Obsidian: A Language for Secure-By-Construction Blockchain Programs
Lead PI:
Jonathan Aldrich

This project considers models for secure collaboration and contracts in a decentralized environment among parties that have not established trust. A significant example of this is blockchain programming, with platforms such as Ethereum and HyperLedger. There are many documented defects in secure collaboration mechanisms, and some have been exploited to steal money.  Our approach builds two kinds of models to address these defects: typestate models to mitigate re-entrancy-related vulnerabilities, and linear types to model and statically detect an important class of errors involving money and other transferrable resources.

The project research will include both technical and usability assessment of these two ideas. The technical assessment addresses the feasibility of sound and composable static analyses to support these two semantic innovations. The usability assessment focuses on the ability of programmers to use Obsidian effectively to write secure programs with little training.  A combined assessment would focus on whether programmers are more likely to write correct, safe code with Obsidian than with Solidity, and with comparable or improved productivity.

Jonathan Aldrich

Jonathan Aldrich is an Associate Professor of the School of Computer Science. He does programming languages and software engineering research focused on developing better ways of expressing and enforcing software design within source code, typically through language design and type systems. Jonathan works at the intersection of programming languages and software engineering. His research explores how the way we express software affects our ability to engineer software at scale. A particular theme of much of his work is improving software quality and programmer productivity through better ways to express structural and behavioral aspects of software design within source code. Aldrich has contributed to object-oriented typestate verification, modular reasoning techniques for aspects and stateful programs, and new object-oriented language models. For his work specifying and verifying architecture, he received a 2006 NSF CAREER award and the 2007 Dahl-Nygaard Junior Prize. Currently, Aldrich excited to be working on the design of Wyvern, a new modularly extensible programming language.

Institution: Carnegie Mellon University
Sponsor: National Security Agency
Model-Based Explanation For Human-in-the-Loop Security
Lead PI:
David Garlan

Effective response to security attacks often requires a combination of both automated and human-mediated actions. Currently we lack adequate methods to reason about such human-system coordination, including ways to determine when to allocate tasks to each party and how to gain assurance that automated mechanisms are appropriately aligned with organizational needs and policies. In this project, we develop a model-based approach to (a) reason about when and how systems and humans should cooperate with each other, (b) improve human understanding and trust in automated behavior through self-explanation, and (c) provide mechanisms for humans to correct a system’s automated behavior when it is inappropriate. We will explore the effectiveness of the techniques in the context of coordinated system-human approaches for mitigating advanced persistent threats (APTs).

Building on prior work that we have carried out in this area, we will show how probabilistic models and model checkers can be used both to synthesize complex plans that involve a combination of human and automated actions, as well as to provide human understandable explanations of mitigation plans proposed or carried out by the system. Critically, these models capture an explicit value system (in a multi-dimensional utility space) that forms the basis for determining courses of action. Because the value system is explicit we believe that it will be possible to provide a rational explanation of the principles that led to a given system plan. Moreover, our approach will allow the user to make corrective actions to that value system (and hence, future decisions) when it is misaligned. This will be done without a user needing to know the mathematical form of the revised utility reward function.

David Garlan

David Garlan is a Professor in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. His research interests include:

  • software architecture
  • self-adaptive systems
  • formal methods
  • cyber-physical system

Dr. Garlan is a member of the Institute for Software Research and Computer Science Department in the School of Computer Science.

He is a Professor of Computer Science in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University.  He received his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon in 1987 and worked as a software architect in industry between 1987 and 1990.  His research interests include software architecture, self-adaptive systems, formal methods, and cyber-physical systems.  He is recognized as one of the founders of the field of software architecture, and, in particular, formal representation and analysis of architectural designs. He is a co-author of two books on software architecture: "Software Architecture: Perspectives on an Emerging Discipline", and "Documenting Software Architecture: Views and Beyond." In 2005 he received a Stevens Award Citation for “fundamental contributions to the development and understanding of software architecture as a discipline in software engineering.” In 2011 he received the Outstanding Research award from ACM SIGSOFT for “significant and lasting software engineering research contributions through the development and promotion of software architecture.”  In 2016 he received the Allen Newell Award for Research Excellence. In 2017 he received the IEEE TCSE Distinguished Education Award and also the Nancy Mead Award for Excellence in Software Engineering Education He is a Fellow of the IEEE and ACM.

Institution: Carnegie Mellon University
Sponsor: National Security Agency
Securing Safety-Critical Machine Learning Algorithms
Lead PI:
Lujo Bauer

Machine-learning algorithms, especially classifiers, are becoming prevalent in safety and security-critical applications. The susceptibility of some types of classifiers to being evaded by adversarial input data has been explored in domains such as spam filtering, but with the rapid growth in adoption of machine learning in multiple application domains amplifies the extent and severity of this vulnerability landscape. We propose to (1) develop predictive metrics that characterize the degree to which a neural-network-based image classifier used in domains such as face recognition (say, for surveillance and authentication) can be evaded through attacks that are both practically realizable and inconspicuous, and (2) develop methods that make these classifiers, and the applications that incorporate them, robust to such interference. We will examine how to manipulate images to fool classifiers in various ways, and how to do so in a way that escapes the suspicion of even human onlookers. Armed with this understanding of the weaknesses of popular classifiers and their modes of use, we will develop explanations of model behavior to help identify the presence of a likely attack; and generalize these explanations to harden models against future attacks.

Lujo Bauer

Lujo Bauer is an Associate Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and in the Institute for Software Research at Carnegie Mellon University. He received his B.S. in Computer Science from Yale University in 1997 and his Ph.D., also in Computer Science, from Princeton University in 2003.

Dr. Bauer's research interests span many areas of computer security and privacy, and include building usable access-control systems with sound theoretical underpinnings, developing languages and systems for run-time enforcement of security policies on programs, and generally narrowing the gap between a formal model and a practical, usable system. His recent work focuses on developing tools and guidance to help users stay safer online and in examining how advances in machine learning can lead to a more secure future.

Dr. Bauer served as the program chair for the flagship computer security conferences of the IEEE (S&P 2015) and the Internet Society (NDSS 2014) and is an associate editor of ACM Transactions on Information and System Security.

Institution: Carnegie Mellon University
Sponsor: National Security Agency
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