Lablets Provide Updates on Research Projects and Progress on SoS Hard Problems at UMD Quarterly MeetingStatus of research on SoS hard problems and updates on Lablet research were the focus topics at the recent Lablet Quarterly meeting. The meeting, sponsored by NSA, was hosted by the Lablet at the University of Maryland (UMD) on October 26…
SURE Gathers to Report on 2015 Resiliency WorkSURE researchers met for their annual review of System Science of SecUrity and REsilience for Cyber-Physical Systems (SURE) projects. Four universities (Vanderbilt, Hawaii, California-Berkeley, and MIT) researchers gathered with members of…
Emoji Passwords?Prof Lorrie Cranor was interviewed by NPR about the potential of using emoji as passwords.
Cybersecurity for the Internet of Things (IoT)Cybersecurity research currently underway at NSA was noted in a article entitled “How the Federal Government Is Attempting to Protect the Internet of Things”.
Science of Security Summer Internship Program at UIUCThe Illinois NSA Science of Security (SoS) Lablet is now accepting applications from undergraduate students for their SoS Summer Internship Program! The application deadline is January 19, 2016. Information regarding the internship and a link to the…
SoS quarterly Science of Security Lablet meeting at UMDLablets meet to provide research updates about SoS Hard Problems College Park, MD October 27, 2015
Berkeley Report on Barriers to Cybersecurity ResearchReport released of a Workshop convened by the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology, the UC Berkeley School of Information and the International Computer Science Institute under a grant from the National Science Foundation Abstract:
Back and Forth Discussion on Attacking CryptDBResearchers are presenting a paper at the October ACM CCCS that details how they found a design flaw in CryptDB.
Estimating the reproducibility of psychological scienceNew study published in Science examined the reproducibility of psychology experiments. They tested 100 experiments and found a large portion of the replications had weaker statistical significance than the original study. For futher details, see…
Explanation of the Buffer Overflow AttackA pretty good explanation of the buffer overflow attack.
Anti-Virus Company manipulting virus detection to fool competitors?Reuters has a story that two ex-employees from Kaspersky Labs claiming that they submitted malicous marked benign files to fool compeitors to mark malicous good files of customers while they were employeed at Kaspersky. Whether that part is true or…
Explaining Stagefright and the error in the PatchA bufferover flow discovered in Android April was reported to Google with a proposed fix. The name used is Stagefright and it effects 650 million android devices. However, the the patch doens't really solve the overflow. This article…