Basic Genetic-Algorithm-Neural-Network (GANN) Pattern with a Self-Organizing Security Example

Submitted by Anonymous on

The anti-system adversarial community is characterized as a self-organizing system-of-systems, noted collectively for its leadership in rapid evolution and innovative advancement; widening the gap between security cost and security losses. It appears that system security strategy cannot hope to even achieve parity without a comparable self-organizing strategy. Toward that end a project is underway to catalog re-usable patterns of self-organizing security of many kinds, principally found in natural systems, but also seen in recent computational approaches.

Linked Data: Connecting and Exploiting Big Data

Submitted by Katie Dey on

Whilst big data may represent a step forward in business intelligence and analytics, Fujitsu sees particular additional value in linking and exploiting big data for business benefit. Only once we bring together myriad data sources to provide a single reference point can we start to derive new value. Until then, we simply risk creating new data silos.


Creating Clarity with Big Data

Submitted by Katie Dey on

The VINT Big Data research reports

Since 2005, when the term “Big Data” was launched – by O’Reilly Media remarkably enough, which had issued Web 2.0 a year previously – Big Data has become an increasingly topical theme. in terms of technological development and business adoption, the domain of Big Data has made powerful advances; and that is putting it mildly.

C3E Team Telecon

Submitted by Katie Dey on


Dial-in at 1-866-680-0146 code 163668


Teleconference Agenda:
Workshop Agenda development is the driving focus.
West Point morning (Monday, 10 September) development status
Participant development will be a continuing background activity
Hotel, CIA Dinner, other logistics
Dan, in your discussions with West Point, we need to understand what restrictions or rules apply to non US persons since we may have some participants in that category.

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