"AI Technology for Safer Integrated Analysis of Data Held by Multiple Organizations"Improving the accuracy of Artificial Intelligence (AI) analysis requires collecting sufficient data without distribution bias. AI technology gathers data dispersed across multiple institutions. It must safely perform integrated analysis while keeping…
"Outsmarting Deepfake Video"In March 2022, a deepfake video showed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy ordering his people to lay down their weapons and surrender to Russia. The potential for malicious applications and the rapid evolution of deepfake techniques have ignited a…
"CyLab Announces First Round of Secure Blockchain Initiative Funded Project"The Secure Blockchain Initiative (SBI) of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) has launched with the selection of six projects for its first round of seed funding. By conducting research, the SBI aims to revolutionize blockchain technology applied in…
"AGENT Preps Teachers in Cyber Education"During the week of June 5-9, the University of North Georgia (UNG) hosted the third annual Advancing GenCyber Education for North Georgia Teachers (AGENT) Initiative to help 25 middle and high school teachers and administrators learn how to teach…
"Tool to Reduce the Risk of Online User Privacy Breaches"An Australia Research Council (ARC) Linkage Project Grant has been awarded to Victoria University researchers in support of developing a tool to reduce the risk of online user privacy breaches. In collaboration with the Information Technology (IT)…
"Hongyi Liu, Ang Chen and Team Advance Cloud Security in USENIX Security Paper"Hongyi Liu, a computer science Ph.D. student at Rice University, uses a novel method to deploy cloud devices as security enforcers. The Ph.D. student became a member of the computer science research group led by Ang Chen, and contributed to four co-…
"Insurance Companies Neglect Basic Email Security"According to security researchers at EasyDMARC, only 3.54% of insurance companies have correctly implemented basic phishing and spoofing protection. The researchers conducted a survey that reviewed the deployment of the Domain-based Message…
"Manchester University Breach Victims Hit With Triple Extortion"Following an earlier breach, staff and students at Manchester University have recently been sent threatening emails designed to put pressure on the institution to pay a ransom. The university revealed on June 9 that it had suffered a data breach…
"Why is There a Data Trust Deficit?"The global Technology Policy Council (TPC) of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) has released a TechBrief titled "The Data Trust Deficit." The central theme of the TechBrief is that the full potential of data-driven systems cannot be realized…
"VMware Patches Code Execution Vulnerabilities in vCenter Server"Virtualization giant VMware has recently published software updates to address multiple memory corruption vulnerabilities in vCenter Server that could lead to remote code execution. Five security defects were patched in the software's…
"New Strain of JavaScript Dropper Delivers Bumblebee and IcedID Malware"There is a new strain of a JavaScript dropper delivering Bumblebee and IcedID malware, which are both known to execute ransomware. Deep Instinct's Threat Research Lab noted that the dropper contains Russian-language comments and uses the unique user-…
"2.5M Genworth Policyholders and 769K Retired California Workers and Beneficiaries Affected by Hack"The country’s largest public pension fund says the personal information, including Social Security numbers, of about 769,000 retired California employees and other beneficiaries was among data stolen by Russian cybercriminals in the breach of a popular…