"Novel Device from UC San Diego Researchers Promotes Efficient, Real-Time and Secure Wireless Access"

"Novel Device from UC San Diego Researchers Promotes Efficient, Real-Time and Secure Wireless Access"

The lab of Dinesh Bharadia, a member of the University of California, San Diego Qualcomm Institute (QI) and professor in the Jacobs School of Engineering's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has developed a novel device to address the challenge of increasing public access to the wireless network. The prototype technology filters out interference from other radio signals while sweeping underutilized spectrum frequency bands for high-traffic periods. High signal fidelity ensures users can rely on a secure connection, with cyberattacks being identified in real-time.

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on

"Hackers Using MSIX App Packages to Infect Windows PCs with GHOSTPULSE Malware"

"Hackers Using MSIX App Packages to Infect Windows PCs with GHOSTPULSE Malware"

A new cyberattack campaign has been distributing a novel malware loader called GHOSTPULSE via fake MSIX Windows app package files for popular software such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave, Grammarly, and Cisco Webex. According to Joe Desimone, researcher at Elastic Security Labs, MSIX is a Windows app package format that developers can use to package, distribute, and install their applications for Windows users.

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on

"Android Adware Apps on Google Play Amass Two Million Installs"

"Android Adware Apps on Google Play Amass Two Million Installs"

Multiple malicious Google Play Android apps downloaded over two million times push intrusive advertisements to users while hiding their presence on infected devices. Dr. Web's analysts identified trojans associated with the 'FakeApp,' 'Joker,' and 'HiddenAds' malware families on Google Play. According to Dr. Web, once these apps are installed on a victim's device, they hide by replacing their icons with those of Google Chrome or by using a transparent icon image to create empty space in the app drawer.

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on

"White House Issues Executive Order for Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy AI"

"White House Issues Executive Order for Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy AI"

President Biden has issued an Executive Order to ensure that the US maximizes the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and mitigates its risks. As AI's capabilities continue to increase, so do its implications for the safety and security of Americans. Through this Executive Order, the President directs calls for sweeping actions to be taken to protect Americans from the potential threats posed by AI systems. This article continues to discuss the new standards for AI safety and security.

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on

"What Lurks in the Dark: Taking Aim at Shadow AI"

"What Lurks in the Dark: Taking Aim at Shadow AI"

The emergence of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has created new challenges for security teams. For CISOs, generative AI tools have brought on new potential issues, from enabling deepfakes that are nearly indistinguishable from reality to creating sophisticated phishing emails to take over accounts. The challenge posed by generative AI extends beyond Identity and Access Management (IAM), with attack vectors ranging from more innovative methods to infiltrate code to the exposure of sensitive proprietary data.

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on

"Apple's Safari Browser Is Still Vulnerable to Spectre Attacks"

"Apple's Safari Browser Is Still Vulnerable to Spectre Attacks"

Modern processors have a fundamental flaw in their hardware architecture that allows adversaries to steal sensitive data. This insight arose from the Spectre attack reported in 2018, which affected many devices and operating systems. Apple was one of the manufacturers that developed countermeasures in response to this. However, according to researchers, even in 2023, Mac and iOS systems are inadequately protected against this type of attack.

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on

"Critical Flaw in NextGen's Mirth Connect Could Expose Healthcare Data"

"Critical Flaw in NextGen's Mirth Connect Could Expose Healthcare Data"

Users of NextGen HealthCare's open-source data integration platform Mirth Connect are urged to update to the latest version because of an unauthenticated Remote Code Execution (RCE) flaw. Mirth Connect, also known as the "Swiss Army knife of healthcare integration," is a cross-platform interface engine that the healthcare industry uses to communicate and exchange data between disparate systems in a standardized way. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-43208, has been fixed in version 4.4.1, released on October 6, 2023.

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on

"Microsoft: 0ktapus Cyberattackers Evolve to 'Most Dangerous' Status"

"Microsoft: 0ktapus Cyberattackers Evolve to 'Most Dangerous' Status"

According to Microsoft, the sophistication of 0ktapus, one of the most dangerous financial criminal groups, is increasing. The 0ktapus group recently made headlines for its disruptive ransomware attacks against MGM and Caesars Entertainment. The English-speaking group, also known as Scatter Swine, UNC3944, or Octo Tempest, typically uses Adversary-in-the-Middle (AitM) methods, social engineering involving calling targets, and SIM swapping. It has been known to conduct cryptocurrency theft, data leak extortion, and ransomware attacks.

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on

"The Trail of Predator Spyware Leads To Targets in Congress"

"The Trail of Predator Spyware Leads To Targets in Congress"

Several high-ranking members of congress were apparent targets of Vietnamese agents recently. The hackers tried to infect members' phones with spyware. Congressman Michael McCaul Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Senator Gary Peters chair of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee were specified. There was no evidence that the spyware actually was implanted on the phones and staff contacted said they hadn’t clicked on any suspicious links.

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on

"New Research Reveals Alarming Privacy and Security Threats in Smart Homes"

"New Research Reveals Alarming Privacy and Security Threats in Smart Homes"

A team of researchers, led by IMDEA Networks and Northeastern University together with NYU Tandon School of Engineering, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, IMDEA Software, the University of Calgary, and the International Computer Science Institute, has shared findings regarding the security and privacy challenges posed by Internet of Things (IoT) devices in smart homes.

Submitted by grigby1 CPVI on
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