  • “AI Should Not Replace Tried-and-True Security Practices”
    Federal government agencies are making use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to strengthen the U.S.’s cybersecurity. AI lessens many of the challenges faced by agencies in managing massive amounts of data and network traffic by…
  • "New AI Method Keeps Data Private"
    Researchers at the University of Helsinki, Aalto University, and Waseda University of Tokyo have developed a new privacy-aware machine learning method. According to researchers, this method ensures that information on each data subject of a machine…
  • "Electromagnetic Emissions From Smartphones Analyzed for Security Vulnerability"
    A new tool is being developed by researchers at UC3M and the CSIC (Spanish National Research Council) to determine whether the electromagnetic emissions from smartphones poses a risk to the security and privacy of users. The electromagnetic…
  • "Consumers Are Ready to Say Goodbye to Passwords"
    A Visa survey conducted by AYTM Market Research indicates strong consumer interest in new biometric technologies to ease the processes of authentication and payment. A considerable majority of the 1,000 Americans that participated in the survey, show…
  • Mirai Botnet, Case Closed
    Wired has published an article detailing the life the Mirai Botnet. The one really noteworthy aspect of this is that it appears to be a complete story. It's not so much the technical aspect. But the botnet writers were caught, prosecuted by the feds and…
  • "New Spider Ransomware Comes With 96-Hour Deadline"
    A new strain of ransomware by the name of Spider was found by Netskope Threat Research labs. This ransomware was discovered to have targeted victims in Balkans through the launch of an email phishing campaign that distributes malicious Office…
  • New National Security Strategy
    The White House released a new National Security Strategy. The key relevance here is that Cyber is one of the goals to keep America safe. It starts off with how cyber is important. The Priority Actions are:
  • "Advanced Deception: How It Works & Why Attackers Hate It"
    The growing complexity and frequency of cyberattacks call for advanced methods to enhance the detection and prevention of such attacks. Deception is a cyber defense technique that is drawing more attention from organizations as it could be used to detect…
  • "Schools Are ‘Vulnerable’ To Heating Hacks"
    An examination of smart building controllers conducted by security research firm Pen Test Partners, reveals the vulnerability of such systems to hacking. Researchers looked at building management system controllers manufactured by Trend Control Systems…
  • “FCC Votes to Repeal Net Neutrality, Could Increase Cybersecurity Threats”
    The repeal of net neutrality is predicted to decrease the transparency of the Internet, which could increase cybersecurity threats. Without net neutrality, ISPs would have the authority to alter content or its transmission through their…
  • "'Cyberbiosecurity' and Protecting the Life Sciences"
    In a paper titled “Trends in Biotechnology”, Jean Peccoud and co-authors aim to spread awareness of cyberbiosecurity as the advancement of biotechnology calls for new methods to secure assets of life sciences. The paper touches upon the…
  • "Nation State Attackers Shut Down Industrial Plant with New ICS Malware"
    Security researchers at Mandiant have discovered a new malware called Triton, which is capable of deactivating systems put in place to control a variety of industrial processes. Hackers used Triton to compromise Schneider Electric's Triconex Safety…