  • "IoT security woes: This smart dishwasher was found connected to an unsecured web server for months"
    Further emphasizing the potential security vulnerabilities of IoT devices, a smart dishwasher has been revealed to be connected to an unsecured web server. Despite being notified of this security flaw by a security expert, the manufacture chose to ignore…
  • "Fortinet CISO on securing critical infrastructure: ‘We can no longer bring a knife to a gunfight’"
    Philip Quade, the first CISO of Fortinet, shares his knowledge of the current challenges and concerns that are being faced by the U.S. and organizations today in regards to cybersecurity. This article outlines Quade’s responses in the topics of…
  • "Data privacy and security considerations for the future of wearables"
    NHS is embracing new advances in technology that could help reduce financial burdens brought upon by growing budget deficits. There has been increasing support for wearable technology that would promote patient self-care and monitoring, in turn reducing…
  • Reviews & Outreach Subscription
    Subscribe to Reviews & Outreach (R&O) - designed to highlight some of the exciting research, news, and events that impact our Science of Security (SoS) community.
  • “Security awareness relies on balance of technical, human-behavior skill sets”
    Technical security practitioners and experts in behavior modification and community engagement must work together to reduce hazardous actions and behaviors of employees within an organization. Collaboration of these types of expertise can be done through…
  • "Don’t Worry About ‘Cyber Pearl Harbor,’ But Hackers Are Already Targeting Our Critical Infrastructure"
    Over the years, government officials have warned of a “Cyber Pearl Harbor” in which a cyberattack inflicts damage on critical infrastructure such as the power grid, nuclear power plant, or reservoir. Cybersecurity experts claim we should not be too…
  • "The Next Destination for Your Security Operations Is the Cloud"
    Cloud technology is increasingly being utilized to support security applications. Research from Schneider Electric reveals that about 42 percent of surveyed IT and security managers are currently running security applications in the cloud and almost half…
  • "Future of the SIEM"
    As the mobile, cloud, and IoT industries continue to expand in technological innovations and needs become more complex, security information and event management will also need to be restored to fit these changes. The role of SIEM is to log security…
  • "'Swearing Trojan' Tactics Could Become Global Threat: Researchers"
    A threat called the “Swearing Trojan”, originally targeted at users in China, has recently been discovered by researchers at Tencent Security. This threat is able to steal sensitive personal information from Android devices such as bank credentials by…
  • "Kirk ransomware – A Star Trek Themed Ransomware that requests Monero payments"
    An Avast malware researcher has discovered another new ransomware that collects Monero payments and takes the theme of Star Trek. This new ransomware can encrypt 625 different file types. The Star Trek theme is expanded upon as the extension to the…
  • Pew Research Study on What the Public Knows about Cybersecurity
    Pew has released results from their survey on what the public knows about cybersecurity. As you can probably guess, the results were not stellar.  (I took the survey, and got 10 out of 10 correct, putting me at the 1% threshold).  The findings…
  • "Intelligence-Driven Supply Chain Resilience"
    As system environments and attacks become increasingly more sophisticated, security tactics must place more emphasis on detection and response, rather than the sole implementation of tools to prevent attackers from intrusion. This article discusses ways…