  • The Lesson of Microsoft's Tay
    Interesting article posted on ZDNet. It has several thoughful ideas in it that really can apply to research. 1) Customers wants are a lagging indicator of the Market.
  • Column highlights SoS and the Hard Problems
    A guest column in Society for Engineering and Management Systems calls Science of Security and its 5 Hard Problems as an area that Industrial Engineers should be involved in and can add to the field.…
  • How Reproducable is Science? - Taking Sides
    Following a study pushed last year, in which the authors tried to reproduce psycology experiments and found only 39% of studies were reproducable. The journal Science has further discussion of both sides of the reproduction of science. Also being…
  • NSA Paper Competition Distinguished Expert Awarded ACM A.M. Turing Award
    Whitfield Diffie​ was named by ACM as a 2015 Turing Award winner on February 29th. It was for his critial contributions to modern cryptography.  He is also known in the Science of Security community for his opions as a Distingished expert…
  • Science of Security (SoS) Annual Report 2015 Published
    Science of Security (SoS) Initiative details the progress of the activity in the SoS Annual Report 2015 recently published.
  • How was Microsoft Office Mobile Designed?
    The lead interface designer who used to work for Microsoft details how he and team (1 other person) worked to develop the interface for Microsoft Office on Windows Phone.  He discusses the balances between different platforms and the challenges of…
  • White House Releaes Plan to Strength Cyber - Need for SoS
    The White House annouced Cybersecurity National Action Plan and asked for its implimentation.  This plan directs the Federal Government to take new action now and fosters the conditions required for long-term improvements in our approach to…
  • Cybersecurity America's Greatest Threat - Director of National Intelligence
    On February 9th, 2016, the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) released a report,  Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. The report calls out cyber threats as the greatest…
  • Prof Angela Sasse - director of the UK Research Institute in Science of Cyber Security interviwed by BBC
    Prof Angela Sasse - director of the UK Research Institute in Science of Cyber Securit and Distinguished Expert of NSA Paper Competition was asked by the BBC on her thoughts about cybersecurity aspects with VTech Children's Toys.…
  • Lablet Quarterly Meeting at NCSU - Feb 2016
    Researchers and NSA meet, discuss Science of Security and value of secure design.
  • Research Team shows need for CPS security research to FTC
    Princeton Researchers presented their research into cyber physical systems (IoT) to the FTC.  They found issues in how these devices protected data, often using no encryption. Blog Entry:…
  • Important news regarding HotSoS 2016!
    The deadline for submissions to HotSoS 2016 is extended to close of business Wednesday January 27 (anywhere on Earth). Details regarding scope, format, and other particulars are at our website:   We welcome…