contains malicious links and PDFs, claiming to have information about how…
  • "97 of the World's 100 Largest Airports Have Massive Cybersecurity Risks"
    In a new study on the world's biggest airports, a security company ImmuniWeb found that almost all of them had an alarming lack of systems in place to protect their websites, mobile applications, and public clouds. 66 of the top 100 airports had highly…
  • "Layering Diverse Defenses Is Crucial for Stopping Email Attacks"
    The use of technology alone is not sufficient enough to defend against targeted email attacks. Adding to that, Evan Reiser, CEO of Abnormal Security, states that providing security awareness and anti-phishing training to employees is not a silver bullet…
  • "New 'Secure' Voting Machines Are Still Vulnerable—Because of Voters"
    Researchers at the University of Michigan did a new study on the security of voting machines. Findings suggest that people are less likely to notice if a hacker compromised a machine because many of them do not check whether the printout of their ballot…
  • "Devices Still Vulnerable to DMA Attacks Despite Protections"
    According to the firmware security company, Eclypsium, many devices, including those used in enterprise environments, are still vulnerable to direct memory access (DMA) attacks despite the implementation of protections by hardware and software vendors to…
  • "80% of Successful Breaches Are From Zero-Day Exploits"
    In a new study, researchers surveyed 671 IT security professionals responsible for managing and reducing their organization’s endpoint security risk. The researchers found that 68% of IT security professionals say their company experienced one or more…
  • "The Fractured Future of Browser Privacy"
    Security researchers, privacy advocates, and developers recently gathered at the USENIX Enigma security conference in San Franciso to discuss their views on how browsers should protect users' data. Representatives from Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome,…